Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

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  • #29110
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *becomes highly frustrated as his concentrated destructive energy attack becomes an utterly wasted effort. He snaps open his eyes again and growls, looking for the source of the one who deflected his work* *”That’s very laughable. Because you just interferred, yourself. Hypocrite.”* *flies down towards the battle properly, landing some short distance behind Clawina, then he teleports his masamune to his hand and tries to impale her with it*


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes as she watches Sephiroth land. She then casts a spell to appear in front of Sephiroth also making her twin Katana appear in her hands. She then moves them in to block his attack* I repeat, do not interfere. *her eyes glow before she casts another spell to shove Sephiroth to the outskirts of the fight’s radius*


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes as she watches Sephiroth land. She then casts a spell to appear in front of Sephiroth also making her twin Katana appear in her hands. She then moves them in to block his attack* I repeat, do not interfere. *her eyes glow before she casts another spell to shove Sephiroth to the outskirts of the fight’s radius*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and tries to resist her spellcasting, immediately springing into the air, trying to fly against the force of the shoving, attempting to counteract it. When he is pushed to the outskirts, he is still flying so he immediately comes back. This time he tries to impale Seferia, wanting to get rid of her so he can assist Jenna* I repeat – YOU are the one who is interferring. Get out of my way!

    *un unseen force on the other side immediately grabs at Desiree’s wrist and tries to gank her through. Once on the other side, Desiree would see who grabbed her – a rather energy drugged up Jenova who is dark blue in colouration and has mutated a pair of fleshy wings. As she grabs Desiree, she soars upwards, avoiding another attack from the one she is currently fighting*

    As to the state of the world around her, it is dilapidated and mostly dead of life and barren now. Most of the terrain around them is rocky and devoid of plants and animals – only dead trees and skeletons remain on the landscape. The air may also be slightly thick and stagnant due to a partial builup of carbon-dioxide, but is still breathable for the time being.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and tries to resist her spellcasting, immediately springing into the air, trying to fly against the force of the shoving, attempting to counteract it. When he is pushed to the outskirts, he is still flying so he immediately comes back. This time he tries to impale Seferia, wanting to get rid of her so he can assist Jenna* I repeat – YOU are the one who is interferring. Get out of my way!

    *un unseen force on the other side immediately grabs at Desiree’s wrist and tries to gank her through. Once on the other side, Desiree would see who grabbed her – a rather energy drugged up Jenova who is dark blue in colouration and has mutated a pair of fleshy wings. As she grabs Desiree, she soars upwards, avoiding another attack from the one she is currently fighting*

    As to the state of the world around her, it is dilapidated and mostly dead of life and barren now. Most of the terrain around them is rocky and devoid of plants and animals – only dead trees and skeletons remain on the landscape. The air may also be slightly thick and stagnant due to a partial builup of carbon-dioxide, but is still breathable for the time being.


    Seferia: *moves away from Clawina as Sephiroth is shoved back, intending to keep him away from her queen’s fight. She then shakes her head as soon as she notices his charge toward her* No, I am not interfering with their fight. *she leaps to the side in order to avoid Sephiroth’s stike and tries to smack the flat of her right blade against Sephiroth’s back. Meanwhile, she concentrates on casting another spell to form a barrier around the fight*

    Jenna: *Doesn’t seem to notice the trouble that Sephiroth has gotten himself into. Instead, she’s concentrating on dodging Clawina’s various slices at her person. At the moment, she is somersaulting backward so that she can keep her distance and avoid a low-aimed slash*

    Desiree: *yelps as she’s pulled through the portal. At first, she doesn’t realize what is going on, for she’s disoriented from her sudden trip. However, a few moments later, she slowly lifts her head to look up at the creature that is holding her. As she registers that this is a being that she’s never seen before, her eyes widen before she begins to scream in panic* ~Father!! Father! I need you!~


    Seferia: *moves away from Clawina as Sephiroth is shoved back, intending to keep him away from her queen’s fight. She then shakes her head as soon as she notices his charge toward her* No, I am not interfering with their fight. *she leaps to the side in order to avoid Sephiroth’s stike and tries to smack the flat of her right blade against Sephiroth’s back. Meanwhile, she concentrates on casting another spell to form a barrier around the fight*

    Jenna: *Doesn’t seem to notice the trouble that Sephiroth has gotten himself into. Instead, she’s concentrating on dodging Clawina’s various slices at her person. At the moment, she is somersaulting backward so that she can keep her distance and avoid a low-aimed slash*

    Desiree: *yelps as she’s pulled through the portal. At first, she doesn’t realize what is going on, for she’s disoriented from her sudden trip. However, a few moments later, she slowly lifts her head to look up at the creature that is holding her. As she registers that this is a being that she’s never seen before, her eyes widen before she begins to scream in panic* ~Father!! Father! I need you!~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls as he stabs at the air and stumbles in an attempt to stop himself from falling over when smacked in the back* Idiot! *growls and swings around to face Seferia* You are interferring because I wish to join it and cannot! Now get the hell away from me and stop screwing around! *raises his hands out towards her and tries to manipulate the energies in the air to form a ring around her neck. Then he slowly closes his hands, attempting to tighten the energy band and crush her throat*

    Jenova: *holds the screaming girl in her clutches, lowering her head to sniff it* *”You would make a decent sized snack.”*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls as he stabs at the air and stumbles in an attempt to stop himself from falling over when smacked in the back* Idiot! *growls and swings around to face Seferia* You are interferring because I wish to join it and cannot! Now get the hell away from me and stop screwing around! *raises his hands out towards her and tries to manipulate the energies in the air to form a ring around her neck. Then he slowly closes his hands, attempting to tighten the energy band and crush her throat*

    Jenova: *holds the screaming girl in her clutches, lowering her head to sniff it* *”You would make a decent sized snack.”*


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes as Sephiroth begins to psychicly choke her. Even though her fur and neck clearly show signs of the fact that he is indeed creating forces that are constricting around her throat, she shows absolutely no distress at all. In fact, she just seems to be not breathing for the time being* ~Cute tactic. However, I shall still not permit for your to interfere with my queen’s business.~ *she then strikes out at him, trying to first slash down a diagonal path from his right shoulder to his navel with one sword. She then follows through by lunging forward with the other sword, in case the first one fails to hit its mark*

    Desiree: *loudly whimpers and shakes her head* No! I don’t want to be a snack. *Sniffles and continues to struggle* ~Father?! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Save me!!~


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes as Sephiroth begins to psychicly choke her. Even though her fur and neck clearly show signs of the fact that he is indeed creating forces that are constricting around her throat, she shows absolutely no distress at all. In fact, she just seems to be not breathing for the time being* ~Cute tactic. However, I shall still not permit for your to interfere with my queen’s business.~ *she then strikes out at him, trying to first slash down a diagonal path from his right shoulder to his navel with one sword. She then follows through by lunging forward with the other sword, in case the first one fails to hit its mark*

    Desiree: *loudly whimpers and shakes her head* No! I don’t want to be a snack. *Sniffles and continues to struggle* ~Father?! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Save me!!~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ignores her comment, for now just highly frustrated at the fact that his choking effect doesn’t seem to be doing anything. He breaks it off, not wanting to waste any further efforts into it. He loudly growls as she slashes her blade across his shoulder, backing out of the way before it can get further. He hisses and moves back, clutching at the gash that Seferia did manage to make in his shoulder flesh, still very much irritated and pissed off* *”You think that’s going to render me useless? Think again, idiot!”* *sends a sharp pulse of ‘shoving’ energy at Seferia now, trying to knock her off her feet*

    Jenova: *wraps one of her tentacle fingers around Desiree’s head, making a liquidy bubbling throaty purr* *”Who is father?”*

    Sephiros: *because Jenova is distracted, he charges her from behind, rending his Masamune through the middle of her gut, trying to slice her in two* You will die now, traitorous fiend! *manages to lop off one of her arms, but the blade gets stuck at her spine bone*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ignores her comment, for now just highly frustrated at the fact that his choking effect doesn’t seem to be doing anything. He breaks it off, not wanting to waste any further efforts into it. He loudly growls as she slashes her blade across his shoulder, backing out of the way before it can get further. He hisses and moves back, clutching at the gash that Seferia did manage to make in his shoulder flesh, still very much irritated and pissed off* *”You think that’s going to render me useless? Think again, idiot!”* *sends a sharp pulse of ‘shoving’ energy at Seferia now, trying to knock her off her feet*

    Jenova: *wraps one of her tentacle fingers around Desiree’s head, making a liquidy bubbling throaty purr* *”Who is father?”*

    Sephiros: *because Jenova is distracted, he charges her from behind, rending his Masamune through the middle of her gut, trying to slice her in two* You will die now, traitorous fiend! *manages to lop off one of her arms, but the blade gets stuck at her spine bone*


    Seferia: ~Who said that I am being serious yet?~ *she bares her teeth as Sephiroth shoves her back. So, she spreads out her toes and digs her claws into the ground so that she wouldn’t be thrown back too far. Once she’s stabilized herself, she looks into his eyes and snorts* ~Child’s play. All of your tricks are just that.~ *she then casts a spell to make the ground under Sephiroth’s feet suddenly rise up like a catapult*

    Desiree: *whines at the sound of the purr* Oh.. yuck.. ~Fath-~ *She suddenly stops her fussing as Sephiros begins to attack Jenova. She then broadly grins, elated at the sight of someone that she “knows”* Father!! I knew you’d save me.


    Seferia: ~Who said that I am being serious yet?~ *she bares her teeth as Sephiroth shoves her back. So, she spreads out her toes and digs her claws into the ground so that she wouldn’t be thrown back too far. Once she’s stabilized herself, she looks into his eyes and snorts* ~Child’s play. All of your tricks are just that.~ *she then casts a spell to make the ground under Sephiroth’s feet suddenly rise up like a catapult*

    Desiree: *whines at the sound of the purr* Oh.. yuck.. ~Fath-~ *She suddenly stops her fussing as Sephiros begins to attack Jenova. She then broadly grins, elated at the sight of someone that she “knows”* Father!! I knew you’d save me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *makes a very unearthly screech as one of her arms is lopped off and the gash in her side begins to gush with fluids from her insides*

    Sephiros: *smirks victoriously at his work, then glares at Desiree* Who the hell are you? I didn’t think there were any of you left. *flies over to her and aggressively snatches her from Jenova’s clutches before flying off* Where did you come from? *loudly snorts, glaring at her with his bright glowing red eyes*

    Sephiroth: *grits his teeth at her, growling* *”Shut up and leave already! You’re not a part of this and you’re the one who keeps interf—“* *his signal is cut off rather abruptly as he is slammed upwards from below by the ground as the terrain around him rises*

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *makes a very unearthly screech as one of her arms is lopped off and the gash in her side begins to gush with fluids from her insides*

    Sephiros: *smirks victoriously at his work, then glares at Desiree* Who the hell are you? I didn’t think there were any of you left. *flies over to her and aggressively snatches her from Jenova’s clutches before flying off* Where did you come from? *loudly snorts, glaring at her with his bright glowing red eyes*

    Sephiroth: *grits his teeth at her, growling* *”Shut up and leave already! You’re not a part of this and you’re the one who keeps interf—“* *his signal is cut off rather abruptly as he is slammed upwards from below by the ground as the terrain around him rises*


    Desiree: *has absolutely no problems with Sephiros snatching her away from Jenova. In fact, she quickly moves in to embrace him and begins to tremble with nervous energy* Father… Thank you for saving me, Father. I’m sorry for making you angry. *She nuzzles her nose against his chest, so she doesn’t notice his eyes at all*

    Seferia: *Slowly shakes her head at Sephiroth’s actions* ~Defending my Queen and keeping you from attacking her is not interfering.~


    Desiree: *has absolutely no problems with Sephiros snatching her away from Jenova. In fact, she quickly moves in to embrace him and begins to tremble with nervous energy* Father… Thank you for saving me, Father. I’m sorry for making you angry. *She nuzzles her nose against his chest, so she doesn’t notice his eyes at all*

    Seferia: *Slowly shakes her head at Sephiroth’s actions* ~Defending my Queen and keeping you from attacking her is not interfering.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: Father, what the hell? *loudly snorts* I never filled your head with lies and told you I was a relation. *holds her at an arm’s length, snarling in utter disdain* Who the fuck ARE you?! *growls* No humans survived the Meteor’s homecoming.

    Sephiroth: *”You are interferring with…”* *snarls and springs down off the rock, awkwardly landing on the ground below* *”I am trying to assist my mate.. you are preventing me from doing that! That is the very definition of interferring. Now get lost!”*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: Father, what the hell? *loudly snorts* I never filled your head with lies and told you I was a relation. *holds her at an arm’s length, snarling in utter disdain* Who the fuck ARE you?! *growls* No humans survived the Meteor’s homecoming.

    Sephiroth: *”You are interferring with…”* *snarls and springs down off the rock, awkwardly landing on the ground below* *”I am trying to assist my mate.. you are preventing me from doing that! That is the very definition of interferring. Now get lost!”*


    Desiree: *Frowns as she’s pulled away from her “father”, by him. She then looks up into his eyes before blinking with surprise* Father..? What did you do to your eyes? *She scowls* Did mother infect you with something?

    Seferia: *shakes her head then twists her swords around again, preparing herself to be on the defensive again* ~The fight is in between my Queen and the human girl alone. No outsiders are permitted. The girl will not cast any spells. That is their credos of honor. To interfere is dishonorable.~


    Desiree: *Frowns as she’s pulled away from her “father”, by him. She then looks up into his eyes before blinking with surprise* Father..? What did you do to your eyes? *She scowls* Did mother infect you with something?

    Seferia: *shakes her head then twists her swords around again, preparing herself to be on the defensive again* ~The fight is in between my Queen and the human girl alone. No outsiders are permitted. The girl will not cast any spells. That is their credos of honor. To interfere is dishonorable.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”What bullshit… you just made that up on the spot, didn’t you. Since when does anybody follow rules in a war?!”* *growls and telepathically calls out to Jenna* *”Just strike her in the head. Manipulate her mind and destroy it. You can lay an entire world to waste with your magic, why don’t you?”*

    Sephiros: Mother infected everybody and killed them all off. *snorts* Where the hell have you been? How did you manage to survive?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”What bullshit… you just made that up on the spot, didn’t you. Since when does anybody follow rules in a war?!”* *growls and telepathically calls out to Jenna* *”Just strike her in the head. Manipulate her mind and destroy it. You can lay an entire world to waste with your magic, why don’t you?”*

    Sephiros: Mother infected everybody and killed them all off. *snorts* Where the hell have you been? How did you manage to survive?

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