Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Seres: *loudly whimpers and nods her head* Yes! *shakes* I was just reading, then I felt wetness. *sniffles* I’m bleeding to death, Zach!

    Desiree: *faintly frowns* ShinRa has reports on everything, doesn’t it?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Ok, OK. Come with me into the bathroom OK? *gently puts a hand on her shoulders and tries to lead her there. He stops, then pushes her along lightly, picking Alexander up off the floor* Can’t leave you here. Um. *calls out to Cancer* Cancer! I need you to hold the baby for me!

    Cancer: *rolls her eyes* Fucking great… *moves off the couch in the other room and walks in, taking Alex from Zach* Crybabies.


    Seres: *sniffles, still clearly scared out of her mind. She then slowly nods at Zach’s words and moves along with him. Though when he picks up Alexander and hands him over to Cancer, she whimpers out* He’s sleeping… Don’t bother him too much, sister… *she then lowers her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: I won’t bother him. I’m not that mean. Sheesh. *carries Alexander with him as she heads back into the other room to watch television*

    Zach: *speaks in a gentle voice* Come on… *attempts to lead her into the bathroom* I want to assure you first and foremost that you’re going to be alright. It’s actually nothing to worry about. You’re normal, and this is a natural part of growing up. Do you want me to explain it for you, or would you like one of my books to read about it?


    Seres: I’m… Fine??? How can I be fine, Zach? *sniffles* I’m bleeding! That’s not fine! *She steps into the bathroom. She then removes her pants and panties, which are both now stained red* Oh god…

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *sighs* It’s actually not that bad. *picks up her stained clothes and tosses them in the washbasket* Look at me. *crouches down in front of her, grasping her arms* It’s normal, OK? Just… *sighs, then grins* It’s normal. It’s what’s supposed to happen when you become a woman. Just… sit out here for a moment and I’ll get you clean stuff. OK?


    Seres: Supposed to happen when I become a woman…? *frowns, completely confused. She then sits on the toilet and lowers her head* I don’t understand at all… Why is it normal? Why?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *sighs at her again* Just sit there. I’ll get clean clothes and a book. Then it will all make sense. *moves out of the room, shutting the door. He heads to Seres’s room and picks out some pants and grabs some new underwear for her. Then he heads into his room and picks up a copy of “Puberty 101” he found in rubbish* *”It makes more sense if you read the books…”* *heads into the bathroom again, then hands her the book* Have a look at the pictures. Basically, when a girl becomes of age, her body matures and starts making eggs. Then when they’ don’t get fertilised, the uterus lining comes away and you bleed. Make sense? *points to the various diagrams* Read the chapter.


    Seres: *stares at the book as Zach shows it to her. She then slowly reaches out to grasp onto the book before staring at the information* God… This is gross! *sniffles* I don’t want it! Take it back!

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *cringes lightly* I can’t take it back. I can take the book away, but that’s about it. *picks up the book and gently closes it* Does it make sense now at least? There’s a reason for what’s happened. Now, do you want to know what to do about it? *folds his arms, a little frustrated with Seres’s attitude right now*


    Seres: *whimpers and shakes her head* No… I don’t know what to do.. *whimpers* Why does this have to happen? Why?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach:: If it doesn’t happen, you don’t mature and you don’t become an adult. Males have to put up with their own thing you know. *mumbles* Though for males its all decidedly more fun… *shakes his head* You can’t mope here all day feeling sorry for yourself. I’m trying to help you out here.


    Seres: *lowers her head as she listens to Zach. She then whimpers and looks up at him* Ok… What do I do, Zach?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Well you made me take the book away, so how am I supposed to tell you what to do accurately? *sighs at her, then shakes his head* First, clean yourself up. Wash off your hands. Then… *crouches down, going through the cupboard under the sink. He finds a sanitary pad still in its packaging and hands it to her* Stick this on the middle of your underwear to preserve your clothes. And come in here and get a new one every few hours or so. I don’t know. Something like that. You can’t stop it, but it goes away by itself.


    Seres: *slowly nods as Zach tells her what to do. She then glances at the bathtub before frowning at Zach* Thank you, Zach. Can you leave me alone now… I don’t want to take a bath with you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Yeah, yeah OK. *sighs and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He walks back into his room and promptly scans the area for his dragon, wanting to take him outside to teach him a new way to hunt*


    Xelong: *is currently buried deep within a pile of Zach’s dirty clothing. In fact, the only bit of him visible at all is just a small tip of his left wing. The dragon itself is curled up and contently enjoying a dream*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *moves over Xelong and folds his arms, picking up some of the laundry off the dragon, sighing* Geez, why is it always my laundry. Or my bed. Or my socks. Or under the bed where I tried to hide my dirty socks and laundry? *pulls the clothes off to reveal the dragon, then crouches down infront of him* Hey. Hey you. *gently nudges his shoulder* Wake up.


    Xelong: *makes a whining noise before he tries to cover his head with his right wing* ~No wake. Sleeping. Good sleeps too. Go away.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *folds his arms* Come on Xel. You do nothing but sleep. *sits down next to him, then moves a hand over to gently scratch the back of his neck, then attempts to pry into his dreams, curious about why Xelong wants to stay there*


    Xelong: *opens up his eyes as he feels Zach try to sneak into his dreams. He then chirps and nips at Zach’s hand* ~That mean!~ *he then moves upright before stretching* ~Fine, fine. Me awake. What do you want, Zach?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *”I want to teach you how to hunt. The non ambush way. Can you make puffs of smoke yet? Because that is the basis of this hunting technique. I read a book recently on how mothers teach their babies this sort of thing when their kids are about a year or two old.”*


    Xelong: *tilts his head* ~I older than two, Zach.~ *shakes himself off then grins* ~And hunt technique very well. I look at you, say hungry, you go hunt food. Then I eat.~ *broadly grins at Zach* ~Work very well for me. Very very well.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *stares at him, then immediately tries to pick up the laundry basket* Oh my god! *once he has the laundry basket, he walks over to the bed and dumps the clothes and the dragon inside onto the matress and soft bedding* *”Do you know nothing about hunting?! I’m a bad parent if you can’t even sneak-stalk and pounce!”*


    Xelong: *yelps and grips onto the basket as Zach picks it up. Upon being spilt out onto the bed, he releases a series of yelps before getting to his feet and shaking himself off* ~Hey!~ *He then tries to pounce onto Zach in an attempt to get back at him*

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