Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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  • #38881
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Not just Kalysto. I remember you wanting to come home, and instead you resisted so I tried to drag you home myself. In the end I just gave up and let you defy me. *snorts* You were more interested in your own persuit and not of the fact I was trying to protect you.


    Desiree: *Sighs* I’m sorry, Father. I don’t know what else to say there. *shakes her head* I still want you love. I’m sorry that you were made to think otherwise.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”Hey, Desireee. Rhyderi just landed. Expect him to come in any moment and tell us how much of a loser we all are.”*

    Sephiroth: It’s fine really. We learn from our mistakes, and we learn things about each other. That’s how it goes typically. *yawns, stretching* You should get some sleep soon. Or me. I wake up early and go to bed early.


    Desiree: *looks up as Kalysto contacts her* ~Ok, I’ll be there shortly.~ *she then looks up at Sephiroth* I’m not going to be getting any sleep soon. Rhyderi, Kalysto’s brother, just arrived. Hopefully he’ll be able to figure out how to undo this. *she points to the ears* Umm… Do you want to be there, or do you want to stay in here?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *waves a hand* I have no reason to be there. You go on ahead. I wish to stay out of the way, but I will watch from the sidelines to ensure he does not do anything stupid.

    Rhyderi: *walks in through the front door* Oh man, this place smells bad. It needs some blessing and incense badly. *folds his arms* So where is she, Kalysto? Where is the demon-afflicted one?


    Desiree: Well, I can honestly say that I don’t think you’d get in the way. However, I won’t tell you what to do, Father. *with that, she gets up and moves toward the living room. She then scowls at Rhyderi’s description of her* I’m not demon afflicted..

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Hey, he said it, not me. *points to Rhyderi* Him. All his doing.

    Rhyderi: *glances at Desiree, then stumbles back a bit* My goodness. What happened to you? *moves over to look at her, grabbing her arm to inspect, moving around her* Ah, I see. This is pretty interesting, yes. *stops and steps back from her again* It definitely is demon-affliction. This is a very high level alteration spell. It’s so intricately weaved, even if you remove it, traces may still remain.


    Desiree: I know, Kalysto. I’m not angry at you. *she then yelps as Rhyderi grabs her arm. Frowning at him, she pins her ears back before shaking her head* You could have just asked me to come closer. *she then sighs at what he says* So.. do you have any ideas on how to fix me?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: I actually don’t. Maybe it could be purged… or released, or focussed onto an artifact. *raises a hand above her, trying to test the properties of the spell so he can attempt to disenchant the magic* How do you feel about residual effects, Desiree?


    Desiree: *stares at Rhyderi as if he were speaking Greek to her* Residual effects? What do you mean by that? What sort of residual effects? *she then tries to move away from Rhyderi* Can I at least sit down?

    *As for the spell, it is actually much more complex than what Rhyderi first described it as. Much like the being that cast it, the spell has been devised by a combination of spells. First, there is a shape-shifting spell that was formed by the human parts of Nemesis. Then there’s the magics from the alien/demon side of Nemesis that are trying to keep the spell firmly in place and unbreakable. The magics are strongly mixed and probably impossible to separate*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: Be quiet so I can analyze this better. Alright? *sighs as he tries to follow the threads of the spell, dissapointed when he finds two of them in the same place. He slowly shakes his head and glances back at Desiree, looking hopeless* Whoever did this intended it to be permanent. You would have to take it up with them.


    Desiree: What? *she stares at Rhyderi before quickly shaking her head* No, that can’t be it. Please, can’t you try? You have to be able to at least try… *her ears then twitch and she frowns and tilts her head* Umm… Is someone screaming outside?

    *At the very outskirts of the town, one of the sentries is currently being attacked and drained by a black ooze*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: I can’t try when it won’t come undone. It would be like waving a fish at a wall and expecting the wall to crumble apart. *quickly runs outside to investigate the screaming, taking out his sword, expecting to find an enemy when he gets to the source of the noise*

    Kalysto: Well that was a giant dissapointment.


    Desiree: *mutters under her breath* That’s definitely screaming.. *she then shakes her head* ~Father, someone’s being attacked outside.~ *She then glances at Kalysto and shrugs* Nothing much we can do about this, then. *She points to her ears. She then moves outside to follow Rhyderi*

    *The black ooze has completely wrapped itself around the man’s torso and is absorbing all of his life energy. Thus, the victim is beginning to shrivel up*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *stares at the black ooze, which is outside his level of expertise because he’s never encountered an enemy with a friendly target inside. He raises his hands and attempts to blast the ooze with holy magic, but it is likely he would strike the person inside too*

    Sephiroth: *”Great… just great. This is what I get for sitting around when I could have worked on this earlier!”* *Moves to his feet and heads out into the town, shoving Rhyderi aside. He teleports his own sword to his hand and attempts to stab the black ooze*


    *Just as Sephiroth stabs at the ooze, a blast of flames comes from the side of the road. From where the flames started, a mostly naked woman that looks exactly like Jenna stands. This woman is only wearing a near tribal-style skirt. She narrows her red eyes at Sephiroth before chuckling and shaking her head* “No spoiling our fun.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *flattens his brows, completely unimpressed* What are you doing here? We don’t want you here. There are hardly enough soldiers as it is to protect this town without you picking them off! *growls, scanning her over, vaguely wondering if it is actually Jenna*


    Nemesis: *cocks her eyebrow at Sephiroth’s brazen-ness. She then coldly laughs at him* We go where we please. *she then forms another fireball before trying to slam it into Sephiroth. Meanwhile, she moves into the light, which shows off her barely clothed figure in full clarity*

    Desiree: *Yelps as she spots the flames heading toward her Father. She then tries to pull him out of harm’s way*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls as Desiree shoves him aside. He moves to his feet again and glares back at her, snorting* I had everything under control… do you think I’m blind? *snarls at Nemesis* I don’t give a shit what you think you’re allowed to do and what you’re not allowed to do – get out of the town and don’t come back! *attempts to slam her with a ‘wall’ of psychic energies*


    Nemesis: *hisses and quickly casts a magical barrier in an attempt to block off Sephiroth’s attack. Meanwhile, if he’s still scanning her, he’d find that she feels exactly like Jenna did prior to him breaking off the bond. There might be a mild difference in her energy pattern since she’s from another universe, but she does feel like Jenna* Annoying little toy.

    *Meanwhile, the ooze finally slides off of the man, who is little more than skin and bones. The ooze itself is smoking since it was struck by Rhyderi, but it doesn’t seem too troubled*

    Desiree: *her ears pin back as Sephiroth scolds her. She then moves away from her father before looking around to see if Kalysto is around*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stares at her, then grits his teeth and growls* Traitor. You stay away from this town and get out! *rushes at her with his sword, attempting to knock her down with the butt of his weapon* If you’re going to be a threat to everything here, you can get out!

    Rhyderi: *stares at the ooze, frustrated that he wasn’t able to do anything* *”Desiree, go get the hell-tainted one who likes to play with fire.”*


    Desiree: *looks up as Rhyderi calls out to her. She then quickly nods before reaching down to bunch up her pants so she can easily run without tripping. Soon after, she heads back to the house* Kalysto?? We need you!

    *the black ooze shakes itself for a while, as if trying to get rid of the stings from the holy fire. Soon after, it begins to slither toward Rhyderi*

    Nemesis: *laughs with delight as Sephiroth charges after her. Upon being hit by the sword, she stumbles back before grinning with a twisted sense of delight* Ah, a fiesty little toy. *she then surrounds her left hand with a lightning-based spell before she tries to press her hand against Sephiroth’s chest* We do love a game.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”What do you need me for now?”*

    Sephiroth: *barks directly at her, speaking in a loud demanding ordering tone* Get out! *attempts to shove her again with the butt of his sword, snarling as he is electrocuted. He seizes up as the current courses through him and he staggers backwards, seeming drained and in much pain from his experience*

    Rhyderi: *picks up his sword again and tries to jam it into the ooze, attempting to stab it hard* What IS this?


    Desiree: *scowls at Kalysto’s response* That demon thing that you allowed to come out here is back. It’s attacking both Rhyderi and my father. We need your help, as a warlock.

    Nemsis: *smirks as she watches Sephiroth stagger backwards* Ah, pain. What a glorious device. So easy to play with. *she then casts a wind-blast spell and tries to shove Sephiroth into Rhyderi* You two will make good food.

    *The ooze backs off for a moment as the sword hits it. However, it soon returns to trying to advance on Rhyderi*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *jams his sword in the ooze again as he backs up, attempting to stab it repeatedly as he retreats* Stay back!

    Sephiroth: *hisses as he is still recovering from the last attack, growling as he is knocked back into Rhyderi, most likely landing in the puddle of ooze itself*

    Kalysto: *”Oh, brilliant….”* *moves outside and runs into the town, heading for the scene. Once he arrives, he attempts to assess the situation, not knowing what to attack first*

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