Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

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    Dragon: *squeaks as he is picked up yet again. He looks up at Zach with curiosity. He then begins to transmit his hunger to Zach once more, still more interested in food than anything else*

    Jenna: *moves off the bed then heads to the stairs. She doesn’t seem to be concerned with Zach’s actions at this time. Instead, she heads up the stairs, intending to hunt down one last unwanted resident. She would not argue if Seph chooses to follow her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Yeah, I know… *sighs and telepathically expresses that he was getting food upstairs, then shakes his head* I don’t know how I am going to do this. *tells the dragon to stay put, then leaves the room, wordlessly indicating that he will be back with food*

    Sephiroth: *watches Jenna head for the stairs, but doesn’t follow after her just yet* *”Where are you going?”*


    Jenna: ~I was going to track down your father, Seph.. We might as well kick him out as well.~ *She pauses then frowns* ~You do realize that with us having sent Aeris and Cloud away, your new son will not live with us at all, right?~

    Dragon: *chirps and tilts his head. He then sniffs about the box that he was placed in. Soon enough, he begins to paw at the blankets*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *quickly leaves the room to finish what he started upstairs. He is rather fast about the food he prepares now, not wanting to keep the dragon waiting for him. He quickly cuts up the rest of the meat and tosses it into the blender, blending it to a fine mush. Once that is done he places it into a bowl and carries it back downstairs, moving into his room* Uh.. *glances around the room for the dragon, loudly mock-chirping*

    Sephiroth: Oh, phh… *scowls* *”I don’t care about the infant. I wasn’t allowed to get near it anyway.”*


    Jenna: *softly sighs* ~If that was completely true, you wouldn’t have tried at all. Not to mention, you’re no longer three feet tall.~ *she looks about then begins searching out Hojo in an abandoned part of the base*

    Dragon: *is still pawing at the blankets and checking them out. He looks up as Zach “chirps”, then he chirps back. Soon after, he opens up his mouth, expecting food to be placed inside it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *moves next to the dragon, then takes out his spoon and picks up a small portion of meat with it, trying to spoonfeed the dragon with it* I hope this works.

    Sephiroth: *”I know, but Cloud doesn’t want me near it. At all. Even if I was big, he still would have protested.”*


    Jenna: ~Seph, since when did you let Cloud boss you around when it comes to anything?~ *she continues to search around then hisses in annoyance* ~Do you have a clue where your father is?~

    Dragon: *quickly closes his mouth around the spoon. He then happily swallows the food before opening his maw in a request for more food*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *chuckles at the dragon’s reaction and continues to spoonfeed him from the bowl, being rather careful so as not to choke him* Good. I’m glad you like this, now I know what to do in the future. *would just continue to spoonfeed the dragon until it’s full, or uninterested in eating any more*

    Sephiroth: *”Since you destroyed his laboratory… no. I don’t have a clue…”*


    Dragon: *continues to happily swallow down the mushed up food. Eventually, he pulls away then begins to paw at the blankets again. Eventually, he plops down on top of them before sending a wordless message to Zach’s mind, trying to indicate pleasure and acceptance*

    Jenna: ~You can’t track him down at all? Damn it.. Oh, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re about a hundred yards away from the lifestream.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *sets the bowl on the bedside table beside him and lies down near the dragon, reaching out to stroke his head and neck, trying to make the same mock purring noise that Sephiroth makes* I’m so happy you finally hatched… I just wish I knew if you were a male or a female so I could give you a proper name.

    Sephiroth: *”Oh, I noticed. I just don’t want to go near it.”* *scowls* *”Hojo…. somewhere in the lower levels of this base. Far away. In a twisting tunnel structure.”*


    Dragon: *looks up at Zach, not fully understanding his words. However, he catches onto the purring noises that the boy is making. So, he begins trying to imitate them*

    Jenna: ~Hrmph, that doesn’t seem that helpful.. Are you doing much of interest at the moment, Seph? Perhaps you can help me.~ *she shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *moves himself around the dragon so he can partially cuddle it, continuing to purr* You’re so cute. *tries to scratch under his chin, moving his hand across the dragon’s tiny red scales, closely examining them*

    Sephiroth: *”I wasn’t really interested in finding him. But alright.”* *sighs and gets to his feet, moving off after Jenna*


    Dragon: *lifts his head up a bit as Zach scratches under his chin. He then yawns and tries to make himself comfortable in Zach’s lap. Closing his eyes, she sends out a signal to indicate that he’s tired*

    Jenna: ~This shouldn’t take that long, Seph. We just need to find him, drag him out of the base, then send him to some random part of the planet that isn’t here.~ *She moves to the stairs so that she can meet up with Sephers*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *”Hey, mom? How do I tell if my dragon is a boy or a girl? There’s one… really obvious way but I don’t want to violate the dragon…”* *gently strokes the youngster’s head, pulling a blanket over him to make him feel warm and secure* Go to sleep, little one. You had a long day.

    Sephiroth: *moves into the stairwell, not terribly happy* Lead the way.


    Jenna: ~I think you should just let it be for the time being. About the only way I can think of is sticking your finger into the cloaca, which is quite invasive. Just let the little one adjust to being alive. It’ll probably tell you within a few weeks.~ *she frowns at Seph* You’re the one who got the lock on your father’s location. Shouldn’t you be the one leading?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *”Yeah… that’s the violation way.”* *sighs* *”Only a few weeks?”* *grins* *”They must learn pretty fast, then.”* **continues to pat the dragon, then relaxes himself, sighing happily* Such a cute little creature.

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Alright. *grunts and begins moving ahead, walking down through the tunnel system, silent for about five minutes as he leads Jenna deeper into the unused cave networks* Keep an eye out. He’s close.


    Jenna: ~Yes, dragons are quite smart and quick learners. I would dare say that he will be sending you quite coherent psychic signals soon enough. I won’t say that he’ll be an physicist within a few weeks, but simple things like “are you a guy or a girl” should be answerable.~ *She looks up as Sephiroth speaks. She then nods and looks about* I don’t see much yet..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stops, pointing ahead of him* There. Further down here, and around the corner. *grunts, teleporting his sword to his hand. He then walks the rest of the way, suddenly pointing the sword down at Hojo, whom is just sitting there, sitting amongst tons of intricate lines and figures he has etched into the rocks* What are you doing? *growls*

    Zach: *”You think it’s a boy? I don’t know. It’s a very lustrous red colour, but I can’t tell very well right now.”*


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes and tries to make out the lines that are etched into the rocks. She then quickly casts a spell to light up the area so that she can see them with more clarity* Indeed. Not that it really matters. You can’t possibly ever be up to anything worthwhile* She then sighs* ~Zach, I don’t know what it is. I was just defaulting on the male terminology since that is the way to indicate unknown gender in several cultures.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: What am I doing? More like… what are you doing here..? Have you come to annoy me again? Ruin my research? Tell me how horrid I am? *smirks* I don’t really care. *dusts the ground off and begins scratching lines into the rock* I didn’t disturb you. *snickers* You’re the inconsiderate brat now.

    Zach: *”Ah, I see… well, I hope we find out soon.”* *snuggles up against the dragon, closing his eyes, wanting to nap* *”Is it easy to potty train them…?”*


    Jenna: ~Zach, I really don’t have the answers for you. I never raised a dragon. Please, just be patient. We’ll see what develops.~ *She scowls down at Hojo then kicks at his legs* Get up. You are no longer welcome here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: I never was… *smirks and moves to his feet* Where are you going to take me? Someplace even more hellish and desolate than this? *snickers* How could you possibly move me anywhere else?

    Zach: *”Alright, mom…”* *settles down, wanting to sleep now*


    Jenna: *loudly snorts in irritation* I don’t give a damn where you wind up. You just will no longer be on this island. *she glances up at Sephiroth* Perhaps your son wants to pick your destination. It all doesn’t matter to me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* Leave him in one of the useless old materia caves for all I care. I would just prefer him to be gone. *scowls* I’d prefer him dead, but I don’t have a choice. *shakes his head* Get him out of here… I’m finished here.


    Jenna: *sighs then reaches down to grip onto Hojo’s shoulders. She then grumbles toward Seph* You’re certainly in a helpful mood today. *snorting, she tries to drag Hojo out of the area so that she can force him out of the base*

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