Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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  • #38631
    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *tries to pull the woman out, dusting her off* If this is a fallen Seraphim…. oh imagine the possibilities if I could command this. *grins to himself and tries to haul her up out of the hole*

    *his Netherdrake growls, rumbling at him* “You are messing in things that ought not to be messed with…”


    *The black ooze from the cave sticks to the woman as she’s pulled out. She releases a faint moan as she’s hauled out from her captivity and subtly moves to press herself up against Kalysto*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *immediately tries to set her down. He raises his hands over her, then begins attempting to chant one of the many binding rituals he has used before to capture and bind a demon to his soul and willpower. He tries to channel parts of her to bind her to himself as he does this, curious to see if it will even work**


    Nemesis: *In essense, both creatures that compose her are already bound to each other. So, while Kalysto might get a small taste of the power that they contain, he’d mostly encounter the same resistance that he’d feel if he had tried to tame another warlock’s pet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *seems confused and begins to drift upwards again, wanting to get a better view overall. Now that he has found that she is bound to somebody else, he is not so willing to try and claim her for his own. He flicks a hand up at his Netherdrake, ordering it to leave*


    Nemesis: *Even though she remains motionless and unconscious, a small smirk forms on her lips. She also releases another soft moan*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *seems highly suspicious of her by now and tries to scan her over and see if there is anything hidden that he may have missed. He continues to back away from her and drift away from her chasm, half-expecting some sort of trap to spring by now*


    Nemesis: *her form melts away just as Kalysto tries to scan her, turning into nothing more than the same type of black sludge which coats the chasm. This very same sludge would be dripping constantly and bubbling, most likely splattering on Kalysto’s clothing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *growls* How the hell is this even possible? *moves out of the chasm entirely, then breaks his connection with the astral plane, wanting to return himself to reality and probe later. He looks around his shop and sighs, discovering that very little has changed*


    Desiree: *returns to the shop only a few minutes after Kalysto returns to the physical realm at all. She is carrying a chair as well as a few other things that she thinks that Kalysto might want in the shop. However, she stops in her tracks as she spots Kalysto* Wha- What the hell did you get into? You’re filthy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I don’t even know how that can transfer realms… *glances down at the liquid* I was looking at something I probably shouldn’t have. I disturbed it and… *shrugs* It’s fine. *raises a hand, inspecting the stuff, then looks around the table, wanting to find something he can scrape it into. He soon finds an empty bulbous flask and begins to scrape the oily substance off his body with the inner rim of the flask*


    *The ooze seems to move away from the flask, almost on its own. It also drips off Kalysto and begins to puddle onto the ground*

    Desiree: *cringes at the mess then shakes her head* Oh… I don’t even want to know what you got yourself into… *she then nods to the chair* Where would you like this, Kalysto?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Behind the counter I guess. *watches the ooze move, narrowing his eyes* Huh. *glares down a the middle of the shop floor* I’d probably run if I were you right about now.


    Desiree: *traces Kalyto’s gaze to the ooze then chuckles, for she isn’t quite seeing the danger* What? Gravity is just making it fall off you. *she moves to Kalysto a flicks one of his “feather” spikes* That just means we don’t have to scrub you down quite as hard tonight.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *frowns, not liking the fact the ooze moved on its own* Yeah… but I still don’t trust it. Seriously, physical filth doesn’t just… *motions with his hands* You wouldn’t get it even if I explained it to you. *sighs* It came from something really weird.


    Desiree: *tilts her head and watches the ooze slide off Kalysto’s robes, not really noticing anything out of place. She then shakes her head* You’re worked up.. Maybe you’re just.. Well.. Not making up stuff.. But your mind is playing tricks on you because you’re worked up? *she shrugs* Should I get a mop?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah, get a mop… phh. *moves out of the way of the ooze, moving to the corner to get a dustpan and broom to clean up the remnants off the floor* I’m telling you, it moved. It moved off me and pooled on the floor. *sweeps it into the pan and carries it outside, attempting to tip it into the garden*


    *the ooze currently stays still and seems to act like any other liquid. It puts up no resistance at all as it is swept up and is readily spilled out onto the ground outside*

    Desiree: *comes back into the main area of the shop with a mop and sighs at the mess on the floor* Always cleaning up after him. *softly chuckles to herself*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *steps back inside the shop and takes his seat behind the counter, sighing* I don’t know what it was… but I have a feeling I shouldn’t mess with that angel thing in the Astral Plane again. *rests his chin on his hand, sighing* It was so weird. It was trapped, and nothing was going near it. It must have been really powerful. The master of that thing must be impressive.


    Desiree: Angel thing? *cocks her eyebrow* What exactly were you doing while I was away, Kalysto…? *deeply frowns and continues to mop up the floor*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I went to the Astral Plane to check out something that had been calling to me. I looked down there and there was this hole. And nothing wanted go to near it. Me, being the inquisitive elf I am, and having no respect for people’s taboo and boundaries, poked at it. And then it moved. It was just an angel thing with wings. I tried to steal it but somebody owned it. Next thing I know, I come back and I’m covered in this crap. And that’s pretty much all that happened.


    Desiree: *frowns at Kalysto* And you try to yell at me over being irresponsible with demons… Why didn’t you at least have someone with you to help you? What if that call was something really bad? *she shakes her head and moves to dump the bucket filled with dirty water out in the yard. However, she soon yelps as she finds a giant egg-like thing made out of the ooze in the yard instead*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Oh would you relax. I knew what I was doing. And I wasn’t about to take it out if I couldn’t. Sheesh. *flicks an ear as he hears the yelp and moves outside* What is it? *blinks as he sees the egg* Um… I repeat, what is it?


    Desiree: *quickly shakes her head before backing up toward Kalysto* I don’t know.. I’m sorry. I doubted you.. I’m so sorry. *she turns to look up at him* Have you seen anything like this before?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: No, never. It looks like the same crap I just sweeped off the floor. *frowns* Did a demon attach itself to me disguised as crap and use me as a vessel to get here? *crouches down and pokes at the egg* Desiree…. I don’t know what it is… can we get rid of it?

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