Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.

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    Noemi: ~They did this… I don’t want them. Please, call them off. Say false alarm.. Please.~ *curls up on the couch* ~I don’t want to go.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”And you think you’re going to make it go away by itself!? You don’t even know what’s happened to you!”* *runs out of the area, heading for the complex once more. Once there, he runs in towards Noemi, heading for their joint quarters* *”Don’t be mad, let them help you!”*


    Noemi: *Releases a deep growling noise at Sephiroth’s words* ~No! No, no, no. It’s not medical anyway. They can’t do anything. Call them off! I don’t want to be locked up and prodded.. It already hurts too much..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* *”Fine, but you owe me now. Remember that.”* *sends another message to the medical department that he has checked over Noemi and that she is actually fine* *”Don’t flake on me when I bring it up one day either.”* *moves into the room and scowls as he looks over her, not quite game enough to get near* Wow, you really are sick.


    Noemi: ~We’ve owed each other so many over the years… Lost track..~ *shutters and tries to curl up once more* ~I think I remember looking up this spell… Not ready.. Not ready.~ *shakes her head then coughs once more, bringing up more smoke as she coughs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is unwilling to go near her just now as her appearance makes him quite wary* *”How did you do it…? Do you know how to turn it back? I don’t want you to be like that forever…”* *cringes* *”Make it go away, Noemi…”*


    Noemi: ~Can’t concentrate right now… Hurts so very much.~ *she shakes her head then tries to stand up again. However, she just makes herself roll onto the floor instead* ~Everything’s such a mess… So hard to think.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses* *”Go to the bed and lie still, damn it. Lie still and stay there… stay there until somebody comes along to help you.”* *continues to stand at the doorway, not wanting to get near her* *”Are you sure you don’t want to go to the medical facility? If you’re hurting and don’t know how to get out of that…”*


    Noemi: ~I’m sure…. It scientist fault anyway… Don’t want them. Not now..~ *she lifts her head to look up at him, though she’s still having trouble focusing with her now slit eyes* ~Sephiroth… It still me. Please stop doing that.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lowers his head, his attention still fixed on her. He makes a pathetic sound, then suddenly glances off to one side, shaking his head* No… It’s not you. You don’t look like a dragon. You’re not one of them, you’re not my worst enemy. You’re not the very creature I was born and bred to kill. *shakes his head quickly, sinking down onto the floor* NO!!


    Noemi: Sephiroth.. *Sighing, she slowly pushes herself up to all fours before crawling over to his side. She then reaches over to embrace him* ~It’s me. I’ve always been part dragon, you’ve known that. I’ve always been one of them.~ *she tries to squeeze him against her, attempting to comfort him* ~What about Seferia? She’s full dragon and she’s our ally.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a loud panicked sound and promptly places his hands on her, trying to shove her away from him* Get away from me, get away! *growls* Seferia is different. She isn’t covered in scales and doesn’t look like she wants to kill me!


    Noemi: ~Seferia is covered in scales when she is in her proper form.~ *grunts as Sephiroth tries to push her away. However, she does her best to keep him in her grip* ~I don’t want to kill you, Sephiroth. I promise, that is not what I want..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to make loud upset noises and shove her, not wanting to be held onto, which seems to make him worry even more* Let go, damn it! *squeezes his eyes shut, near the verge of crying now* Let go of me, please… *shoves her again*


    Noemi: ~Sephiroth.. Please, just settle down. I’m not about to hurt you.~ *sighing, she lets him go, but she only slides down onto the ground once she’s no longer using him to support her weight* ~It is me..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shoves her shoulder again and promptly wiggles out of her grasp, panting for a few moments before shaking his head, cringing* I don’t like what you’ve become… why’d they do that to you? Why…?? *buries his face in his hands and begins to cry now*


    Noemi: ~Sephiroth… Please, try to settle down.~ *She frowns, but she doesn’t feel well enough to try to come near him again* ~You do know.. some of our children look this way. They’ve shown me pictures of our offspring from time to time..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *cringes at her comment, then quickly shakes his head, backing away from her, getting to his feet* It’s not true, damn it! *moves onto the bed and pulls the covers over himself* *”I’ve never seen any of them… apart from Micheal, and he was only a baby. And NORMAL, damn it!”*


    Noemi: *lowers her head* ~And you were angry at me for commenting on your choice of food…~ *shaking her head, she spreads out on the floor. She then closes her eyes and begins to drift to sleep, even though it’s still mid-day*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *remains under the covers, unwilling to go near Noemi again for a while. When she falls asleep, he braves a glance at her before turning on the TV to distract himself with. Over the next few hours, he keeps watching her, but still seems unwilling to go up to her right now*


    Noemi: *remains still for the most part as she sleeps. From time to time, she coughs and releases clouds of smoke. However, she seems to be too tired to bother waking up because of the coughs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tries to contact somebody from the medical board, whimpering as he looks for somebody to ask for advice on what to do with the current situation. When Noemi releases clouds of smoke he seems curious, but still rather wary*


    *Most of the responses from the doctors in the medical ward indicate that they do not do any work on dragons. Also, that he should report any dragon activity to the proper authorities. There are also suggestions for him to contact the science division*

    Noemi: *continues to cough due to discomfort in her chest as she sleeps*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Yeah, right… *mutters* I’m not reporting you the proper authorities. Don’t need more chaos today thanks… *scowls at the thought of the science division, then goes back to watching TV, letting Noemi to her own devices*


    Noemi: *moans in discomfort and begins to violently cough, letting out several more puffs of smoke as she coughs. She then groans and opens her eyes* Sephiroth…?

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