Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Desiree: *her ears droop once more as she shakes her head* No, you don’t need to do anything like that. *she then slowly moves closer to Sephiroth* We’re hoping that Kalysto’s brother can think of something to help me out with.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I see. And what exactly do you think he will do for you? *watches her closely though he doesn’t make any move towards her right now, seeming more interested in fixing the situation* Oh… this may sound a bit odd, but may I sleep here tonight? If there is a spare bed, I mean.


    Desiree: *shrugs* I’m not certain. We’re just grasping here. But the Paladin’s magic is much different than Kalysto’s and mine, so we’re hoping that he can find out something. *she then blinks up at him as her ears perk up in curiousity* Stay here? Yea.. I think we have a spare bed. *she looks at Kalysto* Of course, once again, it’s only ok if Kalysto has no problems with it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises his brows, more curious at the fact Desiree didn’t question why he wants to sleep at her house* Thank you. *shakes his head* I suppose you should wait until that one arrives then. it would be silly to direct other things if this idea works.

    Kalysto: Hey stop trying to run things by me. I’m fine with it. Seriously.


    Desiree: I don’t want to make decisions for you, Kalysto. Your input is important to me, that’s why I say that. *she then moves over to the couch, though she almost trips on her pants once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head lightly* If you want me, I will be in the room I am going to be staying in. I need to do some thinking… *scowls and moves away, heading off into one of the side rooms*

    Kalysto: Are you OK? It’s fine, really. If you wanna do something, do something.


    Desiree: *shakes her head* I still like to see that we are in agreement with decisions. Is that such a bad thing to strive for? *she then frowns at Sephiroth* Father? What’s wrong? *she tilts her head to the side* You don’t need to hide away, but if you want to, I won’t stop you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: If I didnt know any better, I’d say he’s grumping about something. Though I don’t exactly know what. Maybe you should investigate.

    Sephiroth: *shuts the door behind him, then sits down on the bed, deeply scowling in anger* Phhh… *loudly snorts* So tired of being thrown out of the bedroom… *”Nothing is wrong with me. You should deal with what’s wrong with you right now.”*


    Desiree: *pins her ears back. She then nods at Kalysto’s suggestion* Come for me if Rhyderi shows up. *with that, she stands up and moves to the bedroom where Sephiroth moved into. Soon enough, she slips inside before sitting down next to Sephiroth* Father?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah, he’ll take some time, so go do your thing. I’ll catch Milly and feed her. *wanders away to go find the young dragon hybrid*

    Sephiroth: *glances aside to Desiree, but doesn’t move much when she sits next to him* Hmm? *raises his head slightly* What is it, Desiree?


    Desiree: Actually, I wanted to ask you that. It’s not often… Well.. It’s never been ever that you’ve asked to sleep here. You have always wanted to be with Mother. *she looks up at Sephiroth* And you seem troubled. What’s wrong?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: She kicked me out of the bedroom because I did not see what was wrong with you. *scowls* But I did, so I don’t get it. *snorts* She kicks me out on a whim when she feels like it. She has teleported me to the middle of the soldier barracks when I was naked once, too. *scowls further*


    Desiree: *Frowns, not certain which side to support at the moment. She then glances at the ground and shakes her head* I was very disappointed when you just left like that father… However, I don’t know exactly what was said between you and Mother. So, I’m not certain what to say there.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances back at her, frowning* How many times have you pushed me away for trying to help you? *makes a deep frustrated sigh* You want to be treated like an adult. I gave you that respect and it still didn’t work out? *slowly shakes his head* I don’t want any bad blood between us. So I stood back and let you decide. Was that wrong?


    Desiree: *looks up at Sephiroth* I don’t think you understood. I wasn’t happy about you trying to dictate who I should love. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you love, Father. *she glances at the floor once more* I suppose you don’t understand since you didn’t really have parents that you wanted to be there when you felt like your world had fallen apart.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You’ve been angry for my trying to look after you over more things than just that, Desiree. *scowls* When you were younger, you generally didn’t like being told what to do. You didn’t approve of Jenna at all. You tried to tell me to ditch her. *shrugs* I don’t really know what to tell you.


    Desiree: Yea.. Well… I was dumb and I was younger? Am I not allowed to grow out of being a dumb kid, Father? *shakes her head* I loved you, but now, I have Kalysto. *she shakes her head* I can see now that you and Mother are right for each other. *she nods*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lowers his head at her statement, sinking his shoulders at the thought* Right… of course, Desiree. *sighs* I can’t really discuss details, because they would be biased from my perspective. *reaches over to pat her arm, moving to lean against her*


    Desiree: *grins as Sephiroth leans against her. She then wraps her arms about him and hugs onto him* You can discuss whatever you want with me, Father. *she rests the top of her head against Sephiroth’s cheek, even though her ears probably wind up whacking Sephiroth because of this move*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t seem to mind as the ear flicks against his cheek, and just sits there quietly, not saying anything. He moves an arm behind Desiree and pats her back, his attention stuck glued to the floor*


    Desiree: *her ears flick in indecision as she ponders over things in her own mind. She then shuffles about a bit before softly speaking* Father.. Would you have have come back at all if Mother hadn’t kicked you out of your room?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Honestly? No. *frowns* I would have seen to the winged demon creature, and devised a strategy against it. It sounds just like another of those ridiculous aliens. Whether they are bent on dominating or screwing everything in sight, they need to be murdered.


    Desiree: I wasn’t lying when I said that I needed a father more than a general, Father. You devastated me by just leaving like that. *bites her bottom lip. She then psychically transmitting her memories of the past few hours since when she became an elf to Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: After your strive for maturity, I didn’t want to belittle you. *sighs and reaches over to pat her shoulder, cuddling her against him* Your resistance was pretty heavy you know. You pretty much gave the message you wanted me to back off, and stay off.


    Desiree: You did try to kill the guy that I was falling in love with, Father… *shakes her head* I’m sorry for sending the wrong messages. I still want a father. However, that doesn’t mean that you get to dictate to me how to live my life. *she looks up at Sephiroth* I do honestly love Kalysto.

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