Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grins at her* Hello Desiree. May I come in? I am in need of help. *holds up the two small cloth diapers he bought and shows them to her* I have a whole bag of these. And unfortunately for me… the newest arrival has a tail. This is where I was hoping you would come in. I am in need of some assistance…


    Desiree: *steps aside and nods as Sephiroth asks to come in* Of course, Father. You are always welcome. *she then frowns as he describes the issue with the diapers* Umm.. Well, I can’t help you. But.. *moves to the back of the room then calls out* Kalysto! Can you come here?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *there are some vague sounds of swearing in Thalassian and some glass smashes. Shortly after that, dark green rancid smoke begins to waft from under the door. Kalysto steps out and shakes himself off, looking mighty pissed at being disturbed* What!?


    Desiree: *holds her breath as the smoke reaches her area. She then shakes her head and coughs* Irk.. *Once Kalysto appears, she points toward Sephiroth* My Father needs your help and expertise… Damn.. What did you do in there??

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: You basically disrupted some stirring. I’m making a large pot of fake-death potion. You drink it and you go comatose for a day. *scowls* And you just made me trigger off the entire cauldron to react. You’re lucky I didn’t inhale it. I’d be dead on the floor for a week. *dusts himself off* Help huh? What is it?

    Sephiroth: *attempts to hand the diapers to him once he steps inside* My newborn has a tail. Perhaps you can accomadate these to fit.


    Desiree: *crosses her arms* I didn’t shout that loud, neither did I barge in on you. So.. Hrmph. *she sticks her tongue out at Kalysto before moving back into the kitchen to finish the meal she had been preparing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: You still scared the crap out of me and could have activated something pretty damn bad. *takes the diapers from Sephiroth, then carries them into the living room* I can do this but it’ll cost ya. *smirks* I’m trying to pay off a house you know.

    Sephiroth: *sighs in irritation* Fine… I’ll pay whatever you are asking. As long as it is reasonable.


    Desiree: *Angrily yells out to Kalysto* Like hell you would charge him! He helped us pay for the first few months of this house. Hell, you haven’t even opened your damn store yet! *she sets the deviled eggs on a try then carries them into the living room before setting the tray down on a table*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Hey go away lady! I’m not doing my quality tailor-made custom work for free! *sits down in the chair with the diapers, then begins pulling at the fabric, thinking* Asking me to work for free, you might as well tie up some slaves and whip them.


    Desiree: *rolls her eyes at Kalysto’s words. She then walks over to him before stuffing an egg into his mouth* Oh, stop whining. *grins at him though she doesn’t really move her hand away from his mouth since she knows that his hands are occupied. She then looks up at Sephiroth* Thank you, Father, for helping us while we’ve been trying to set up an income.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *winces as an entire egg is stuffed in his mouth. Because he is usually somebody who takes dainty bites, he gags slightly on the sheer amount of food in his mouth. He tries to spit some of it out before he throws up, attempting to chew and swallow the rest*

    Sephiroth: *takes a seat, relaxing* It’s no problem. Oh, I suppose you would like to know that you have a new brother. His name is Alexander. He was born today. He was very light, and healthy. And has draconic feet and a tail.


    Desiree: *doesn’t seem too troubled as Kalysto spits out some of the egg, for she was expecting it. She simply allows the discarded parts to land in her hand before nodding at Sephiroth* Ah. Well.. *frowns in thought* Draconic legs and tail, huh? What about.. umm.. you know.. his penis?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: His penis? *stares at Desiree, then snorts* It’s… *stops, glaring at her suddenly* …none of your business! *snorts in anger* Why don’t you come over some time and change a diaper? That is about the only way you would be permitted to look at it.


    Desiree: *Rolls her eyes* Sheesh, Father, calm down. I just was curious. I mean, if his lower half is mostly dragon, then I was wondering what that meant to the stuff under the belt. It’s not like I want to fuck my newly born brother. *continues to hold the egg near Kalysto’s mouth so that he can eat the rest as he pleases*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: The fact that you’re even asking disturbs me. *grunts at her and shakes her head* If curiousity is that strong, go look. Or be content looking at his. *points at Kalysto*

    Kalysto: *was just finishing off the egg. When Sephiroth points at him, he inhales food sharply and then starts loudly coughing*


    Desiree: *sighs then moves to pat Kalysto’s back in order to help him* I was curious because I have some compassion toward my family, Father. I mean, wouldn’t it be hard enough for a boy to grow up with dragon legs? *Shrugs* I was just curious.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her* I suppose so. But it shouldn’t have to be. Humans only make error out of things they find different. *snorts in disgust* So. *nods at Kalysto* Now that you have finished choking, are you willing to modify all of the diapers for the youngster?

    Kalysto: Yeah… *warily glances at Desiree* *”I can’t believe you want me to do it for free!”*


    Desiree: ~Father is already helping us out with keeping this house until you open up your shop. I think that should most definitely count. Anyway, he’s my family.~ *narrows her eyes at Kalysto. She then grins at Sephiroth* From what I’ve seen, humans make an error out of everything.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *silently raises his eyebrows and stares at her for a moment, as if offering a challenge*

    Sephiroth: Yes, they do. But we are going to change that. *teleports the bag of diapers to Kalysto’s feet* There’s about thirty. It will take you a while. If you can get six finished today, that can keep the boy happy until I can start cycling more through laundry.


    Desiree: *narrows her eyes at Kalysto* ~He is family.~ *snorts then frowns at Sephiroth* Father, I don’t honestly think you’re going to change the humans. They are that way by nature. They will always be that way… Hrmph, they are even that way on multiple planets!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Yes, yes, I know. *rests a hand on his chin, sighing in annoyance* They were always that way. They are always going to be that way. You simply cannot change what is. What is is what will be, after all. *folds his arms* Are you going to get started on those? I need some already, most likely.

    Kalysto: *moves out of the chair and picks up two of the diapers, his ears flicked back as he walks out of the room to go work on them elsewhere*


    Desiree: *Sighs at Kalysto* Don’t mind him.. *she then walks over to Sephiroth before sitting down next to him* So, aside from the new addition.. How are things back home?

    Series: *has set Alexander down next to her and has been busy working on her homework. However, she stops and frowns as she feels a wetness down below. So, she slowly slips her hand down there to check before yelping as she pulls her hand back out to find red* Cancer! Zach! Help!!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Pretty much the same as they’ve always been. Relatively quiet, calm. The occaisonal argument from a sibling about who wants the remote control, so forth. About the same as when you were there.

    Zach: *hears Seres calling for help and quickly runs out to her* What’s wrong?! *looks around the room, finding nothing in the immediate* What’s wrong, Seres?


    Desiree: *grins* Well, yea… I suppose I didn’t expect that much of a change. *leans against Sephiroth then rests her head against his upper arm* I really hope Kalysto opens his store soon..

    Seres: *whimpers as she sees Zach. She then holds up her “bloody” hand to him* I’m dying! *whines* There’s so much blood..

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Oh, wow. *stares at her hand, then looks around the floor* OK, calm. Stay calm. Where are you hurt? *moves over to her and attempts to inspect her for injury all over. When he can find nothing, his eyes widen slightly and he shakes his head* Um… did the blood come from…? *points between her legs*

    Sephiroth: He has been working hard on it. And his store is nearly ready to start running. I have been given the work report for it.

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