Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Desiree: Well… that’s bullshit. *groans in frustration* Stupid elf that won’t listen to anyone but himself… *gently strokes Droozun’s stalks* I really wish he would listen to me once… Just once.

    Lezprah: ~Not as stupid as you think.~ *he flicks his tail before closing in to lie down at Desiree’s feet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *looks up at her* *”Make him.”* *slides off her, then wiggles his maw, shaking himself off. He seems very hesitant as he turns his head towards the alchemical lab, then looks back at her, sagging his stalks to express his upset* *”Can’t… can’t… no-no…”*


    Desiree: I can’t make him listen to me with no proof… I just can’t. *sighs* He just thinks of me as some optimistic idiot. *shakes her head then grins as she spots Lezprah. So, she leans forward to pat his back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *growls lightly* *”Make him.”* *stalks into the alchemical lab, whacking the door open. He then makes a loud threatening growl at Kalysto, chattering his jaws in the same manner he would do to another Felhunter while issuing a challenge to fight*

    Kalysto: *glances back at the door, then down at Droozun* What’s wrong? *looks around the room*


    Desiree: ~I can’t make him do thinks like that, Droozun. It’s just not something that can be done.~ *She then frowns at the noise she hears from Droozun* What the?

    Lezprah: *twitches his ears. However, he is more than content to just lie at Desiree’s feet and not get involved*

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *”Bye.”* *springs up onto the table, kicking over several of Kalysto’s items, smashing vials in the process. He then looms over the Warlock, baring his teeth, opening his jaw wide as he makes a noise similar to a roar at him*

    Kalysto: *slowly slides out of his chair* It’s gone feral…


    Desiree: *deeply frowns at the noise from the other room. She then gently nudges Lezprah before rushing to Kalysto’s laboratory to check up on the noise* Droozun… *Shakes her head* ~What are you doing?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *”Prove it.”* *raises his tail, still growling at Kalysto. Then he leaps off the table and lunges at him, knocking him off his feet, trying to chew on his face and throat*

    Kalysto: *immediately tries to get the Felhunter off him, whacking it in the maw a few times*


    Desiree: *loudly yelps then moves in on Droozun and tries to grip onto his midsection* You don’t prove things by attacking him like this, Droozun. No. Stop.

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *is easily picked up by Desiree, putting up no fight against her. As he’s being raised however, he bites Kalysto hard, stealing some of his energy essence as he does so. Once picked up, he resumes being placid, then begins to shake lightly, almost anticipating the kind of punishment he is going to receive*

    Kalysto: *sits up again, seeming disorientated and weakened. He slowly moves to his feet, then glares at the Felhunter before leaving the room silently, his ears very flat and low against his head*


    Desiree: Droozun… *Shakes her head at him* No, that was not proving it. That was not proving it at all. You.. just talknig to him would have proven things… Why did you have to do that. *She sets Droozun down and frowns at him* No steak for a month.. *She then rushes after Kalysto*

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *whines loudly at Desiree’s comments and shrinks down onto the floor, upset*

    Kalysto: *makes his way to the bathroom, most interested in washing off the scraping injury on his cheek first and foremost. He turns on the warm water and begins to wash the blood off his face, grabbing a facewasher to press against the wound to stop it from bleeding*


    Desiree: *rushes after Kalysto, not caring that she bumps into a few walls on the way. Upon finding him, she quickly grabs a washcloth and begins to help him clean up* Damn… *Shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *cooly* It’s not even remotely funny. I’m probably going to get a scar on my face from this one. *scowls* Why did he attack me? What did you say to him? *glances down, looking very conflicted* Sure, I get Bael trying to knock me into the floor, or my Imp setting my pants on fire. But my Felhunter biting me?


    Desiree: *Shakes her head* I didn’t say this was funny. This isn’t funny at all. Damn.. *she then closes her eyes and begins casting all the healing spells that she’s learned, which aren’t that great, but they may prevent Kalysto from scarring in the long run* He wants to prove to you that I’m right.. That he’s sentient… But he sees you as overbearing, I think.. Shit.. I didn’t know he was going to attack you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *sighs at her* There’s a fine line between domestication and the wild demon within. This is why you can’t see them as equals. *slowly shakes his head* Understand that and you’re halfway there. You want to view them as fuzzy cute adorable pets, but they’re not. *winces as he takes the washcloth off his face, then begins to wring it out under the water*


    Desiree: And you don’t respect them at all and just treat them like tools, Kalysto. You don’t even know that Droozun is smart enough to think on his own. *narrows her eyes* I don’t think of them as pets. I try to think of them as other sentient beings though. You can have a working relationship without demeaning the one you command.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glares at her in the mirror, then continues to wash off his face. After a moment, he begins to stumble, and then he blacks out altogether, falling to the floor*


    Desiree: Shit! *quickly moves to catch Kalysto as he stumbles and collapses* ~Droozun! Why the hell did you do this?? Why?!~ *She then shakes her head and rushes out of the house, carrying Kalysto with her. She then frowns as she glances in the direction of the clinic. Soon shaking her head, she decides to try to teleport to Nibelheim* ~Aeris, right? Umm… Rhyderi, you’re here! One of you! Help. I need a healer!~

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *”I say… prove it…”* *hides under the kitchen sink, feeling miserable*

    Rhyderi: *is still in the area of Nibelheim, having gained the favour of Clouod and Tifa. He is currently in Cloud’s old house, making a vegetable soup for himself on the wooden stove* *”I’m here. What happened?”* *moves out of the house and stands at the doorway, glancing around. He moves out the front gate and briskly walks up to Desiree, frowning* Bring him in.


    Desiree: ~No, you don’t prove it by attacking him. You could have just talked to him. Just proven that you weren’t parroting by just saying a few things. Damn it! This is wrong, wrong!~ *she then looks up as she hears Rhyderi. Whimpering, she quickly nods then follows after the cherry-blonde haired elf*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *motions for Desiree to follow him into the house. He holds the door open for her and waits for her to come inside* Set him down on the bed and tell me what happened. Oh and mind the door. There’s a step down as you walk inside.


    Desiree: *quickly moves into the house once the door is open. She then sets Kalysto down on the bed before shaking her head* I.. I really shouldn’t tell you what happened… You’d just condemn both of us. Please, just heal him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi: *narrows his eyes suspiciously, then shakes his head* I’m still curious to know why my baby brother is completely out of it. You want to come in here with no explanation and ask me to fix him? You know that questions are going to be asked, right? *crouches down over him, then places his hands on him, flooding him with light-based healing magic* He’s fine. Just drained. *quietly speaks as he takes a seat nearby* Seriously, what happened?


    Desiree: *Sighs* Fine, but you must promise not to give him any lectures when he wakes up. *sits down in a chair then looks at the ground* His demon hound, Droozun. I was trying to explain to Kalysto that the demon is smart enough to talk. He wouldn’t believe me, and Droozun said that he’d make him believe… Well… Droozun attacked Kalysto instead. I don’t think he understood.

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