Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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  • #11055
    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *moves to sit by the door outside of the room they have been staying in and folds his arms, scowling, pouting. He just remains there for a while, then moves off again, heading back outside to hunt something nearby the house*

    Ramiel: *just sits in a chair by the window, thinking to himself, not seeming happy*


    Jennah: *pauses for a moment as she watches Seph leave the house, but chooses not to say anything to him for now. Instead, she simply walks into Sephiroth’s house and then enters the guest bedroom. Not long afterwards, she lies down onto the bed and closes her eyes, seeking rest*

    Not long after Sephiroth leaves the house, a crack of light seems to tear through the air within the forest. This unearthly light shimmers and grows for a few minutes before a large black ball drops out of it. The object lands on the ground with a loud squish-like splat before it begins to sink and take form. Meanwhile, the crack just slowly vanishes, as if it never existed.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *looks back at Jennah, blinking* You OK, mom? Tired, huh? *moves off the chair to sit beside her, reaching out to pat her back* You awake enough for a hug?

    Seph: *is distracted from his hunting when the crack of light occurs nearby his position. He cautiously gets up to go investigate, glaring at the object that landed out of the light* Great, what the hell is that? *picks his sword off his belt and lightly pokes the blob, curious*


    Jennah: Mmmm… *lazily opens her eyes and then nods at Ramiel* Always. *gives him a small grin before reaching over to wrap her right arm about him and pull him close in a gentle hug*

    *the lump shutters a bit and continues to shrink and take form. Not even two minutes after the blob had appeared, the slime shrinks down and reforms into a naked woman who seems to be the same in appearance to either Jenna. However, this woman has black slime trailing all over her body, as if she had a bath in oil*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *grins back at Jennah and lies down beside her, snuggling himself against her as he’s done many times in the past, becoming calmed and quiet, acting much like a little kid* Thanks, mother.

    Seph: *puts his sword away as the woman takes form from the black slime, then crouches beside her, frowning* Are you alright, there? *reaches out to put a hand on her shoulder* Do you need any help?


    Jennah: *broadly smiles, quite at peace now that she has one of her sons next to her. She happily allows the smaller boy to snuggle up against her* Always, my dear Ramiel. Always. *allows her eyes to drift closed again and then breathes a deep, content sigh*

    The woman barely responds to Seph’s words, for she seems to be completely out of it. A long moan escapes her throat for a bit, but other than that, she just lies there. As for Seph, he’d find that the slime on her skin is more than ready to stick onto his own skin upon contact. Not to mention, it’d be a royal pain to wash off.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *just stays where he is, soon drifting off to sleep himself*

    Seph: *yanks his hand back and tries to flick the substance off, glaring slightly at it* What the hell is wrong with you? Are you in need of a bath or something? *glares at the substance stuck to his hand, then back down at her* Who are you, and where did you come from>?


    Jennah: *softly hums to her son as he drifts to sleep. Eventually, her hums cease completely and she falls into a light sleep*

    The woman softly moans at first, seeming to be struggling to regain consciousness. Eventually, she opens up her eyes just enough have her red irises become visible. For a few moments, she stares up at Seph, though her eyes are completely unfocused. However, this moment of wakefulness soon dies off as the woman falls into a coma-like state once more.

    Elsewhere on the planet, in the vicinity of Midgar, Tiamat has been gathering information on the humans of this planet, searching out information to find who are considered the strongest. As it stands, she has heard of two men, Sephiroth and Cloud Strife. She has also heard of Cloud’s numerous victories over the former. So, she has gotten into her mind that the one named Cloud would make a perfect source of genetic material.

    Thus, the dragon has taken up the form of a human female in about her mid-twenties. For the past few days, she’s been moving about the remnants of Midgar, knowing that this area is where Cloud can be found, and asking the residents about his whereabouts.

    Kat Aclysm

    (( This RP was abandoned at this point because we initially covered it in RP AIM stuff. However, now it would be covered in this forum. I’ll end this post here and make a new subject with Cloud-rape onwards))

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