Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    *the ooze quivers ecstatically as both Rhyderi and Sephiroth fall straight down into it. Soon after, it begins to wrap its tentacles around the two men so that it can drain their life energies*

    Nemesis: *purrs in content at the scene* Perfect. We will have more strength soon enough. No more being babies. *grins and chuckles. At the moment, she doesn’t notice Kalysto at all*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *turns his attention to the ooze as two people known to him are stuck in it. He raises a hand out towards it and blasts a torrent of fire at the puddle, not seeming to care if he burns Rhyderi or Sephiroth in the process*


    *The ooze releases a loud annoyed screech as it is set on fire. Soon after, it deattatches itself from Sephiroth and Rhyderi before it begins to rush toward the barely dressed human. Also, Sephiroth might have noted that the ooze was incapable of draining him because of his bond*

    Nemesis: *snarls as Kalysto attacks her “partner”. She then glares at him* You dare ruin our games?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah, I dare ruin your games. *his expression flattens, seeming unimpressed* Do you want to make something of it? Do I have to kick your ass, or are you going to run screaming? *raises his hand, forming a collection of shadowy-energies into the palm* How about I attack you with the wrath of the plane you came from instead?


    Nemesis: *loudly laughs at Kalysto* You think we came from there? Foolish fool. You are beyond a fool. We were trapped. Our empire taken from us. No, that is not our home. *Shakes her head then bends down as the ooze comes to her. Soon after, she holds her left hand to the ooze, which latches onto her. Soon enough, her form begins to distort as she merges with her other half*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Uh huh. Well you were there when I found you, then you decided to hitch a ride. So you have me to thank for your freedom. *growls* Return Desiree to her previous form. I did not ask for you to do that to her.


    Nemesis: *leaps forward to stand in front of Kalysto. She then lashes out to press her left hand against Kalysto’s neck, pinning his head inbetween her mutated middle and ring fingers* Oh, you do not like our gifts? We could have been much, much less kindly to you. *a smirk spreads on her face while her wings spread out behind her. At this point in time, she is not paying any attention at all to Sephiroth nor Rhyderi*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *stands there while his head is pinned between her fingers, yawning idly, not seeming in the least bit bothered* It’s cute how you larger beings think you can scare me. What are you going to do, tear my head off? *narrows his eyes* I dare you.


    Nemesis: *loudly chuckles at Kalysto’s response* Ah, feisty feist. How very delicious. *she licks her lips* So, you wish to be removed from this plane? We can arrange that. *she moves her free hand to caress his hair in a mockery of a lover’s motions* Oh, but what will that little woman of yours say, hm? Is she so willing to see you leave?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I didn’t say I wanted to leave. But if you’re going to threaten me with death, I don’t give a shit. *tries to wiggle his head free* You want to kill me? Go ahead. *glares back at Desiree* *”Get the fuck out of here!”* *snarls* You’re not listening to me though – fix Desiree.


    Nemesis: We are Nemesis, conqueror of galaxies. We do not listen to the commands of a worthless little elf. *she then hurls Kalysto away from her and into the group of men that has been made by Rhyderi and Sephiroth* You think us a demon? You are wrong. *she then casts a spell to make the three men briefly see what her empire once looked like, which would have been quite barren and desolate* We will rebuild. For now, we do not want to waste more time. *she then turns around, intending to search for new sources of energy*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *hisses as he is tossed into the dirt, lowering his head. He looks hopelessly at Desiree, then slowly shakes his head* *”I tried.”*

    Sephiroth: *growls and moves to his feet. He still seems rather weakened from being electrocuted, but still manages to charge a psychic attack, attempting to blast Nemesis in the back with a volley of destructive energy*


    Nemesis: *Screeches in pain as the blast hits her. She then turns around and glares at Sephiroth* Ah, you. We remember you now. *chuckles* Your little dragon love isn’t around. Pity pity. *she then shakes her head* Be gone out of our sight. You are nothing without her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls in a threatening manner at her* Begone! Get out of the town! *snarls angrily* Run while you can because a heavy resistance will be launched against you once organized. I will see to it that you die!


    Nemesis: *loudly laughs at Sephiroth* Ah, yes, that is the spirit we recall. Give Seferia our regards, if she lived. *She then flaps her wings and takes to the air so that she can fly away*

    Desiree: *moves over to Rhyderi and Kalysto then kneels down next to them* Are you two ok?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *doesn’t pay attention to Desiree and just keeps his head low, thinking*

    Sephiroth: Let’s go back to the house, alright? *scowls* We need to devise a strategy to destroy that thing. *glares at Kalysto* You should never have released it. You are banned from touching anything like that again.

    Kalysto: *sighs* I’m fine, Desiree. I’m just… she didn’t do anything to fix you!


    Desiree: *sighs and ignores Sephiroth and Rhyderi for the moment. Instead, she reaches out to Kalysto before she gently hugs him* It’s alright, Kalysto. You tried… Anyway, we still haven’t asked my mother, right? Maybe somehow.. between yourself, Rhyderi, and my mother.. We’ll get this. Right? *she then tries to kiss Kalysto*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at Desiree* Didn’t you sense that thing? It WAS your mother. Maybe not the one you think of, but it had her life energy signal. *growls, turning his head away* Anyway… don’t ask her for advice on how to defeat it. If that thing is a carbon copy of her from another dimension, then she will only match it at best. *scowls, still pissy about the fact he got booted from the bedroom*


    Desiree: I thought it was just mimicing her.. I mean, I can still sense Mother in the house. *she nods toward Sephy and Jenna’s house, then sighs* So.. Doesn’t that mean that she can undo this thing. *she points to her ears* I mean, if she is exactly like it, she should have the right stuff to undo it, right?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: It was magic done simultaneously by more than one person. *shakes his head* You might have one person undo it by skill perhaps, but don’t count on it. *slowly moves away, heading for Desiree and Kalysto’s house* I need to rest.

    Kalysto: *shrugs his shoulders and quietly sighs* Well there you go. I don’t know what to do from there on.


    Desiree: *shakes her head then tries to help Kalysto up and back to the house* I can wait, Kalysto. Don’t worry about it. *she gently nuzzles his neck with her nose. She then calls out to Rhyderi* Well, I did also suggest to try to have more than one person undo this… I mean, you, Kalysto, my mother… All three of you are different types of magic. *she sighs* And I suppose you can stay here for the night. Umm.. you’ll have to stay on the couch.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: Even the floor is fine at this point. *steps into the house, immediately confronted by loud angry growling from Milena*

    Kalysto: You can wait but I want to fix it. No? *sighs* What a mess… *slowly shakes his head* At least it’s gone now. But I’m sure it’ll come back.


    Desiree: I’m certain, too. The strongest people on this planet are currently all here… Well, except for the idiots that beat Father. *she then moves into the house as well before sighing at the noise from Milena* Go ahead, Rhyderi. *she then tries to locate Milena so that she can try to calm her down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena: *the small scales across her hide are heavily raised, growling angrily at the unfamiliar intrusion in her territory. She backs up away from the door, not wanting to be caught by Desiree* Eeep!

    Rhyderi: Such interesting company you keep…


    Desiree: *Frowns at Rhyderi’s statement* Milena is Kalysto’s offspring. She’s not “company”. *she scowls then kneels down not far from Milena* ~Calm down, girl. They’re guests. We’re letting them stay here. It’s ok.~ *she nods at the girl, trying to reassure her*

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