Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *stares at her for a moment, then shakes his head* Right… and you know why this came about, right? Playing with demons has always been a taboo. Maybe he will finally understand why. *raises his hands* But I’m not going to say anything. *moves away to the stove* He’ll be fine. He just needs time to recover and regain his strength. *glances back at Desiree* Did you leave his offspring all alone in the house?


    Desiree: *glances at the ground and frowns. She then decides to lie* No… She’s not alone. *Shakes her head* And… Playing with demons might not be accepted by you. However… Kalysto does know what he’s doing. This was my fault.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: I don’t think we should play the blame game right now, to be honest. What happened, happened. You need to go back and assess whether or not that demon is viable any more. Of course, I would say no, but… *shrugs his shoulders, then stirs his pot of vegtable soup* Hungry?


    Desiree: *shakes her head* No, I’m not hungry.. *She then moves closer to Kalysto and grips onto his hand. She then lowers her head* Damn… Droozun must have been doing an alpha challenge… Why didn’t you just listen to me, Kalysto?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *calmly* Relax. The demon just took a bite out of his life essence. He’ll recover. *takes the veggie soup off the stove, then ladels some into a bowl for himself, beginning to eat it* I suggest getting rid of it. Or disbanding it from service.


    Desiree: *shakes her head* Droozun stopped as soon as I picked him up… *sighs* Shit… *shaking her head, she glances over Kalysto* He’s not going to scar, right? You healed him enough to keep him from scarring… right?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: Probably not. It takes a lot to mark a scar on us. *raises his arm, showing off the many he’s acquired over the years* They also fade with time. Even the near fatal one in a rather unforunate place has faded somewhat. *continues to eat his bowl of soup* You sure you don’t want some? If you’re waiting for him to wake up, you’ll be here awhile.


    Desiree: No, I’m not hungry. I’m not hungry at all. *She then leans over Kalysto and rests her head on his chest. Soon after, she drifts to sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *sighs at Desiree* Very well. *picks up some more logs to toss into the fire, then sets his pot of vegetable soup on the counter to cool. He then moves back to sit in front of the fire, warming his hands, occupying himself over the next few hours with some of the books left behind*

    Kalysto: *begins to stir after time has passed. He tries to move, but only manages a few twitches. Then he tries to push Desiree off him so he can sit up*


    Desiree: *Releases a tired moan as Kaysto pushes her off his chest, which makes her upper body slide down into his lap. She then buries her face into his groin, none-the-wiser that it isn’t a pillow*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *weakly mumbles as he feels pressure on his groin* As much as I like that, get off…

    Rhyderi: *glances at the couple when he hears noise. He tenses at the scene and quickly yelps at Desiree* Sit up, please! *shakes his head* You really shouldn’t be doing that!


    Desiree: *loudly groans as she hears the males complain at her. She then slowly opens up her eyes to look around before yelping as she realizes where she is. She then slowly pushes herself up and rubs her eyes* Errr..

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *coughs lightly and forces himself to sit up, rubbing his head* What the shit… *looks around, still rather disorientated* How did I get here…? *frowns at Desiree* And what were you doing on my crotch? Not that I mind, I’m just… *flicks his ears back suddenly as he smells Rhyderi nearby and glances at him* Oh, you.


    Desiree: *slowly shakes her head* I don’t know… I fell asleep… Mmm… *yawns* On your chest… Must have moved while sleeping. *She then frowns as Kalysto makes mention of Rhyderi* You were injured. I brought you hear to get healed, Kalysto… He says that he doesn’t think you will scar. Umm… We can go home now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *turns his back on them* Yes, go home now. *picks up his bowl of soup and continues eating, seeming mildly annoyed* Just go back to the way you were before remaining ignorant to what’s occuring.


    Desiree: *deeply frowns at Rhyderi* We’re not ignorant, ok? *shakes her head* Just because we don’t do exactly what you want us to do doesn’t mean that we are ignorant. *She then looks over Kalysto* How are you feeling? *she reaches up to rub the back of his left ear as she asks this question*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I feel like I got the shit knocked out of me. *slowly shakes his head as his brain settles, all of his thoughts and recollections of what happened earlier come flooding back to him. He closes his eyes, looking more upset than anything* I don’t understand… why did he attack me…?

    Rhyderi: Because it’s a demon. That’s what they do. Show weakness and they will trample you. *glances back at them and sighs* I’m concerned for you, brother. I admire your courageousness and determination, but you’re making the biggest mistake you’ve ever made. I don’t know what’s going to make you see otherwise – death maybe?


    Desiree: *sighs at Kalysto. However, she continues to rub the back of his one ear* It.. *shakes her head* No, Rhyderi, that’s not what happened! Shut up, you don’t know anything. *she then telepathicly transmits to Kalysto what she recalls happening before and after Kalysto’s attack*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: Shut up… I don’t know anything…? *screws his face up, then snorts* Well excuse me… *furrows his brows in thought* You have to stop it, Kalysto. The only way to avoid this from occuring again is to relinquish your status as a Warlock. There’s other paths you can choose, and all of them are fine. Why that one?

    Kalysto: Who the fuck cares…


    Desiree: *frowns at Rhyderi* You don’t understand at all.. Thank you for healing Kalysto, but please, stop judging us in such a manner. *She shakes her head* Yes, there are bad demons, but the reasons for the attack aren’t as obvious as “demons are evil”.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: You think it’s a grey area, but it’s not. *frowns at her* Sorry to say this, but you’re wrong. I don’t know why you can’t understand that. *slowly shakes his head, sighing* I wish I could make you understand. I really do…


    Desiree: Well, you can’t. So, please, just stop. *shakes her head. She then gently brushes her right hand through Kalysto’s hair* Are you ready to go home? If you’re still feeling weak, I can wait.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *tries to stand, but sinks back down onto the bed after a few seconds. He moves to lie on his back, then covers his face with his hands, groaning*

    Rhyderi: *sighs* Very well. *watches Kalysto’s behaviour and sets a kettle on the stove* You’re going to be here a while. Tea?


    Desiree: *releases a deep sigh as Kalysto winds up sinking back into the bed. Deeply frowning, she glances to the side* I.. You feel drained of energy, right? And no, I don’t want any tea.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: He’s been bitten, and part of his soul was ripped out. It’s a very common short-term effect from being bitten by a Fel-Hound. Both of us saw a lot of it during our time as refugees in the Outland. Though Kalysto ended up spending most of his time comatose so I don’t suppose he remembers nearby as much as I do.

    Kalysto: *motions a weak wave with his hand, then returns it to his face* …Fuck off, Rhy.

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