Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    *The egg rumbles as it is poked. Soon after, a loud crack is heard before a line begins to form down along the egg. Soon after, two black dragon-like wings fling open, smacking Kalysto away as they open up. These wings reveal a second set of wings, this one the same angel-like wings of the being that Kalysto had saved. Soon after, these wings open up as well, soon followed by a third, smaller, draconic pair of wings. As the wings open up, they reveal a curled up figure that is still obscured by a long tail that is wrapped around it*

    Desiree: *yelps as the scene and tries to reach out form Kalysto so that she can drag him away* ~Droozun! Lezprah! We need you!~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *hisses as he is smacked backwards* Desiree, pick it up and toss it into the ocean or something! Damn it…. *attempts to move forwards and grab at one of the wings, trying to drag it back with him into the Astral Plane*

    Droozun: *snarls and charges out of the house to come to Desiree’s aid. He stops as he sees the black wings, then tries to charge them, attempting to sink his teeth into the nearest one and steal it’s energy or snap a bone*


    Nemesis: *releases a dark chuckle as she feels Kalysto try to pull at her. Her tail then unwraps from around her body such that it can lash out and wrap around Droozun in an attempt to catch him mid-air* Toss it? *she plants her three-toed feet down on the ground before she begins to straighten up to her full height* We do not approve of your plans.

    Lezprah: *rushes out as well. He then growls and moves to stand in a protective stance in front of Desiree*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Damn it! *continues trying to pull at the wing and drag it back with him to the Astral Plane, struggling with all his effort and might to do so now*

    Droozun: *makes a loud screech as he is smacked with Nemesis’s tail and seems to disintergrate, his physical form collapsing on the ground, dead*


    Nemesis: *raises the wing that Kalysto is pulling on in an attempt to suspend him in the air. She then brings her tail around so that she can press the tip against his cheek* Ah, our precious savior. You wanted the power of eternity, did you not?

    Desiree: *yelps as she sees Droozun vanish. However, she soon snaps her attention to Kalysto* Power of eternity? What is she talking about?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: To be honest? I have no fucking idea. *hisses as he is suspended off the ground and wiggles his feet, wanting to get down* I wanted power, but I didn’t want to unleash another uncontrollable demon lord. Ugh, one was bad enough. *glares at the tail in his face* What are you going to give me?


    Nemesis: *loudly chuckles at Kalysto* Demon lord? Demon lord? We mock your demon lords. We are the alpha and the omega in the truest sense. Order and chaos are ours to control. We are much more than some lord of demons. No, no. *she then grins* Ah yes, the promised payment. Well, you do know what eternity is filled with, right?

    Lezprah: *snarls* ~Told you demon angel bad!~ *he then forms into a mist and tries to suck Kalysto into his mist in an attempt to free him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glares down at Lezprah* *”Yeah!? Well you didn’t elaborate!”* *glares at Nemesis, flicking his ears back in defiance* Eternity is filled with damnation and chaos. Are you going to throw me there? I don’t give a damn.


    Nemesis: *laughs at Kalysto* How naive. Eternity is simply nothingness. Hence, we promised you nothing. *she then hisses as Kalysto is pulled into the cat demon’s fog. She then tries to lash out at him before quickly turning her attention on Desiree and grinning* Hmm.. however, if you want repayment…

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *growls* Shit… *tumbles onto the ground near Lezprah, then sits up, glaring at Nemesis. He raises his hands and tries to throw a blast of fire at her face* Desiree, get out of here. Or get help. Either way, I’m probably not going to be here much longer…


    Nemesis: *staggers back as Kalysto strikes her with the blast. Releasing an annoyed hiss, mostly because she is severely weakened after being held captive for so long, she swirld around to glare at Kalysto once more* Persistent. Very well, we shall give you a reward. *she then narrows her eyes as she studies over Kalysto* Hmm… you want her to understand what it’s like to be one of your kind, do you not? *she smirks and waves toward Desiree*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *narrows his eyes at Nemesis* Don’t touch her. If you want to do anything to me, throw me into the abyss of eternity like you were planning. Don’t waste my time and just do it… *moves to his feet again, glaring* Go on. I’m ready.


    Nemesis: *laughs at Kalysto* Oh, that is no fun at all. Silly little warlock. *smirks then waves at Desiree, who suddenly shutters and collapses onto the ground* Let us show you what true chaos is.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *growls* You leave her alone!! *raises his hands, sending another blast plume of fire at her wings* She didn’t do anything and you know it! You want somebody to attack? *moves to stand in front of her* Attack me. Go on. It’s the easiest shot you will ever make.


    Nemesis: *hisses in pain as the bast burns her wings. She narrows her eyes at the injury before flaring out her wings* It appears our game should wait. At least you may enjoy your gift now. *chuckles then leaps into the air to fly away*

    Lezprah: *rushes to Desiree, who has curled up in pain and tries to paw her shoulder*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Fuck games, I just gave you the best shot you’re ever going to get! *growls as she flies away, then shakes his head* I’ll get you… *moves over to Desiree and crouches beside her* What the heck did she just do? Are you alright?


    Lezprah: *looks up at Kalysto as he nears Desiree. He then releases a very soft whining like noise before he looks down at Desiree*

    Desiree: *pants as the pain begins to recede. She then moves her hands away from her head, which she had been gripping because she felt intense pain there. This movement reveals two long ears* Kalysto…?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *stares at Desiree and quickly stumbles back from her, flicking his ears back* What the hell? Desiree? *frowns* What the hell happened to you? *reaches over to poke at her nearer ear, wondering if it’s real or not*


    Desiree: *Had been effectively transformed into a sin’dorei by Nemesis. Releasing a pained groan, lifts her head to look up at Kalysto* Huh? *she then yelps as he touches her ear, not having expected the sensation at all*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *quickly moves his hand away again* What happened to you? *blinks and moves to his feet, offering a hand to her* It changed you… *narrows his eyes, disbelieving what he sees* …into a female version of my species? Why would it do that?


    Desiree: *is still quite dazed and doesn’t understand what she felt as second ago. She stares at Kalysto as he speaks* Huh? *she then reaches out to take his hand with her left hand while reaching up to feel the ear that he had touched with her right. Upon finding the new shape, her eyes widen before she releases a loud scream*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *flinches at the noise and covers his ears with his hands* *”Calm down! It’s not the end of the world! Just look on the bright side, you can actually hear stuff without any hinderance now… you might actually like it.”*


    Desiree: *whimpers as she feels her ears over once more. She then quickly shakes her head* I want to be myself again… I want to be myself.. *her eyes widen as she notices that she’s currently outside and in the open. So, she rushes into Kalysto’s store so that she can hide from any peeping eyes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *sighs at Desiree’s reaction and moves inside, frowning at her* Relax…. I’m just saying it’s not all that bad. You don’t look hideous if that’s what you’re worried about. *takes his seat behind the counter again* I’m just trying to give you words of assurance.


    Desiree: Relax…? Relax? *sniffles and slides down against a wall before curling up at the base of it, completely miserable* How would you like it if you were suddenly not you anymore? I want to be me…

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