Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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  • #38431
    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah I get what you’re saying… but that’s not what I meant. If you don’t get it though, it doesn’t matter. *slowly shakes his head, sighing* I gotta get on with this. Otherwise you can probably guess what will happen. *pauses, thinking* Hey, you know once the shop is open, I will be working long hours, right? I won’t be here much.


    Desiree: Hmm… Perhaps so, but I don’t see why I can’t help you out in your shop. I mean, it’d be more interseting than sitting here and doing staring contests with Droozun. *smirks at her statement then roughs up his hair* And yes, I know Drozzun has no eyes.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: He actually does, in a way. *moves off the seat and crouches down in front of the Felhunter before picking it up. He carries it back to his sear, then raises his jaw* He can smell with something under here. They also mark scent with a gland here too. *pats the Felhunter’s fur then flicks the Felstalkers* And they use these to see. They can see quite well with them, so don’t underestimate it.


    Desiree: I didn’t say that they couldn’t see. I said they have no eyes. Hence, I can’t have a staring contest with something that doesn’t blink. *pats Droozun’s snout* For the record, your guy here is gettin pretty good at speaking telepathicly.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: That’s a joke. All they’re for is to walk around, eat energy, spawn, walk around, eat energy, spawn, and so on. They’re kind of like the rats of the demon-plane. If there’s stray leftover energy, they eat it. There’s… not much more to them than that. *rubs the back of Droozun’s maw, scratching a hand through his fur*

    Droozun: *goes quite limp and begins to purr*


    Desiree: *crosses her arms* Oh? Is that so? Why don’t you ask him yourself, then, hm? He’s used words and has actually built up quite a vocabulary. Though… We still need to work on Yes instead of No-No.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *laughs at her idea and shakes his head, waving it off* Oh man, don’t be silly. Don’t be so ridiculous, that’s never going to happen. Felhunters don’t talk. I told you, they don’t do much other than eat, or reproduce. Fuck, they don’t even really sleep that much. They’re there for the taking, and to command as you want.


    Desiree: *Frowns then narrows her eyes at Droozun* ~You know, you can help me out here. Instead of making me look like a laughing stock.~ *then she scowls at Kalysto* I am being serious. I’ve been teaching him words on and off while you’ve been locked up in that room of yours.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *raises his eyebrows lightly at her, then flattens them again, issuing a mild sort of challenge* Prove it.

    Droozun: Uhrrr…. *yawns and itches his side* *”Help me out…?”* *wiggles off Kalysto’s lap, then sits squarely on the floor, lazily yawning again, stretching, a little dissapointed due to being comfortable* Ih-ih. *looks at Desiree, seeking approval*


    Desiree: *frowns at Droozun* ~Talk to Kalysto. Prove to him that I’m not making things up. He won’t believe me if all you do is talk to me.~ *scowls at Kalysto*

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *looks at Desiree, frustrated. He then looks up at Kalysto, grunting loudly at him* Hh… fff. *snorts* *”Idiot.”*

    Kalysto: *his eyes widen slightly, and then he snarls* Did you just call me an idiot?!


    Desiree: Well, it certainly wasn’t me who said it. Like I said, I’ve been working on building up his vocabulary. It’s not easy, but he’s learning. *she nods toward the other room* Lezprah also knows how to speak, but he came that way. He’s actually rather smart..

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *shakes his head* No.. that can’t happen. It just can’t. Demons aren’t buddies. *glares at Desiree* They’re not something you just cart around like your best friend. No, it’s ridiculous to even think of them like that.

    Droozun: *yawns again* *”Stupid.”*


    Desiree: *Frowns at Kalysto* I’ve been speaking to demons and the sort since I can remember, Kalysto. I know that they aren’t all friendly; however, that doesn’t mean that they’re all just there to serve you either. *Frowns at him* You used to think all humans were just plan bad, did you not?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yes I realize some are sentient and smart enough to converse, and that they’re not just there to serve and offer service to a Warlock. I also realize that they have their own agenda. It’s stupid to think any other way. *shakes his head* But you cannot say that all of them are cute fuzzy animals that wanna work alongside you and be your companion either.


    Desiree: No, I never said that. However, *pokes Droozun’s head* he can still talk and is a lot more than you’ve given him credit for. *she then shakes her head at Kalysto*

    Lezprah: *has woken up from his nap and is now prowling through the house. He finally climbs up to stand in front of a light fixture that is right behind Kalysto, casting a shadow on the elf*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *immediately flicks one ear back to listen to Lezprah’s movements, otherwise paying him no real attention* Is it talking by itself? Or is it just repeating what you say? Because some lower-order demons just repeat phrases. Like my big-ass rock guy.


    Desiree: No, he’s not just parroting me. Go ahead, ask him something. *nods at Droozun* He will respond. I’m not saying it’s good enough for some sort of lecture, but he will give you an answer.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *crouches down in front of his demon, then looks him square in the face, despite the fact he knows it has no eyes. He then flattens his eyebrows, skeptical about the whole idea* OK Droozun. To prove you’re sentient, what is three plus two? *folds his arms, smirking up at Desiree*

    Droozun: Urrrrhhh… *shakes his head and wanders away, not feeling like doing any math*


    Desiree: *Groans at Kalysto* I didn’t say quiz him! *scowls* But thanks for having any faith in what I was saying.. *shakes her head then wanders away into the living room*

    Lezprah: *suddnely leaps to pounce onto Kalysto’s back before rebounding off to follow Desiree*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *hisses as he falls forwards, grabbing onto some furniture before he falls completely* Hey I did you know! It’s just that I don’t buy that it’s sentient. I think it’s a repeater, but not sentient. *sits down in the chair in the kitchen sighing down at Droozun* Go win her affection.

    Droozun: Ahrrr-yip! *moves off into the living room, gently nosing Desiree’s leg with his maw*


    Desiree: *Yells out to Kalysto* He’s simple, but he is sentient! God damn it. I didn’t say he was a genuis! *scowls. However, her scowl slowly fades as Droozun comes over* Why don’t you tell him… Why?

    Lezprah: *narrows his eyes at the scene. He then stalks back over and leaps onto Kalysto’s desk. Soon after, he leans forward to put his face in Kalysto’s*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *jumps lightly before frowning at the cat* I’m not your enemy you know. *tries to rub under his chin, sighing* This shit is so messed up.

    Droozun: *”Don’t tell…. why…”* *grunts lightly* *”Dumb-dumb.”*


    Desiree: Well, you let him think I’m a dumb-dumb… that’s for certain. *sighs then sinks into one of the sofa chairs* Come on up, boy. *she pats her lap*

    Lezprah: *grunts and pulls his head away* ~No pet cat, am I!~ *snorts into his face* ~Beware the angel devil with six wings. I seen her close.~ *he then jumps down onto the floor and stalks away*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: An Angel-Devil with six wings? Don’t be preposterous. *shakes his head* There are either angels or demons, not a hybrid of them. A demon is, in the very essence of the word, an angel who fell. If you believe that crap. *glances down at Lezprah* Sorry for touching you. *scowls and puts his head down on the kitchen table, muttering* I’m going to go distract myself for a while. *slides out of the chair and walks into his alchemical dark-room*

    Droozun: *raises his head* *”Can’t. Can’t tell.”* *puts his head back down* *”Mmm…”* *telepathically transmits Kalysto to Desiree’s mind, and then his expressions of absolute superiority*

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