Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Desiree: Hmm… *slowly nods as she takes in the information that Rhyderi is giving her. She then closes her eyes and tries contacting her mother. After a bit of time, where her expression occasionally twitches, she opens her eyes to look at Kalysto* I might have someone else who can help you out coming.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *waves at her again, groaning* I’ll be fine… I’ll be fine, go away….

    Rhyderi: *tilts his head in curiousity* Who? Who else do you know who can help him out? I did what I could. All he needs is time. That’s all you can do for him.


    Desiree: *frowns at Kalysto’s words. She then shakes her head* I know you’ll be fine. But aren’t I allowed to touch you…? *she then narrows her eyes at Rhyderi* I know you did what you could. However… My mother.. She knows things that people like you and I haven’t even began to think about.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *grumbles at her, then forces himself to sit up again* Fucking damn it… I don’t need anyone. I’ll be fine! Sheesh. *forces himself to his feet, taking two steps before crashing onto the floor* Fuck!


    Desiree: *yelps and quickly moves over to Kalysto before trying to pick him up* Stop being so pig-headed, Kalysto. It doesn’t take a genius to see that you’re not in the best of conditions.. *sighs* Please, just lie down and relax.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah yeah yea… what are you, my physician? *frowns and climbs back onto the bed, curling up so his back is facing Desiree and Rhyderi now* Go away… leave me alone. I don’t need any help, or anything like that…. I’ll be fine.


    Desiree: *looks over at Rhyder* Please, leave us. I want to talk to Kalysto, alone. Just go… Find some squirrel to save or something. *she then sits down next to Kalysto and frowns at him* ~I’m not leaving you. You should know that I care too much about you to leave.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *stares at her* Um. You do know I’m a Paladin, right? Not some white knight in shining armor out of a stupid storybook. *narrows his eyes* Nothing I’ve said was condescending so far – you could at least pay the same mind back to me. *seems insulted as he walks out of the house*

    Kalysto: *growls* I get that, but it’s not like that… *shakes his head* I’m saying I’ll be fine. I’m not a retard or an invalid. I can withstand a crappy bite.


    Desiree: *shakes her head at Rhyderi then scoots closer to Kalysto* I know that you’ll be fine. But you’re not fine yet. I’m certain you’d be concerned for me… At least I hope you would be… if I had been the one to be bitten. *she gently rubs Kalysto’s back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glares at her* I’m not a baby. Don’t try to treat me like one either… *tries to push her away, glaring at her still* No, really. I don’t want your help. Your sentiment is great but I’m fine. *flicks his ears back as far as they go, then lowers his head*


    Desiree: *groans* Kalysto, I’m not trying to baby you. If I am, I’m sorry. *shakes her head* Please, forgive me. I just was concerned, that’s all. *she then attempts to rest her forehead on the back of his shoulder* I know you’ll be fine… I just was so scared.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: What’s there to be scared of? *shakes his head, grumbling aloud to himself* “Shar ethala fulo…”** *forces himself to his feet again, then slowly walks to the door* We have to go back. I don’t want to stay here.

    ** “Fear breeds hate”


    Desiree: *lifts her head and nods at Kalysto* Ok, but do you want me to pick you up and carry you? You said you don’t want me to baby you, but you’re not ready to walk yet. *deeply frowns, not certain what to do* Tell me what you want, Kalysto.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *shakes his head* I want to go back home. I don’t care how you brought me here, I just want to go back. *narrows his eyes, glaring hard* I’m going to kick Droozun’s ass… *moves outside, shivering lightly at the air*


    Desiree: *quickly nods then quickly follows after Kalysto. Soon after, she wraps her arms around his waist before teleporting them back to their house in Mideel. Upon reappearing, she keeps her arms around him for a few moments before slowly pulling away* Droozun didn’t understand.. He thought the only way to prove to you that I was right was to challenge you. *shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *stumbles back after Desiree teleports him, practically collapsing onto the floor* Maybe later…


    Desiree: *sighs then reaches down to gently pick up Kalysto, carrying him “bridal” style. She then begins to carry him up the stairs to their bed* That’s understandable. I’ll talk to him while you rest up.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah, good fucking luck finding him… he’s probably long gone by now. If he knows what’s good for him, that is. *glares angrily, then snorts* Fucking little dirty traitor…


    Desiree: *groans at Kalysto’s words then shakes her head* No.. I’m certain that wasn’t what happened. *she tries to send Kalysto her memories of her conversations with Droozun and the events surrounding the attack* It was a misunderstanding.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: It was intentional… *growls and bangs a fist down on the bed, sitting up* Goddamnit… catch him, bring him back here, and fucking kick his ass! If you don’t, I will, even if I have to drag myself there to his location by my knuckles!


    Desiree: *slowly nods* Ok.. But please… Try to forgive him. You two make a good team. I always thought so. *she then steps away from Kalysto and makes her way downstairs to find Droozun*

    Jenna: *Had sensed Desiree’s location, so she walks into the house soon after Desiree goes in search of Droozun. After looking about for a bit, she smells Kalysto and walks to his room* My daughter had asked for my help.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *looks up at Jenna, then glares, sharply turning his head away* I don’t really want help. I want to just get on with recovery so I’m OK again. I’m weak. But I’m not an invalid or anything. Sheesh…

    Droozun: *is quite some distance away from the town now, hiding in the forest. He is currently digging a very big deep tunnelled hole to hide in*


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes as Kalysto speaks to her. She then walks closer to him and narrows her eyes* Something took a nice sip of your life energy. *shakes her head*

    Desiree: *looks about for a bit before giving up* ~Droozun! Where are you?? Droozun?!~ *she then tries sensing Droozun’s energy*

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *”No…”* *continues digging his hole, stuffing himself inside of it once he fits in*

    Kalysto: Yeah, it sure did. Fucking Felhunter. *flicks his ears back* That’s what they do. They run around eating energy. I smell like a fucking gold mine to most of them. *glares slightly* Stupid things..


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes and thinks for a few moments before snorting. Soon after, she pulls open her wings and moves closer to Kalysto* Keep in mind, I don’t give a fuck about you. However, I don’t know how else to do this. *She then grips onto the back of his neck before yanking him close to her. Once he’s pressed up against her, she clasps her mouth over his and begins to channel life energy directly into the elf. In fact, she can infuse him with more energy than he originally had*

    Desiree: *deeply frowns and continues trying to trace Droozun. Once finding his hole, she kneels down in front of it* Droozun? Please… come out. The two of you.. You need to fix this.

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