Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Desiree: *frowns at Kalysto* He did it to protect you, Kalysto.. *Shakes her head* It’s your choice, but I think he proved that he isn’t really a traitor. *she takes the meat out of the refridgerator and begins to chop it up. However, she has problems since she’s getting used to her augmented strength*

    Lezprah: *leans in to lick Milena’s stomach then lies down next to her* ~Silly flesh one. You know words.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *listens to her chopping away* Don’t cut off a finger! I don’t want to explain who you are to the people in the infirmary. *takes a seat in a chair in the living room and sighs, reclining back in it*

    Milena: *screeches loudly again and wiggles, trying to paw his snout* *”You tickle!”*


    Desiree: I’d rather you just tell them all that I’m “Jane Doe”. I doubt any of my past medical records would do them any good at the moment anyway. *shakes her head and continues to chop the meat* Damn.. it shouldn’t be this hard.

    Lezprah: *grins at Milena then gently paws her shoulder before nudging her* ~Come, we go to big room with sun.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah but… they know I’m with you. If they see me with another woman, it’ll get back to mister grumpy with his reports and somehow everything ends up on his desk. *grumbles* It’s almost like the entire rumor mill gets fed to him or something I swear.

    Milena: *nods her head and moves to her feet, toddling after Lezprah, chirping as she tries to paw at his side*


    Desiree: Well, Father is in charge of security and the army. So, of course he’d get reports on what is going on in town. *She then frowns* Father thought we were married before.. What would he think if he found me like this?

    Lezprah: *releases a gentle rumble toward Milena. He then suddenly turns into mist before reforming under her so that he can carry her. Once she is on his back, he trots to the living room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena: *curls her pawfingers around him lightly so that she can hold on, putting her head down as he walks into the living room, making happy chirping-singing noises*

    Kalysto: To be honest? I don’t even know. I have a feeling I would probably incur his wrath though, and accuse me of doing that to you…. knowing him. *frowns* Maybe you should talk to him before he finds out on paper.


    Desiree: Yea, I probably should. *shakes her head then puts the ingredients in the pot so that they can start to simmer* Just for the record, this was your idea. *she then moves into the living room and sits down next to Kalysto* ~Father… Can you come to my house. I.. I need to talk to you.~

    Lezprah: *rumbles once more at Milena. He then flops down in a nice and sunny spot of the room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I know it was my idea. Should I leave now before I get my ear cartilage torn again?

    Sephiroth: *”You want to talk to me? What’s wrong, Desiree? I am at my office right now, trying to arrange a housing development… this is incredibly dull, but important.”* *sighs* *”Can your talk wait a few hours?”*

    Milena: *giggles and flops down on her back, warming her tummy in the sun. She soon rolls onto her back and begins absorbing heat through her wings*


    Desiree: ~Housing development? What does that have to do with you being in charge of the army?~ *shakes her head at Kalysto* My father is busy. He won’t be rushing over here. ~It- I- Yea, it can wait.~

    Lezprah: *gives Milena a small grin before curling around her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Don’t even ask that question…. somehow it ended up with me. Probably through the powers of lesser departments saying “I don’t want to do it”. *sighs* *”Very well. Thank you. I shall make the effort to give you time specifically later on in the day.”*

    Milena: *makes a weak “ooh” noise and tries to grab at Lezprah’s tail*


    Desiree: ~Well.. You should push something really mean on those departments later. Or something. I don’t know, but that sounds really, really unfair.~ *she then glances at Kalysto before snuggling up against him*

    Lezprah: *playfully flicks his tail in order to entertain Milena*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glances up at Desiree, then reaches up to caress her ear* Mmm. *smirks and leans back in his chair further, closing his eyes* Fuck we’re broke. I’ve never been this poor in my life. Well, apart from when I was a refugee in the Outlands. But I was a kid then and that didn’t count.

    Milena: *wiggles onto her butt, then tries to paw at Lezprah’s tail, happily screeching as she tries to grab it, letting go each time she does*


    Desiree: *releases a content groan as Kalysto touches her hear. She then leans her head toward his hand* Mmmm… Yea, but Father has been helping us out. It’s not that bad. Tomorrow will be better. Just consider today a set-up day or something.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Mmm… *continues to caress her ear. After a few moments, he moves his head in towards it, then begins to lick and suck on it, also lightly nibbling as he moves along it’s length* *”I still need to paint it. And hang a sign out the front. And make a pricing board. And put something in the back so I can work when I don’t have customers.”*


    Desiree: *her eyes initially widen in surprise at the new experiences as Kalysto begins to play with her ear. She then closes them before releasing a very contented moan* ~Umm… Right… You do have to do.. umm… something..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *raises a brow slightly, then continues licking her ear, making his way to the tip. He takes it into his mouth and begins to lightly suck on the end, humming at her* *”I’ll do something about it later.”* *chuckles at her reaction* *”What, you like harmless fooling around that much?”*


    Desiree: *reaches up to very lightly tug on the nearest strands of Kalysto’s hair that she can find* ~Oh, be quiet. Nothing with you is harmless.~ *grins* ~Anyway, it’s very, very pleasant.~ *she shuffles about a bit, pressing herself a bit more against him as she does this*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”What?”* *Smirks and moves his head away, leaving her ear alone* I’m harmless. Truly. *leans his head back in the chair again* Not in the least bit dangerous. Whatever gave you the idea that I wasn’t?


    Desiree: Mmm.. *opens her eyes a few moments after Kalysto moves away from her ear. She then slips into this lap before leaning in to kiss him* Oh, is that so? If you are so harmless, why are you so godly drop dead gorgeous?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *raises both of his eyebrows* Whoa, really? Heh. *tilts his head forward to kiss her back* That has to be a lie. Nobody says that. Unless they want something. *smirks at her, then shuffles about underneath her* Glad to see you’re not so self-concious about yourself any more.


    Desiree: *shakes her head* That’s not it. I still really want to be back to myself, but I know that moping around and crying won’t solve anything. *she then rests her head on his shoulder, though she keeps herself seated in his lap* I’m just doing my best to handle.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Good. Because you weren’t doing yourself any good by hanging your head and feeling bad about it, let me assure you. *is quiet for several moments* So do you really want to learn my language, or were you just saying that to be polite?


    Desiree: Heh, now you remember that? *softly chuckles at him, humored but not troubled* Of course I was serious, Kalysto. I don’t say things just to be polite. *shakes her head. She then nuzzles her nose against the side of Kalysto’s neck* Do you have any ideas on how to fix me?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *looks her over* Hmm. I can’t sense any magical effect. It’s entirely physical. Maybe it’s something for your mother to look over and see if she can fix it. I can’t even see a thread of magic that was used to create this.


    Desiree: *sighs then nods* I really hope that I get to be myself again. I don’t really want to be like this. *her ears flick back once more* Why did you go after that thing? You’ve warned me so many times about the schemes of demons, but you went after it..

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