Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Dimtiri: No, not mean that. *pouts* Want to know if I can buy.. umm.. Prank thing.. with “change”. Have enough? *he then tilts his head before nodding* Ok, Mother talk to herself all the time. It ok.

    Desiree: ~I don’t want to be seen… Not now.~ *she curls up in an attempt to keep herself from being at all visible*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Oh you want to buy something? Um… *glances around* Anything specific? I have something that would make you invisible. Something else that would cause somebody to breathe fire for a day or two until it wore off… you name it, I can probably make it here too. *”Relax, Desi. I won’t give you away.”*


    Dimitri: *shrugs* What you think is fun? I don’t know.. *deeply frowns* And don’t think abou’ calling me “Dim” like Zach do. I just no know these things. *he glances around the room* What most fun?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Oh, that’s a matter of personal preference. *moves to the shop window and plucks up a small bottle of dark red liquid* Here. Watch this. *opens the shop door and hurls the bottle away from the shop, onto the dirt. It immediately reacts to the slamming trauma by exploding, sending a massive plume of orange and red smoke everywhere*


    Dimitri: *rushes to the window in order to watch. As soon as he sees the smoke, he grins and giggles* That look fun. *he then glances at the pouch that he gave Kalysto* Umm.. I can afford that?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: With the money you have in that pouch, you can buy three. The ingredients are not complicated. The mixing process is though. *grins* You want some? Just don’t shake them up violently, or they’ll do that in your face.


    Dimitri: *nods* Yea.. I’ll take. Umm.. Can put in other two if you want. *scratches the side of his head* I play with them. That ok, right?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *nods his head and picks two of them up, handing them to him. He gently takes the sack of coins from Dimitri and takes out enough for payment* There you go. Just don’t blow yourself up. *grins*


    Dimitri: *nods at Kalysto. He then grabs his potions as well as Zach’s before rushing out of the store. Soon enough, he moves back into the house before making his way to Zach’s room* Umm.. *glances at the bottles, having forgotten which was Zach’s* Here. *holds out all the bottles to his bigger brother*

    Desiree: My father is going to kill you if Dimitri explodes those things in the house.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Why’s he going to kill me? That’s like saying he’s going to kill the wheat farmer because his bread was sour. Once it leaves my care, I am not responsible for it any more. *frowns* How would you like to help me paint this place later?

    Zach: *blinks* Heh, wow, you got three of them? Nice. *picks them up to look at them, reading the labels* Heh, this one’s the only one I need. *hands the other two back* Exploding potion? What are you going to blow up?


    Dimitri: *shrugs* I dunno.. I think of something. Later. *he takes the other two bottles* Have fun making ladies crazy, Zach.

    Desiree: *her ears droop once more* I just want to be myself again.. I don’t care what color this place is. *shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *sighs at her* Are you going to be beat up over that all day? I told you, you look great. Don’t worry too much. *sighs again, his shoulders sinking* What’s the worst part about being an elf? You’re smaller, more slender, and agile. You’re still you. You still have the same eyes, hair colour, general face structure. Heck, you still have the same body parts. So you changed shape and you grew long ears and the ability to move quickly and listen to everything around you – so what? You’re still you. I’ll work on a solution, but try to enjoy what you are in the meantime. *reaches down to touch her ear*

    Zach: *grins and gently ruffles Dimitri’s hair* Will do, little brother. *kisses the bottle* I am going to have such a fun time tonight. Whoo!


    Desiree: *whimpers as she looks up at him* Would you say the same things if things had been reversed? If instead of me being an elf, that thing had turned you into a human hybrid like what I’m supposed to be? You would be miserable.. You’ve been in my body and weren’t happy then.

    Dimitri: Umm… ok. *tilts his head* Why you want to drive ladies crazy? That sound strange.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: You’ll understand when you’re older. Ladies are pretty special. But sometimes… they just need a little push in the right direction. Especially when you’re paying them and not getting your money’s worth.

    Kalysto: *sighs at her* I’m sorry. I’m just trying to cheer you up. You can’t sit around all day and be sad about it.


    Dimitri: Ok. *he shrugs then grins as he glances at his bottles. Soon after, he runs to his room so that he can hide his “pranks”*

    Desiree: *lifts her head up to look at Kalysto. She then nods before moving to stand up. However, she frowns as she does such* Definitely more slim.. My clothes are really loose.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Do you want something to wear? Maybe I can go buy something soon. *sets the coins on the counter and sorts them before tossing them into the till* But hey, girls always rant about wanting to be more slim… so, lucky you? *glances down at himself, pulling his robe off to one side* I’m a bit on the fat side myself.


    Desiree: I wasn’t fat at all by human standards. *she glances down at herself* This just feels weird. *She then blinks before looking up at Kalysto* You, fat? *shakes her head* I disagree with that fully. And I’ve seen you naked, so I think I can honestly say such things.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I’m still kind of fat. *pinches his stomach, then glances at her* You weren’t though. Now you’re even skinnier. You can climb trees and dissapear into brush. *chuckles* Not that I see you doing that sort of thing.


    Desiree: *shakes her head at Kalysto* Well, perhaps I should put you on a diet if you are convinced that you are fat, hm? *She moves in toward him before hugging him* And thank you for being here for me. Thank you so very much.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *blinks at her hug, then moves his arms around her* You’re welcome? I honestly wasn’t doing anything other than telling the truth. You honestly don’t look that bad. Good, even. *moves his head in to gently lick her ear, smirking* Really good…. mm… I think I might have to call home sick.


    Desiree: *loudly chuckles at Kalysto’s attitude then looks up at him* Very well, you’ve done enough for today. I think you’ve earned the chance to close the shop early. *deeply frowns* But.. How can I get home? I don’t want to be seen like this. *shakes her head* Not yet..

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glances at her, then sighs. He crouches down, slipping his robe off over his head, holding it out for her to take* Put the hood up. *takes off his gloves and gives them to her also* The hood hides my ears rather well when I need it do.


    Desiree: *softly chuckles* Oh, so now I will be swimming in your clothing. *grins at him then nods* Thank you. *she then grips onto the robe and puts it on before working on hiding her ears with the hood* Hmm.. This reminds me. I’ve heard that men think that seeing their woman wear their clothing is sexy. *she looks up at Kalysto* Is that so?

    Kat Aclysm

    *Desiree may feel a slight tingly sense in the robe as it is designed to enhance and heighten one’s magical abilities*

    Kalysto: *scratches the side of his head* I am not sure. I would have to think about it. If you asked another Blood elf… my brethren would raise eyebrows at you and wonder what you’re doing walking around in a the robes of a Warlock with a high status.


    Desiree: *rolls her eyes at him* Let’s.. Let’s just get home . *she shutters at the feeilng, but decides to ignore it. She then reaches out to take Kalysto’s hand* Lead the way, my warlord.

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