Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

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    Jenna: *shrugs* I have no answer for you there, Seph. However, you are acting as if you are not fully happy to not be completely involved with the life of that young dragon. I suppose that is natural, since you are its father. *she then sits down next to him* Don’t worry about voicing whatever thoughts you have. I won’t judge you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances over at her, then returns his attention back to the book* Can I choose not to? Is there and opt-out option in this? *turns a page, keeping his attention on the book although he is not really reading it*


    Jenna: *deeply sighs at Sephiroth’s response. She then crosses her arms* I can’t force you to talk to me. However, that doesn’t mean that I won’t glare at you until you decide to talk to me.

    Desiree: *has been trying to determine what the source of the bad smell is, not having heard about the lifestream from Jenna or Zach yet. For now, she’s looking about in the bathing room. Then, she spots the maintenance hatch and opens it up before jumping down inside* I swear, if there’s a dead colony of rats… Zach is so cleaning that up.

    Vincent: *has noticed the appearance of a new island the other day while he was wandering about the planet. For him and the rest of the planet, it had only been a singular week since Cloud and Aeris were swept off the Planet and onto Halcyon. At the moment, he is observing the island from the cliff on the Western Continent as he observes the new land mass. He then pulls out his PHS and grunts at it as he considers how much he doesn’t really use it at all. Soon enough, he dials Cid’s number*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You’re going to glare at me about this? *sighs and shakes his head* Fine, I’ll sum it up quickly for you. Dragon. Other brat. They’re not going to be in my care and I do not think their care providers will do a good enough job. Comparable to me, anyway.

    Cid: *hears his phone buzzing and picks it up, quickly answering* Yeah. Cid here. What the fuck do you want?


    Jenna: *grumbles at Sephiroth’s words* That’s not really talking… *She then blinks and looks to the bathing room as she hears the large maintenance hatch open up. She then narrows her eyes* Who..?

    Desiree: *Continues trying to trace down the horrid smell. Eventually, she comes to a spot that runs next to the lifestream. Upon spotting the large green river, she yelps and jumps back* What the fuck is that??

    Vincent: *Grunts at Cid’s response. He then calmly responds, choosing not to comment on the language* I require transportation. There is a new island that only showed up yesterday. Meet me at the coast a hundred miles southeast of the Gold Saucer.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cid: You wanna fly there? Yeah, OK. Gimmie about an hour, I’ll be over your region by then. What do you wanna do there anyway? It’s just an island. It can’t be very interesting.

    Sephiroth: *grunts* I talked, and I explained it. Now you know what’s on my mind. What more is there to talk about? *narrows his eyes and moves to his feet, wanting to inspect the thumping sound* Why would anyone want to go down the shaft?


    Vincent: In normal circumstances, land masses do not suddenly float down and settle down in the ocean, Cid. I am going to do a simple investigation. That is all. *he then snaps shut the phone, since he believes that there is nothing left to discuss*

    Jenna: *shakes her head at Seph’s question* I don’t know for certain.. All that’s down there now is the Lifestream. *she gives Seph a side-ways glance* You’d be the number one person I’d expect to go there.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Why would I go down there? I wouldn’t gain anything from doing that. *snorts in annoyance* What was then happened then. That was then, this is now. *moves towards the springs, wanting to properly examine the situation*

    Cid: Yeah? Well I don’t th– *growls as he is hung up on and then begins to wildly curse*


    Jenna: I was simply saying that you’d be the number one being that I would expect to go down to the lifestream. You can’t deny that you tried to do that when we first met. *mutters* And old habits die hard.. *She shrugs then follows Sephers*

    Vincent: *just patiently waits for Cid to come and provide the transportation that he requested*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Right… keep painting me with that same brush over and over again. *lifts the hatch and slides down into the maintenance shaft, scowling as he senses out the area* *”Desiree? What does she want with the lifestream?”*


    Jenna: That’s not what I meant, Seph.. *She scowls* I just meant that you’d be the number one person I’d expect to go there if anyone would at all. *she leaps down the hatch as well. She then blinks and shrugs at Seph’s statement* ~I don’t know at all…~

    Desiree: *moves back over to the lifestream and frowns at it. She then covers her nose with her hands and groans* That stinks..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hmph… have I shown any tendencies towards the lifestream or any energies since you first got to know me? *glares at her, then wanders further down the path, wanting to catch up with Desiree. Once he’s near, he stops nearby her and folds his arms, grunting* What are you doing down here?


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at Seph’s back* ~Earth does not have lifestream. You had no means of showing any tendencies, for attempting such things would have gotten you burnt in ways that not even I can imagine.~

    Desiree: *kneels down to poke the fluid while holding her left hand over her nose in an attempt to block out the smell. She blinks at the feel of the liquid. However, she jumps as soon as she hears Sephiroth. She then looks up at him* It stinks.. I want to know what smells so bad.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Well… it smells because it’s blood. Or a form of it. It’s energy in one of it’s purest forms. *reaches down to dip a finger into the lifestream, then absorbs the energy into his body* It only smells when it’s in a state like this. It is much likea tide and decaying ocean organisms that create the tide odor. The edges of the liquid that touch rock or other shoring dry out and create a similar decaying scent.


    Desiree: *Her eyes widen slightly as she watches her father absorb the lifestream. She then searches his hands for any signs that he’s hiding the liquid on her* How… How did you do that, Father?

    Jenna: *sighs as she notices that Seph absorbed the energy. However, she doesn’t comment to him. She just glances at Desiree and shrugs* ~Well, for once, it seems that she’s just completely clueless and not plotting anything on you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: How did I do it? Years and years of being trapped in a lab, injected day after day with high doses of this very liquid. After my body had built up a heavy enough resistance to it, the theory was that it would actually benefit me instead of hindering my mind. So they thought… *scowls* *”For once…”*


    Desiree: *frowns, still quite confused* But.. Father. That wasn’t injected into you. How did you just make it go into your skin like that? There’s not even any way for that to happen…

    Jenna: *reaches over to gently pat Seph’s lower back* ~I think you are focussing more on the bad parts and not so much on the good parts..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Are you sure about that? *raises a hand, then uses his psychokinetic abilties to pick some rocks off the ground, manipulating them to slowly rotate around his person* Some might say there’s not even any way for this to happen, either. *frowns* *”I don’t want to tell her how to do it. I fear she would do it herself…”*


    Desiree: Father, that’s different. And you’re still not answering my question at all. I just want to know how you can do that with the green stuff that’s sticky.. *she glances at Jenna and frowns at her*

    Jenna: *shrugs at Sephiroth’s guess* ~I won’t tell her if you don’t want to tell her. However, she is a bright girl. You can’t exactly stop her from learning things on her own, with or without your guidance.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *his expression darkens* What would you do with the knowledge, Desiree? It’s not something that can be taken lightly. Once you know, you have to be aware that the energy can be abused. *scowls* Do you really want that?


    Desiree: *Hisses in annoyance* I just want to know. You used to teach me everything about what I can do. *she narrows her eyes at glares at Jenna* At least until she came back. *snorting, she turns her back on Sephiroth* Fine, don’t tell me. I don’t care.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her* I haven’t really told anyone. Don’t think that this is about you and Jenna. *shakes his head, frustrated* I’m just saying that the power can be abused. Considering what’s already happened… well, can you see my predicament?


    Desiree: *Scowls even more* You used to trust me more than anyone, Father.. *She turns to glare at Jenna once more* Then the liar came back.

    Jenna: *decides to stay silent for the time being. Instead, she just continues to rub Seph’s back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs in frustration* I know for a fact I’ve told you about the lifestream, materia, and the flow of life on my home planet before. *scowls, shaking his head* I just… well, you know what you’ve done already. Can I really entrust that kind of information to you? Who is to say you wouldnt just abuse the energy for your own gain?


    Desiree: What? *she snaps her attention on Sephiroth* I made a mistake before. So what? *she hisses* It’s not like I did things on purpose like you and mother do. *hisses and glares at Jenna again* You put her above everything. I hate her. *she suddenly sends out an angered psychic energy wave that would smack Jenna into the wall on the other side of the cavern. Upon impact, Jenna looses consciousness. She then drops down into the lifestream and begins to sink down into it*

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