Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Desiree: *adds a few more seasonings to the stew as well as adjusts the temperature so that the food can properly simmer. After stirring for a few minutes, she moves back to the living room. This time, she moves slowly to avoid tumbling to the ground once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *opens his eyes and watches her moving* Baby steps. *smirks and nods his head* Not too bad. Soon enough you’ll be hopping all over the place and balancing on your toes and hanging upsidedown from trees firing arrows at people’s butts.


    Desiree: *glares at Kalysto. She then takes off her now over-sized shirt and hurls it at his face* You’re such a royal pain! I hope you know that. *she then sighs as she realizes that her bra doesn’t quite fit too well either* Damn..

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *ducks his head, but that isn’t very effective as he was already seated in a chair. So the shirt flies into his face, covering it until he flicks it off* Very funny. *smirks at her* Find some better fitting clothes and don’t let your chest flop around everywhere. Unless you want to try and turn me on.

    Sephiroth: *knocks on the front door and lets himself in when he discovers it was unlocked* Hello, you said to… *stops, staring at Desiree before grunting, averting his attention* Should I wait outside?


    Desiree: It’s not flopping around every- *yelps as her father comes straight into the door. She then covers the top of her head and rushes back into the kitchen*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts lightly and shakes his head* I should have waited at the door.

    Kalysto: *watches Desiree leave, left alone with Sephy now. He frowns, then sits up properly, setting Desiree’s shirt on the floor beside him* Ah, sit down? Make yourself at home. Desiree has a mild problem she needs to talk about.


    Desiree: *glances back into the living room then teleports her shirt back into her hands so that she can put it back on* Yes, Father. Please, come in! *even though she calls out to her father, she doesn’t step out of the kitchen again yet. Instead, she keeps herself firmly pressed against the wall* Make yourself comfortable.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Heh.. what she said. *points into the kitchen* She’s making pork-bone stew, or something like that.

    Sephiroth: *rises to his feet and wanders into the kitchen, moving up behind Desiree* So what did you want to talk about? *pauses lightly, then narrows his eyes as he notices her ears* What happened.


    Desiree: *teneses up as she hears Sephiroth come into the kitchen. She then frowns* ~Kalysto! You weren’t supposed to just send him in here.. I wasn’t, ready yet.~ *sighs then shakes her head* There’s… Umm.. *closes her eyes as she tries to think of how to tell Sephiroth what happened. She also tries to keep her back to him because she doesn’t want to look at him yet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”What did you want me to do, stall him? Oh hi how are you, Desiree’s father. Yes you ripped off my ear but we’re friends now. Would you like some tea?”* *snorts* *”What was I supposed to do?”

    Sephiroth: There’s what? *scowls*


    Desiree: ~I would have appreciated some sort of stall…~ *lowers her head at Sephiroth’s tone* ~Please, I just.. I need help. I can’t do this. I can’t. I don’t even know what to say.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”So do you want a distraction, or help explaining the situation?”* *sighs and moves to his feet. He walks up behind Sephiroth and turns his attention to his back, not quite sure what to do himself right now*


    Desiree: ~I just need support… Help.. Something. I don’t know.~ *her ears twitch as she hears Kalysto move into the room. She then takes in a deep breath* Something came here, Father. We don’t know what exactly it was, but it attacked both of us..

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Indeed. I was minding my own business and something started calling to me. I investigated, and this weird thing came out of the Astral Plane and then it attacked us. I tried setting it on fire, but it didn’t do anything. Then it changed Desiree into what you see.

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes, scowling at the idea. He glares forwards at Desiree, then steps aside from Kalysto, moving back towards the door* What was it? Describe it to me. I need to know all that I can so I can form a proper strategy.


    Desiree: *blinks as she hears Sephiroth move toward the doorway. She then turns around to face him, frowning* That’s it.. You’re leaving? *she glances at the ground, not certain how she feels about that* It had six wings. Two sets of black demon or dragon wings, and one pair of feathered wings… There was a long black tail. Umm… The feet were the stand on toes variety thing, and they had three toes each. It also looked a lot like mother. At least, I thought it did.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Unfortunately, yes…. that’s it. I need to leave and devise a report on this thing. Or at least discuss it with Jenna. She will know what to do. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. *scowls* I am sorry that it turned you into… I don’t know what all the changes are.


    Desiree: But… *she bites her lip as her ears pin back. She then mutters* What if I just needed a father and not a general? *she shakes her head then moves to the pot so she can check on the stew*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts lightly at her* You’re a grown adult. You don’t need me any more. You have said so yourself. *sighs lightly* Thank you for letting me know…. *moves out of the house and heads back to his own so he can find and track down Jenna*

    Kalysto: Wow, that was even more awkward than it was before.


    Desiree: *her eyes widen as she hears what Sephiroth has to say in response to her. She then releases a faint whimper and nods, accepting the judgment. However, she remains silent for the most part and just keeps her concentration on the stew*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *sighs and moves his arms around Desiree, saying nothing as he cuddles her. He begins to hum one of the tunes he knows, then begins to sing* Toror, Sin, Anore… Asca, anar’alah… ta ashal’anore. A! Ta naa dela’na… *continues to hum*

    ** Brothers, Children, People, Hurry, by the light / It’s our people / Ah! It will guide us


    Desiree: *at first, only her ears tilt toward Kalysto as he wraps his arms around her. However, as he hums and sings to her, she turns to look at him before managing an awkward grin. However, the grin soon falters as she gives in to the stresses and emotions she’s felt as of late and she just begins to sob onto his shoulder. However, at this point, it’s more of an emotional release*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: **sighs at her, and keeps his arms around her, just standing there. He reaches behind her to turn the stove on low so the food doesn’t burn, then returns his hand to her back, lightly patting it*


    Desiree: *after several minutes of crying, she takes a deep breath to try to stabilize herself. She then slowly pushes herself up* I’m sorry.. That wasn’t like me at all. *reaching up to wipe the tears away from her eyes, she glances at the pot* Umm.. Do you think it’s good? Looks ready to eat to me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glances over at it, then lightly sniffs it* It looks decent. Should I get some bowls and set them on the table then? *moves to the sink and washes off his hands* As for the breakdown, don’t worry about it. It happens.


    Desiree: *nods* Add a few spices if you think it needs them, Kalysto. I trust your culinary expertise. *she gives him a grin then moves to set up the table with silverware and glasses*

    Jenna: *Is currently busy both watching over Iris and feeding Alexander. She’s brought Iris into her bedroom so it would be easier for her to accomplish these to tasks. So, she’s currently shirtless and on her bed*

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