Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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  • #38831
    Kat Aclysm

    Iris: *wiggles on her stomach, then tries to sit up. She struggles with this, then gives up and lies on her back, whimpering for attention*

    Sephiroth: *frowns as he comes into the bedroom* Something has happened. I am not sure what they did, but Desiree and her idiot elf friend released a demonic being with six wings. *scowls* And apparently, it looked like you. *snorts* Do you know anything about it? *mutters* You also need to look at Desiree…

    Kalysto: Culinary expertise, huh? *smirks and shakes his head* Interesting. *picks up two bowls and sets them down near the stove. He then ladels out enough stew for two and carries the bowls to the table, setting them down* I wonder what was up with your father. He wasn’t pissed at you. But still, somehow cold.


    Jenna: *Frowns as she looks over at Iris* Girl, you’re over a year old now. You should be able to stand up by now… *she shakes her head then continues to feed Alexander. However, she looks up as Sephiroth enters the room* Hm? A demon with six wings that looks like me? If you’re asking if I was masquerading as a demon, no. Otherwise, no, I don’t know anything. *She then notices that Alexander has finished feeding, so she begins to burp him* What’s wrong with Desiree?

    Desiree: *sadly shakes her head* I don’t know.. I thought that we were starting to fix whatever problems he had with the two of us being together. He’s visited and other things. I thought we were getting much better.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Maybe he doesn’t want to mollycoddle you. *pauses, thinking* Yeah, I think that’s the word. I don’t really know. *hums* Not treating you like a kid? Yeah that’ll do.

    Sephiroth: The thing that they encountered changed Desiree into an elf. She had the same long ears and ridiculous slender figure as her male. I would say it has done that for a prank because nothing that comes from the Astral Plane is good. *scowls*

    Iris: *stretches her hands out towards Jenna, then whimpers at her for attention, wanting to cuddle up against her. She forces herself to her feet, then clumsily toddles over to her to clutch onto her shoulder* Mmmmnnnnnnn… ama.


    Jenna: An elf? Well, that is certainly a strange thing for an “evil” being to do. *shakes her head then gives Iris a brief grin* Yes, I’m here. *she then returns her attention to Sephiroth, her expression going quite serious again* How is Desiree doing? Is she in any way taumatized by this?

    Desiree: *shrugs* I guess… *shakes her head and just begins to eat the stew that she had made*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: She didn’t appear to be traumatized. I didn’t really stick around long enough to find out either which way. *frowns* She’s a grown woman. She doesn’t need somebody fussing over her. She’s shoved me away more than once in the past. I didn’t wish to break any progress.

    Iris: *leans against Jenna, seeming content to be so close to her mother*

    Kalysto: *sighs and eats his own stew* I should get Milena some of this shortly. She has a habit of wanting to eat everything in existance.


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at Sephiroth* Did she ask for your attention, or did you just assume that you should ignore her? *she then gently pats the top of Iris’s head, even though she’s currently glaring at Sephiroth*

    Desiree: *releases a soft chuckle* Yes, that’s true. I suppose that’s a good thing. She has a healthy appetite, so that means she’s growing. Hopefully in the proper way, too.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I didn’t really ask. I treated her in the same manner I would treat a mature adult. She disliked it when I treated her like a father, or like I would treat my other children, so I stopped. She moved out. She is independant of me. She doesn’t need my authority any more. She fought against it every chance she could anyway.

    Kalysto: I don’t know. At least she’s not sticking crayons in her nose. Or trying to stick them in other people’s noses. Rhyderi did that to me once.


    Jenna: *coldly glares at Sephiroth before leaning in to Iris* Sorry, girl, but your mother needs to kick your father’s ass right now. *She then stands up and moves over to Sephiroth before reaching up to roughly yank on Sephiroth’s hair* That doesn’t mean you stop being her father. Did she tell you that she didn’t need you?

    Desiree: *half-chokes on her stew as Kalysto relays the story. She then grins at him before shaking her head* Rhyderi really is the idiot, isn’t he?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: He did it more to be an asshole actually. *grins at her reaction, but his expression quickly fades* Father got his boy. His perfect little Paladin. Father wanted me to be a girl, but when he didn’t get it he was dissapointed. Because Rhy was physically strong and not me, he was chosen as the favourite, and he was going to lead in my Father’s footsteps. What bullshit.

    Sephiroth: *winces as his hair is pulled* I didn’t stop being her father, I just treated her like an adult! Nothing is wrong with that!


    Jenna: Treating her like an adult and not being there for her are two different things. *She continues to yank Sephiroth’s hair and begins to try to pull him toward the door* Did she tell you that she didn’t want you at all, or did you come to this brilliant conclusion on your own?

    Desiree: *sighs at Kalysto. She then scoots in closer to him before reaching to pat his back* Don’t worry so much about it. Being the favorite isn’t that special.. *she looks at her stew again* I was Father’s favorite, and you saw how much that means.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls in pain* What the hell are you doing!? I told you everything already, woman. Stop pulling on my hair!

    Kalysto: It’s still not fun to be pushed aside because somebody else is more important than you. My mom never cared too much about that stuff though, and protected me all the same. But that was just her. *shrugs* She was honestly more into Bael than she was my Father. They got together based on that story I told you earlier – shit about nobility and having a last name which means you’re of good breeding.


    Desiree: Well, that was then and this is now. *Shakes her head* You don’t have anyone telling you that you aren’t important here. *grins* You are very important to me.

    Jenna: *Growls at Sephiroth’s words. Upon reaching the doorway, she lets go of Sephiroth’s hair only to slip behind him and kick him out of the room by litterally kicking his butt* I hope you really like the couch. *She then uses a spell to throw Sephiroth’s pillows at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What now!? *loudly hisses as he’s kicked, stumbling into the hallway* What! *snarls at her, then slams the door and picks up his pillows, walking out of the upstairs hallway in a huff* Damned unreasonable woman. What the hell did I do anyway? *hisses and walks down the stairs*

    Kalysto: Glad you think so. *finishes off his stew* You know, I am still branded with the house of Sol’thenan title. So I probably am of good breeding. *chuckles* Something for you to think about.


    Desiree: And I am of the house of…. Well… We don’t even have a last name. *shrugs* Still, my father is the most prominent and desired General on this planet. Still doesn’t really mean a thing to me. *sighs and glances up* Do you think Rhyderi would have an idea of how to fix me?

    Jenna: ~And go be a decent father and actually see if your daughter needs your emotional support!~ *She then returns to the bed before sitting down next to Iris again* Sorry girl. I ruined your comfort time, didn’t I?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Rhyderi may have an idea… his stupid light magic can purge illness and bad magical after-effects. He may very well just as easily hit on you. Or try to be all macho and chivalrous. I say if he does that, grab him by the balls and give them a little squeeze. That will shut him up for sure.

    Iris: *looks pitifully at Jenna, then reaches out towards her, attempting to use the situation to her advantage to get even more attention out of Jenna* Mmmmnn-aah-ma!

    Sephiroth: *”What would she need me for? She has never showed any inclination towards anything like that.”* *growls and dumps his pillows on the couch downstairs and leaves the house to go to his work office*


    Desiree: *releases a soft chuckle* I’m certain that you’d do much worse than that. *Shaking her head, she grins at the dark-haired elf. She then glances up at the ceiling* Do you mind getting him? Just to see if he can help?

    Jenna: ~I don’t know if you’re being obstinate or ignorant, but she is your daughter. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. She’s always waiting for you to give her a hug or something. She wants your attention, so of course she needs you now!~ *she then hugs Iris* Yes, I’m your mother.

    Kat Aclysm

    Iris: *makes a happy squeak when hugged, then cuddles up against Jenna, clinging to her. She sends Jenna a telepathic signal of raw emotion, indicating very strong love and loyalty towards her, as well as contentment to the situation right now*

    Kalysto: Yeah. I can do that for you. *closes his eyes and lowers his head, sitting there for about two or three minutes. He opens his eyes again after he’s done, then smirks* Rhy has to lock the house, but he’ll come now.

    Sephiroth: *”Fine. FINE!”* *heads back towards Desiree’s house and bangs on the door*


    Jenna: *releases a light chuckle at her daughter’s love. She then lowers her head so that she can nuzzle her nose against the top of Iris’s head* I love you too, my girl. *with that, she lies down. As she moves down, she wraps her arm about Iris in order to embrace her*

    Desiree: *nods* Thank you, Kaly- *she then releases a loud yelp and covers her ears, mostly because this is the first time she’s encountered a loud noise with her new sense of hearing* What the hell??

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *watches Desiree’s reaction* Get used to that. Any nearby loud noise is like having your eardrums assaulted with a hammer. *glances at the door* Should I get it, or do you want to?

    Iris: *cuddles Jenna, settling next to her. Once comfortable, she drifts off to sleep herself*


    Desiree: *rubs her hears, still in quite a bit of shock and pain* I’ll try to get used to that.. Please, just get the door. I don’t even think I can balance at the moment with the way my ears are ringing.. Shit. *shakes her head, still trying to clear up her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah, OK. *moves out of his chair and heads to the front door. He opens it, blinking* Oh, hi again. *turns his attention back to Desiree* It’s your father again. *”Should I let him in?”*

    Sephiroth: Hello. *frowns* I need to speak with Desiree.


    Desiree: *her ears twitch as she hears the conversation at the door. She then nods* ~Yea, I heard him. Of course he can come in. I see no reason why not.~ *She then stands up and moves into the kitchen doorway* Father?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hello again, Desiree. *grunts* I just wanted to let you know that despite our disagreements and arguments in the past, that I am here for you during this time if you need it. If not, feel free to push me out the door again.


    Desiree: *blinks, not quite certain what to make out of Sephiroth’s statement. She then quickly shakes her head* No, I don’t want you to leave, Father. Please, do stay. *her ears lower as she looks at Kalysto* Unless, Kalysto doesn’t want you around..

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *puts his hands up* Hey don’t look at me. I didn’t say anything.

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* Is there anything I can do for you? I don’t know what kind of suggestion to make on how to fix you, but… *lightly shrugs his shoulders* I thought you may have wanted somebody.

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