Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: You’re still you, don’t worry. *moves over to her and crouches down in front of her, reaching out to touch her face* Look at me. I know this bothers you, OK? I know you don’t like it. I don’t know how to fix it, but we can go to your mother and ask, right? In the meantime… just look at it in a good light. You think being an elf is bad?


    Desiree: *her ears slowly pull back, though it’s a jerky and unnatural movement* I… You would probably be the same way if she had turned you into what I’m naturally supposed to be. *whimpers* I- *lowers her head* I probably look hideous…

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: No, you don’t actually. Do you want me to get a mirror and show you? *opens his hands in front of her like a book motion, creating a reflective illusionary spell as he does so* Here, look in the palms of my hands. Do you look bad? No.


    Desiree: *after a moment, she looks into the make-shift mirror before releasing a loud disappointed whine* That isn’t me at all… *slowly shakes her head as her ears manage to droop even more* My eyes.. my ears… my eyebrows… It’s all wrong.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *Sighs and moves to sit beside her* Come on. Sit with me for a while and try not to think about it. *frowns, not sure what to do with her now. He moves an arm around her after a moment, then lightly pats her shoulder opposite* You’re still you, no matter what you look like. Remember that.


    Desiree: *leans against him then releases a soft sigh* You know… doing this probably takes off points from your “dark, evil, scary warlock” reputation. *her ears begin to slowly rise back up as she relaxes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Right now I don’t give a shit. *looks over at her, seeming rather calm and a little sad at her expression* I just don’t want you to be upset about it. I’ll find a way to fix it because it really bothers you. But I’m also saying in the meantime, try to get used to it. Enjoy it if you can. *begins to flick his ears independantly of each other* And learn how to use these.


    Desiree: *slowly nods at Kalysto’s suggestions* I’ll try, Kalysto… I know you like being what you are, but you were born to be this. I wasn’t meant to be this way. I don’t think I can enjoy it.. *she glances at her arms* So very thin.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *moves to lean up against her more, grinning* No, petite. The correct term is petite. Female Sin’dorei are tiny by definition. It makes us men look manlier. *chuckles lightly at her, then raises a hand to touch her nearer ear, tracing his fingers along the edge experimentally*


    Desiree: *her eyes snap open as she first feels Kalysto touch her ear, for she isn’t used to having such sensitive ears. However, as he continues on, her eyes relax and droop closed and she leans in toward him* I see why you enjoy this..

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: You might begin to understand why the ears are considered an erroneous zone. *smirks at her, then lightly chuckles* Among the more hard-up prude members of society, touching and caressing another’s ears was practically considered foreplay.


    Desiree: Humans can say that any form of touching is foreplay. Some wouldn’t even want to see us holding hands in public.. *she alows herself to lean even more into him then releases a content sigh*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Maybe later if you’re interested, I can teach you some immersion training. Zulmire did that with me when I was younger. One can use their ears to draw an incredibly accurate mental picture in their mind and not have the need for sight. He tied a blindfold over my eyes and I was made to do just that – gain a mental picture and really listen to all around me.


    Desiree: I can see without seeing fine… Father taught me all his tricks from SOLDIER. My natural form can actually be very aware of its surroundings. *her free ear then flicks as she hears the door open up* I think you have a customer.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Oh? *rises to his feet, quickly moving behind the counter. He glances at the door, raising his eyebrows lightly at the new customer* Hi there. How can I help you today?


    Dimitri: *tucks his wings in close to his body as he looks up at Kalysto, a bit nervous* Umm… *glances down at a piece of paper that he has in his hands* Big brother say you open shop and he want something that… *squints his eyes as he reads the paper* ..makes the ladies go crazy? *stares up at Kalysto, not understanding at all* An’ do you have candy?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *blinks at Dimitri’s request and nods at the paper* Did he leave any specific directions? *hums in thought* Make the ladies go crazy… *thinks for a moment* I have a lust potion if your big brother wants that. Or a potion to make people irrationally angry… *crouches down under the counter, picking up the lust potion* Here, try that. *scratches the side of his head* I don’t have any candy, sorry…


    Desiree: *shifts about on the wall, trying to keep herself as hidden as possible*

    Dimitri: No candy? *blinks and looks up at Kalysto* Boring store. *he then holds up the paper and bag of gil that he was given* Umm… here?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *takes the bag and opens it, then begins to sort through it, taking out the amount needed. He then hands it back to Dimitri, setting the money in his till nearby* Thanks. *grins* Hey, its not that boring. I make things that you can use for pranks.


    Dimitri: *blinks and stares up at Kalysto* Huh? What’s a prank? *he then grips onto the bottle that he had aquired for Zach and studies over it* ~Zach, I got your thing for “ladies”.~

    Desiree: *frowns at Kalysto* ~My father would go berserk if you enable my younger brother to throw the household into chaos with pranks.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”Relax. If he’s anywhere near like you it’s not going to be that bad.”* *grins down at Dimitri* You don’t know what a prank is? That’s the same as a practical joke. You play a trick on somebody that is not necessarily funny to them, but hilarious to everyone else.

    Zach: *”Woo, bring it back when you’re ready. I’d go in there, but… it’d be awkward and wouldn’t work out.”*


    Dimitri: *blinks* It’s funny? Like what? What kind of joke does that? *he then frowns as Zach contacts him* ~Ummm… Ok. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work out.~

    Desiree: *frowns and gives Kalysto a quick kick in the back of the left ankle as to warn him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glares lightly at Desiree* What are you doing? *sighs and glances back down at Dimitri* A prank like… turning somebody’s hair pink. Setting somebody’s food on fire. That sort of thing. It’s funny to everyone else except the person.


    Dimitri: Mmmm.. *hands Kalysto his bag again* What this pay for? *he then blinks* Who you talking to? *his wings flap twice in confusion. However, he doesn’t peak around the elf yet*

    Desiree: ~You shouldn’t be putting those ideas into my little brother’s head.. And don’t tell him I’m here!~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: It’s change. You gave me money, I took out the payment and gave you the rest back. *glances down at Desiree* *”It’s fine. He’ll work out this stuff anyway in time.”* *grins back at Dimitri* I’m talking to nobody. Ignore me. Thanks for coming to buy something.

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