Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: And that’s what you get for—*is hit in the chest with pouncing red dragon and promptly catches him, the momentum knocking him off his feet, crashing down onto his back* Xel…. *sighs at him* I seriously hope you were kidding. You were kidding, right? *winces lightly as he sits up*


    Xelong: *spits a small plume of smoke into Zach’s face. He then tries to wiggle free from the man’s grip* ~Want down. Let go.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *sighs* Well you’re th

    *immediately begins to cough violently and lets Xelong go, fanning the smoke puffs out of his face. He then glares down at Xelong, not very impressed*


    Xelong: *huffs as he lands onto the ground. He then shakes himself off before rushing out of the room to find a new hiding spot. He’d eventually find a cozy corner in the attic to curl up in*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *growls lightly* Fine, you wanna be like that? *moves onto his bed and picks up a book, annoyed* See how well you fare next time you get hungry. I’m not going to be feeding you forever. You have to learn how to hunt some time. *mumbles* God help me when you fledge.


    Desiree: *is still leaned up against her father’s arm. In fact, she’s drifted into a light doze as she rests up against him* Mmmm…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *taps his hand on the chair as he waits for Kalysto to be done with the first part of his workload* Heh. *glances at Desiree* He likes to grump and moan doesn’t he. *tries to glance into the next room* How much longer is this going to take?


    Desiree: Hmmm..? *cracks open her eyes as she hears Sephiroth speak. After rubbing her eyes for a moment and staring up at Sephiroth, she finally speaks* Grump..? Oh, Kalysto. *softly chuckles* Yea, he can most certainly whine like a pro.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Indeed. *folds his arms* How do you put up with it? You should do something about it. because I’m sure it’s both disruptive and ridiculous. If you can tolerate it, fine. But I can see it becoming a problem in the future. *narrows his eyes lightly* *”Are you sure it’s what you want?”*


    Desiree: *rolls her eyes at Sephiroth* ~Oh, you whine quite a bit as well, Father.~ *she nudges her father’s abdomen with her elbow then chuckles* ~And yes, I am certain that this is what I want. Despite all his whining, he usually comes through in the end.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I’m sure he does. However, I don’t see it and you have to understand my opinion on it.”* *sighs and shakes his head* *”However, ultimately, it’s none of my business. I can only offer advice at this point. You’re the one that makes the decision in the end.”*


    Desiree: *sighs at Sephiroth’s comments* ~To be honest, Father, you haven’t really taken much of an effort in learning about him. You haven’t tried to get to know him at all. So, how can you really judge him?~ *shakes her head then looks toward the other room* Kalysto, how much longer do you think you’ll be?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I can judge what I know. And from what I already know, well.”* *shrugs* *”You know my opinions there. There’s not very much I can say apart from that.”*

    Kalysto: *”Don’t bug me, I’m working here!”*


    Desiree: *sighs at Sephiroth* Father, you really should try to get to know him. Umm.. Kalysto had mentioned trying to “go fishing” with you in the past. Would you be interested in that? *she then scowls at Kalysto’s words* ~I’m barely bugging you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Fishing…? Why in the world would I be interested in something like that?”* *furrows his brow in a light scowl at the idea, then shakes his head, snorting* *”If I did something like that, the publicity idiots would be all over me, and I would not be able to get away from them. They would want a photo of me…”*


    Desiree: *rolls her eyes at Sephiroth* ~Then find a place where they wouldn’t know about. Or, disguise Zach as you and have him distract them.~ *chuckles* ~Though I fear the person who would confuse him for you.~ *shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *his expression flattens, unimpressed with her* *”Zach? He’s so fat, it’s impossible to mistake him for anyone. Absolute proof that genetics are not the only thing that influences how one grows and behaves.”*

    Kalysto: *”Oh god is he still there?”*


    Desiree: ~Zach isn’t that fat… He’s chubby, yea. But he’s not “so fat”.~ *shakes her head* ~But yea, he is definitely proof that genetics alone don’t make a personality. I’m certain that you like that, though. Would you really want another you running around?~ *She then scowls* ~Yes, Kalysto. He’s still here. We’re waiting on you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”I’m working on it so he can go away! Wait on me all month if you want, that’s about how long it’s going to take me to fix all of those baby diapers. Now stop bugging me and don’t rush it.”*

    Sephiroth: *”if there was another me running around, I would have to kill it on principle.”*


    Desiree: *frowns then gets to her feet* My appologies, Father… But.. I’ll be right back. *she moves into the kitchen and quickly gathers a pitcher to fill it with ice water. She then stalks over to Kalysto’s location before dumping the pitcher all over his head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *is working hard clipping fabric and sewing it in place to make tail holes. He has already finished one and is working on the second when Desiree comes up behind him. He loudly shrieks in a high-pitched tone and leaps out of his seat, thoroughly pissed off* What the fuck did you do that for!? Stupid! Now my work is all wet and ruined! *glares angrily at her and throws the work in his hands on the floor in disgust and stomps out of the house*


    Desiree: You were being a jerk and deserved it! *crosses her arms and glances down at the diapers. She then shakes her head before moving back over to Sephiroth* I’m sorry about that, Father. He’ll probably be huffy for a good long time now, but he earned it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts lightly and moves to his feet* Well I suppose I’m not going to get the diapers I need done today then… *sighs, glancing down at the floor, moving over to pick up the bag he had brought over* I honestly don’t mind if he wanted to be huffy, he was doing something productive that I am in urgent need of. I suppose it doesn’t matter now.


    Desiree: *Sighs at her father* I’m sorry. If you want to, you can use one of Milena’s diapers for now. Kalysto will probably need to take measurements of this new child before he can properly make many diapers for you.. *she glances out the door where Kalysto left*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: All he was doing was cuttintg holes in the rear. What measurements do you have to take for that? *shrugs his shoulders and sighs* Diapers for an older child would be too large. You do realize that, right?

    Kalysto: *can be seen mounting his dragon outside before flying off*

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