Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Desiree: *Sighs as she watches Kalysto leave. She then shakes her head* Yea, probably… *she deeply frowns then looks at Sephiroth* Well, I don’t know if I can help you out any farther, father. As you can see, Kalysto just left. *shakes her head then moves to clean up her dish of deviled eggs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and shakes his head* It doesn’t matter. *moves to his feet* I suppose I will have to make do with the ones I have, and carefully position his tail. I only hope he doesnt move it around too much. *goes to the bag and picks out some more diapers before heading for the door* Good luck.


    Desiree: *nods at her father as he leaves. For the next few hours, she cleans up the house. She then moves to sit down on a couch so that she can silently wait for Kalysto to return*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *returns to the house some time later, carrying a big hessian bag filled with both fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs. He carries it into the kitchen and sets it onto the table, frowning as he looks around for Desiree* You might want to put this crap in the fridge. I don’t have enough money to buy food so I stole it from growers on another continent.


    Desiree: *had started napping on the couch by the time that Kalysto returns. However, when she hears his voice, she slowly opens up her eyes then nods* Mmmm… That’s ok, Kalysto. *she then reaches up to rub her eyes before stumbling into the kitchen so that she can start putting the food up*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah, well… I’ll stop doing it once we have money coming in. It’s getting bad enough as it is… the only reason they havent cut the water or the electricity off is because of your father. *deeply frowns* I should open the apothecary this week so it’ll work out…


    Desiree: *nods* I know you’ve been working hard at it. I just hope that the consumers appreciate it. *She then grabs several fruits and begins to put them up* But yes, Father has definitely helped us a lot in keeping the house.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *sighs* He has… there’s not very much I can do about what he asked me to do either, except gracefully accept and do it. *sits down at the kitchen table, plucking an apple from the sack, biting into it* At least we’re not in the pits, or a slum. If we were, I’d move us back to Halcyon and we can live on the beachfront with Zulmire in his skin house.


    Desiree: Or just back home with the rest of my family… *she shrugs and pulls out several more fruits to put up* Speaking of Zulmire… Do you know how he’s doing?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Haven’t seen him since we took Milena from him. He’s probably half-insane and trying to court with raptors now or something. He always was a bit of a crazy-crazy to be honest with you. All that crap about getting in touch with the spirits and stuff. *takes another bite of the apple* These actually taste better straight from the orchard. Huh.


    Desiree: *Softely chuckles at him* Well, be careful now. We don’t want you biting into any caterpillars or anything like that, now do we, hm? *she then walks over to his side and brushes her hand through his hair* Feeling a bit better now, my sexy little demon?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *looks up at her and glares slightly* Yeah, I’m feeling fine. Just don’t pull that shit again when I’m trying to do something for somebody. *makes a slight huffy noise, then shakes his head* Just go back to what you were doing, OK?


    Desiree: Well, if you weren’t being such a snob at every corner, I wouldn’t have done it. Father wasn’t even doing anything but talking to me, and you complained. *shakes her head and very gently pinches his left ear* That wasn’t appreciated at all. *She then grabs a few more fruits to put up*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *cringes in pain, acting like he is being punched as Desiree pinches his ear. He glares at her and picks up his apple, moving to his feet to storm off into the other room* Never do that again! It freaking hurts!


    Desiree: *frowns at the way that Kalysto moves away. She then scowls and crosses her arms* Oh come on, a fly could land on your ear and give you a harder pinch. I was being extremely light! *Groans at Kalysto*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: YOU try going a day as a Sin’dorei and see how sensitive the ears are! Then maybe you’ll actually understand what it feels like when they’re pulled on. or pinched. Or so on. *scowls* You don’t understand so you play it down.


    Desiree: *scowls* I’ve given those ears harder love bites while having sex! *shakes her head* And fine, find a way to turn me into one of your kind for a day and I’ll take your challenge. *she shakes her head then contacts Droozun* ~Your master is a whiner.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *”Uh…. hhh-uh. Whiner.”*

    Kalysto: And do you think it didn’t hurt like hell then? Yeah, you want to be a Sin’dorei for one day? Let me read up on it, and I’ll do that! Then I’ll pinch on your ears and you can see how hard it is! *scowls* Humans just don’t get it…


    Desiree: *calls out to Kalysto* You sure as hell didn’t complain or stop then. That’s for sure! *rolls her eyes* ~You’re getting pretty good, Droozun. You should bite Kalysto for thinking you couldn’t learn how to talk.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *”Bite… mm… no.”*

    Kalysto: That’s because I was having fun! Have you never heard of pain being a turn on? Yeah well maybe I like that! If you were adventurous maybe you’d know something like that! Come on, think a little more, huh?


    Desiree: *rolls her eyes* That tincy pinch still didn’t hurt that much. I barely pinched you at all! *finishes up placing up the fruits then heads over to find Kalysto* Now, are you going to pout for the rest of the evening?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yes, I am going to pout for the rest of the evening. I’m going to pout and work on more of these, *picks up some cloth diapers to work on* before Sephiroth comes back here saying his baby boy has made a giant mess and it’s all my fault.


    Desiree: *nods at Kalysto* That most certainly sounds like a plan of action to me. *grins and pats the top of Kalysto’s head* I still didn’t hurt your ear that much. It’s not even red. *leans in to lick the outside of the ear that she had pinched*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: It fucking hurt though. I can’t even begin trying to explain it to you. You just… will never get it. And if you ever do, I will be surprised. *shakes his head* Man… thinking of you as a Sin’dorei… it’s never going to happen. Now that I have spent time with you, I can’t even really think of going back to my own species.


    Desiree: *softly chuckles at Kalysto then shakes her head* I’m not really part of any species since I’m a hybrid of at least three. Four if you count the fact that my mother and father are from different planets, so their “humanity” is probably slightly different there too. *she then playfully sucks on his ear in order to tease him*

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