Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

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    Jenna: ~I suppose it’s time to test that… It’s about time that we take ourselves to a place where the idiotic snake can not touch us, especially Cancer. She’s been acting stranger and stranger since she first learned of her orgins thanks to the Snake’s minions…~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”It hasn’t been that long. The minions of the snake didn’t show up that long ago. Maybe she is still trying to process the information she received, who knows…”* *sighs* *”Why don’t you focus more on Desiree? She is the real threat right now.”*


    Jenna: ~The snake isn’t only interested in Cancer and you know that. I have no reason to stay here on this planet anyway.. Do you think you’ll be able to do what I suggested? I believe that I can open up a rift large enough to fit this entire island if we can just move it through..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You’re… going to move the entire island? Where to?”* *seems rather confused* *”Can you even do that?”* *growls* *”You might break it, or we might. That idea is madness! How in the world are we going to move it anyway?”*


    Jenna: ~Someplace safer than this planet, that’s for sure…~ *She grumbles and shakes her head* ~Does it really matter, where? Do you think that you can handle my request? It would be most beneficial for the children if they didn’t have to leave their home as they know it behind. They don’t know Earth that much, so that part won’t matter much.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I could certainly try, but it would be easier if I had help. I could break something if I were to raise the island by myself without any help at all…”* *frowns at the thought of that and shakes his head* *”Are you sure that you should go to such drastic measures to move?”*


    Jenna: ~I believe that it is worth a shot, Seph.. If you can think of someone who can help you, then have them come and help you. I will have to concentrate on making a portal large enough to accomplish the task.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Well… maybe the children can help. Maybe. I am not sure..”* *sighs* *”Your ask is quite big and I do not know how to go about doing it without smashing the island. What would you suggest? It’s your crazy idea. Maybe you have better plans about it’s execution.”*


    Jenna: *loudly sighs in annoyance* ~Get that priest version of you to help you. We’ll lie to him and say we’re taking him home or something. I don’t know.~ *She finally moves outside. She then looks at the mountains. Soon enough, she spots a peak that would allow her to overlook the entire mountain* ~When you are ready, meet me here.~ *She sends him a telepathic image of the peak before teleporting to it herself*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”He’s not that stupid. How are you going to associate moving the island with him going home? I don’t think it’s possible, is it?”* *sighs* *”I am doing nothing except keeping a look out for nothing so I will come on over now.”* *teleports within a few feet of Jenna’s life energy*


    Jenna: *glances over as Sephiroth appears next to her. She then nods at him* Thank you for agreeing to help. *She glances at the island* I am positive that we can make this happen… Neither of us are mediocre.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: So… you want to do it right now? Right this very moment? *lowers his head, then casually sits down crosslegged on the ground, closing his eyes so he can begin calm breathing exercises and place himself in the right frame of mind*


    Jenna: *Shrugs* Might as well. Either this will work or it won’t. Not much to think about. *she watches Seph as he gets himself prepared. She then nods to herself before closing her eyes. Soon enough, she begins concentrating her thoughts into creating a rift in time and space over the island. She slowly manipulates the spell to expand it to a point that would allow it to fully encompass the island*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just sits there, continuing to concentrate on clearing his mind while Jenna creates a rift over the island. Once in the right frame of mind, he sends a telepathic signal to her which sounds very distant, yet very clear and focussed* *”All you need do now is instruct me….”*


    Jenna: *softly responds to SEph, not wanting to loose her own control over the rift that she’s made* Go ahead and start lifting the island, Seph. Take your time. I’ll bring the portal even closer to ground level in order to meet your moves..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: **mumbles* Lifting…? *sighs slightly, but very gently nods his head. He begins to slowly and carefully spread his psychic influences across the edges of the island, following the rock veins under it as he works out the best point to break it away from it’s crust. Once that is done, he flinches quite painfully as he uses his entire concentration and willpower to begin lifting the island, only managing a few milimeters at first. For those in the base and the island in general, it would soon feel like that there is a mild earth-tremor occuring*


    Jenna: *nods and keeps her concentration on the portal. She stumbles just a small bit as the island begins to move. However, she keeps her footing firm. Soon enough, she manages to make the portal move down toward the peak of the mountains, preparing it to swallow up the entire island*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just continues to place all his concentration into the island raising, gritting his teeth hard as he manages to lift it a whole five feet above the ground. There would be a distant rumbling noise as the sea around the island fills in, causing the island to shake more as the tide crashes against it’s underside* *”Move it, move it…”*


    Jenna: *simply continues to lower the portal in order to meet Sephiroth’s actions. Soon enough, the rift would be sucking up the island and possibly making Seph’s job easier*

    Desiree: *loudly yelps as her room begins to shake. She then stumble out and rushes over to Zach’s room before pounding on the door* Zach! Are you in there?! What’s going on!

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *has moved onto the middle of his bed and is cradling the egg in his arms, partially buried under the covers to create a cushion of sorts aroudn the egg to protect it. The door is unlocked so Desiree would find it easy to get inside* I don’t know!! *loudly whimpers* Earthquake? It’s like everything is going to fall to bits…

    Sephiroth: *opens his palms and slowly rises to his feet, seeming quite a bit more content once some of the pressure is taken off him. He refoccusses his efforts and raises the island higher, helping Jenna to move it up through the portal completely*


    Jenna: *doesn’t pay attention to Seph’s actions, and continues to pull the portal down to envelope the entire island. Soon enough, the island emerges on the other side, appearing over the oceans of The Planet, where Sephiroth originally came from. Their current location is south-south-west of Junon by quite a few hundred miles. Once they emerge and are clear of the portal, she quickly dispels the rift then concentrates on making a new spell to make the base of the ocean reshape to accommodate the island* Go ahead and lower it, Seph…

    Desiree: *stumbles through Zach’s doorway, partially because she had lost her footing. She then reaches out to grip onto the wall* Yea, everything is going to something… *hisses* Damn, I would have felt much better if this was one of your experiments.

    Dimitri: *is in his room and has begun to loudly wail in fear*

    Seres: *shuffles off her bed then moves to Dimitri’s before climbing up and embracing him in hopes of calming him down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *simply nods his head and clenches his fists, still continuing to channel his energies around holding the island. Once he is satisfied with the shape of the land under the island, he very gently lowers it. However, it still makes a collossial BANG sound when it finally touches the earth underneath it*

    Zach: Damn it… *sighs at the noise* Can you hold this? *cradles the egg up in his blankets and tries to hand it off to Desiree* Keep her warm. The egg shell is hard, but it won’t survive a great deal of blunt trauma so take care of it… *moves out of the room so he can head into the room containing the twins to console Dimitri and Seres*


    Jenna: *yelps and stumbles into Seph as the island bangs into the ground below. However, she doesn’t break off her spells. Instead, she allows them to finish up melding the ground from the ocean floor with the island’s base. Soon enough, the island would be so grafted onto the planet that the prior lava ducts under the hot springs and most of the island would flood with lifestream*

    Desiree: Wha? Hey! *hisses as she’s handed the egg* Damn it, Zach..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *once the island is set down in place, he breaks his concentration and literally flops back onto the ground, panting, seeming very exhausted. He is however, quite pleased and even proud of himself, and a small smirk crosses his face*


    Jenna: *releases a deep breath once the island is securely settled into its new position. She then glances down at Sephiroth and grins at him* Thank you.. *nodding, she decides to use a bit more magic to teleport the two of them down into her bedroom, also utilizing her magic to by-pass the blocks that she had put into place in the past to keep anyone to teleport into the base from the outside. Once there, she reaches down and slowly drags Seph over to the bed*

    Desiree: *glares down at the egg in her hands* Why me..? *grumbles then scrunches up her nose once she notices a new smell which is leaking into the area due to the lifestream in the lava vents* Eww… what the fuck is that?

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