The sad thing is, I’ve never actually ended an RP. Here goes…
Sephiroth: *loudly purrs as his back is scratched, very content to be lying next to Jenna for pretty much the rest of the day. He remains with Jenna til the end of the booking period in the hotel in the icicle inn, just staying closeby to her, relaxing and generally enjoying himself. When the morning comes for them to leave he helps pack up their belongings, offering himself as transport to fly both himself and Jenna back to their house on the small island south of the Central Continent.
All in all, Sephiroth concluded that the trip had been an overall success. Both himself and Jenna had succesfully gotten a break from their children, he had spent some quality time with Jenna, and they had had quite a bit of fun. The weeks that would follow probably wouldn’t be so peaceful.
The only mental note Sephiroth made to himself was that he would not stay anywhere so cold again.
Hope this isn’t taking too much liberty.