Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Jenna: Well, I didn’t die this time around, so it makes sense that we give him the natural thing. *she pats the top of Alexander’s head* Hmm.. Do we have diapers and clothes that will fit him?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* I saved some of Iris’s clothes. The pants won’t fit because of his feet. But… maybe bigger pants will fit. Diapers… I shall have to go to the General store and buy them in his size. But the one he has on should do for a while.


    Jenna: If a while is a few hours, then yes, it should do. *nods and gently pats Alexander’s back as he suckles on her teet. Once he is done, she hands him to Sephiroth* Can you burp him? I don’t really feel up to doing such.. *yawns*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: As long as he doesn’t throw up on me. *picks the infant up and holds him in one hand as he pats his back with the other* Should he stay in here with you? He is going to wake up approximately every four hours demanding food like this. *continues to pat the tiny male’s back*


    Jenna: Hmm.. *nods* For now, it’s probably best to just room him here. At least then we won’t need to walk all across the house to make him stop screaming. *groans and stretches* I suppose I should clean off, huh?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I kind of wish you would. For your own sake. I know for a fact that being like that cannot be very comfortable at all. *shakes his head lightly and sighs, setting Alexander down on the bed once burped* All I wanted to do after birthing was shower. *wrinkles his brow slightly, realizing how silly his words sound*


    Jenna: *Grins then reaches up to flick Seph’s bangs* Do me a favor, never ever say that in public. *grins at him. She then pushes herself up and moves to the bathroom* I’m going to bathe in the jacuzzi. You can join me if you like. *with that, she slips into the bathroom and removes her clothing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You go ahead. I am going to stay out and keep an eye on the infant. As you said before, I shall need to go out and buy diapers that fit him. The tail is going to get in the way, also. *grumbles* That is going to be a headache to deal with.


    Jenna: *nods at Sephiroth then heads into the bathroom. Once she is fully stripped of clothing, she turns on the water and begins to fill up the jacuzzi* Mmm… *She then slips in and relaxes once the tub is filled*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *holds the infant out infront of him, tilting his head as he gets a better look at the dragony features. He sets the boy down again, then begins to poke at his feet, curious about them* Such strange genetics.


    Alexander: *wiggles about as he’s poked. He then releases some faint whines, but he doesn’t indicate any desire to cry*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *gently tickles Alexander’s tummy, not wanting to upset him any more than he already may be. He does however, continue to familiarise himself with the boy’s features, his curiousity getting the better of him more than anything. He wiggles the tiny toes, inspecting the claws on them* You certainly are unique. At least Dimitri won’t feel so upset any more.


    Alexander: *continues to calmly stare at Sephiroth as he pokes him about. He is quite placid and has no problems with what Sephiroth is doing. However, he does curl up his toes as they are inspected* Ehh…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Shh. *gently caresses his face* Forgive me. I will get used to it in time, I just find you unusual and fascinating because you are new. *gently picks him up, lightly purring* *”I hope you have a nice time in your bath. I am going to set the infant downstairs with the older siblings while I buy diapers for the new arrival. I should do that before there is an unfortunate mess.”*


    Jenna: ~Thank you, Seph. I think I am enjoying this quite a bit. It’s very relaxing.~

    Alexander: *grins as Sephiroth purrs. He then yawns and stretches before closing his eyes*

    Seres: *is currently on the couch in the living room. She has one of her textbooks open in front of her and is laboriously studying*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *finds Seres downstairs and moves over to her, crouching down beside her* Can I entrust you with this? *holds Alexander out towards her, grinning* I will only be gone for five minutes or so, but I need somebody to keep an eye on him. It wouldn’t do if he rolled off furniture and died so suddenly after being born. Something like that just isn’t fair.


    Seres: *looks up at Sephiroth then at Alexander. Soon enough, she tilts her head* He was born? *grins then sits upright and reaches out to take him* Sure, Father. I’ll take good care of him. *nods her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *gently hands off the newborn to Seres, grinning* There’s a good girl now. *heads for the door, nodding at her* Thank you. He shouldn’t give you any trouble, he is full, warm and sleepy. I will return again in just a moment. Feel free to get acquainted with your new sibling. You will enjoy bossing him around in a few years. *chuckles as he moves out the door*


    Seres: *rolls her eyes then yells out to Sephiroth* I’m not Desiree! I don’t care about bossing people around. *chuckles then pats her new brother’s head* Hello, there.

    Alexander: *glances up at her then yawns and curls up, wanting to sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *chuckles at Seres’s comment as he ventures out into the town. He picks up a large bag of newborn diapers at the store and moves back to the house, dumping the bag on the floor so he can look at them* Hrmph. I have no idea what I am going to do about the tail.


    Seres: *glances up at Sephiroth as he comes into the house. She then nods at him* He be sleeping whole time. Really sleepy guy. *grins then tilts her head at the diaper statement* Ummm… Doesn’t Desiree’s guy have to make custom diapers for his little girl?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I am not sure. I suppose I shall have to go enquire and find out. *picks up a couple of the diapers in the bag and inspects them* They could do with some modification to accomadate for the tail. *harumphs lightly*


    Seres: It ok, go ahead now. *pats Alexander’s head* I can watch him longer, Father. *grins and nods* He a good boy. *she then returns to reading her textbook*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods and slips out of the house again, carrying the diapers with him across to Desiree and Kalysto’s house. He knocks on the front door and steps back, waiting on somebody to answer*


    Desiree: *Was busy making deviled eggs to snack on while Kalysto is busy in his alchemy lab. Upon hearing the knocking, she looks up before moving to the door and opening it* Father? *frowns, mostly because she’s been lazy today and hadn’t brushed out her short hair yet* Umm… Come in. *reaches up to comb her right hand through her hair*

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