Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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  • #38731
    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: One moment. *grasps her hand and squeezes it, letting go again* I’ll leave a note on the door if people want something on an emergency basis. *picks up a piece of paper and begins to write on it. He screws the first one up and picks up a second paper to write on* Ah, I forgot… I need to write it in your common-speak language… *moves to the door and tacks the note on* Come on. Lets go.


    Desiree: *releases a light chuckle at Kalysto’s mistake then grins* Oh, I’m certain we’d forgive you for writing it in Thellassian. It’s such a pretty language anyway. Of course, I’m biased and I’d say everything about you is handsome. *she then nods as he says “Let’s go.” So, she moves closer to him then grips onto his hand once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *guides her out of the shop, then turns off the lights and locks the door behind him. He takes the lead back to the house, opening the door for her once he reaches the entrance* After you, my lady. *gives her a lopsided smirk*


    Desiree: *almost trips from time to time because her shoes are just a bit loose on her feet now. However, she keeps a grip on Kalysto in order to keep herself from falling. When they enter the house, she chuckles at him* Oh, stop that. I’m not buying the Prince Charming routine for a second. *broadly grins at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Oh, right. Well I tried. *closes the front door, then lazily stretches* Heh, its not even the middle of the day and my store is shut. What a dissapointment. *moves out of the room to go pick up Milena*


    Desiree: *reaches down to remove her shoes. She then slips off Kalysto’s robe before moving to follow after him* It’s only the first day. I’m certain that other days will go better. *she then slowly twitches her ears, trying to get used to them. The movements are rather jerky since she’s not used to having ears that move at all*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *picks up the supplies he needs, then sets Milena on the ground then goes about changing her* I know. I have to make flyers and mail them to people. Not that it’s going to make much difference to some of them. *winces slightly as he cleans the small girl off* People just need to know they want it.


    Desiree: Well, at least you’ll know that my idiot brother will probably come back for more stuff. *rolls her eyes* I swear, that boy has become quite the pervert. *she then moves closer to Milena before reaching down to pat her head* Hello, girl.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena: *screeches happily at Desiree, her attention focussing hard on her. She blinks for a few moments, uncertain. Once Kalysto is finished with her, she is rather quick to stand on her feet, wandering over to Desiree to poke at her* Eeee?

    Kalysto: *tidies up afterwards and throws the dirty diaper into a nearby pail* If he’s my only customer, I’m not even going to make rent. *chuckles and walks away to wash off his hands*


    Desiree: Well, I’m certain he’ll spread the word out to all the other loser perverts in town. *she then glances down at Milena before sighing* It’s me, Desiree. *her ears pin back again* I just… look different at the moment, but it’s still me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena: *keeps watching Desiree closely, then shies away from her, running into her bedroom to hide behind the door frame*

    Kalysto: *sighs lightly as he comes back into the room* I don’t know. Give her a few days? She’s a weird one, that’s for sure. At least she didn’t run away screaming.


    Desiree: *shakes her head* I’m not worried. *she straightens up and takes a deep breath, trying to relax* She’s young and things that are out of place probably seem earth-shattering. Heh.. I’m not fully certain that my world isn’t shattered by this. *her ears slowly twitch back into a relaxed position, but it seems a bit forced too*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *sighs at her, then crouches down in front of her, sitting crosslegged on the floor* Here. Your expressionism is all messed up and confusing me. *reaches forwards to grasp her ear bases* Relax. *begins to slowly move them back* Do you know what muscles you move to make these work? *moves them back all the way* Now you are grumpy. Or unhappy. Or in a fight. We flick them back like that to avoid them getting cut off. *sighs and lets go of them again, thinking* Hrm. *glances around* Have you seen a cat move its ears?


    Desiree: *glances down at him before kneeling down with him. She then lowers her head to give him easier access to her ears* Well… I’ve seen your cat and Lezprah move their ears… *when he lets go of her ears, they don’t immediately move back upright, but she slowly forces them back up because she doesn’t want to look sad* Speaking of your cat… have you ever picked out a name?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: A name for my cat? I had been pondering Fel. But I’m not finalized in my decision. *sighs at her* Just practise. I don’t really know what to say outside of that it comes naturally, because it won’t come naturally for you..


    Desiree: *releases a faint chuckle* Fel sounds like a much better name than “kitten”, that’s for certain. *she then nods* Yea, this won’t come naturally at all. I’m probably not going to be a very good elf at all. *She then holds out his robe to him* Oh, here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *takes it from her then begins to neatly fold it up* I hope my enhancements didn’t weird you out too much. It’s nice to be able to add an extra little bite to a burn. *sets the folded robe aside him as well as the gloves* There’s no such thing as being a good elf or a bad elf. I don’t know where you’re getting that one.


    Desiree: No, I didn’t mean it like that. *quickly shakes her head* Umm… I don’t think I’ll make a very good elf.. Umm… Do well? I don’t know how to say it. But I think it’ll be pretty obvious that I’m not really one of your kind. *she looks up into his eyes* Does that make any sense?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Heh, you should spend a weekend with my brother. He’s a complete fucking idiot. He’d teach you more about his stupid Paladin credos and chivalry than anything else. *relaxes back in his posture* I don’t know what you’re worried about though. What does it mean to be an elf? Not that much. I’m honestly not that much different from a human. The difference is so minor that we can produce halflings with no problem.


    Desiree: Yea… Well… Dragons can produce halflings with humans with no problem too, and they’re not at all related. *shakes her head* I just meant you’ll probably not see the types of emotive motions that you’re used to seeing from me. *sighs as she lets her ears droop again* I should get started on dinner.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: So soon? What are you going to cook at this hour? *moves to his feet and picks up his clothes so he can put them away* Oh be warned that you might find your tastes changed. I can’t really explain that one in great detail to you. Just be ready for it.


    Desiree: *stops and frowns, her ears drooping even more* I haven’t really thought that far… I don’t know. Maybe some sort of stew? What sounds good to you, Kalysto? And, I’ll keep in mind what you’re saying concerning taste.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: A stew, huh? Yeah. Start with something mild. We have a pork bone in the refrigerator. I picked it up from the butcher. Boil that in about 8 pints of water with vegetables, barely, and add spices to your taste.


    Desiree: *nods* That does sound like a good idea. *she turns toward the kitchen* Oh.. I know you’re still angry with Droozun, but he did get hit by whatever that thing was. Maybe you should check up on him? *she then moves to the kitchen so that she can start cooking*

    Lezprah: *stalks into the house. Soon enough, he walks over to Milena then gives the girl a gentle nuzzle with his snout*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: He got hit and killed. I assume he’s back in the Nether now. I can go outside and summon him again if you want. I don’t think I want to right away though – not right now. *folds his arms, annoyed* Fuck him.

    Milena: *tumbles backwards when nuzzled but begins to loudly giggle and flail her arms* Ee-eee-eee!

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