Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    ~I meant for the process that will be done to me… You said so yourself, the potions you have wouldn’t work for what I want. So, we need something different, right?~ Desiree attempted. ~Why not talk to my mother? It’s not like she’s uneducated on potions.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Your mother will…”* He groaned as Milena licked up the milk puddle on the table with her tongue. “Get a paper towel, don’t do that.” He snatched up the roll and handed it to her. *”I don’t want to talk to your mother about this. Not right now…”*


    ~My mother is rather open-minded, Kalysto. I doubt she’ll do anything to hamper you. Just… avoid my father, ok? He won’t be… agreeable on the matter.~

    Desiree sighed before she laid down on her bed. She honestly didn’t know what to think of all of this. Kalysto had definitely dropped a bomb when he asked for his favor.

    Kat Aclysm

    *”This is the same guy that tried to rip my ears off.”* Kalysto shuddered. *”I wouldn’t ask him for anything. He just growls and is best avoided.”* He picked up some eggs and cracked them, adding them to Milena’s sifted flour bowl. “Start stirring.”

    *”I don’t want to ask your mom.”* He sighed. *”Yeah, hi Desiree’s mom, can you give Desiree a penis so she can impregnate me? By the way, I’m going to be a girl for nine months so I can give birth to another half-elf. Yeah, that’s going to go down just peachy.”*


    ~You’d be surprised what my mother would accept, Kalysto,~ Desiree stated. ~She wast he first to notice that Dimitri was into that lawyer. And she only assisted the two of them… I also think she’s… experimented when she was younger. I don’t know many details. However, I think you should talk to her. For now… I want to nap.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Yeah, sure. Go nap. I’m baking now anyway. Milena is… helping about as much as she normally does.”* he stepped back and let Milena mix with the wooden spoon now that all the basic ingredients were in the mixing bowl.

    *”Do I leave the baby where he is, or do I grab him and keep an eye on him in here?”*


    ~As long as he doesn’t fuss, I’m certain that you can leave him in his crib. Just keep aware of the noises. I’m certain you can do that, my dark lord,~ Desiree instructed.

    Meanwhle, Seres continued to happily nap in Rhyderi’s apartment as the elf was gone doing his errands. She didn’t care too much that the television was still on and showing a fishing show. She was comfortable and would not have a masamune heading her way any time soon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi returned to the apartment with laundry bags full of fresh clothing and bedding. He dumped them on the floor and smirked at Seres, picking up the first bag again to dump on her lap. It was still warm from the dryer.

    “It isn’t that boring around here.” He stated in a mock-grumpy manner. “On your feet.”

    *”Yeah with hearing like mine, I can hear the neighbour’s kid cry half a street away. He’ll be fine.”* Kalysto sat back and monitored Milena’s progress. “Good. Keep stirring. Get all the chunks and lumps out of it and then you can add whatever you want. Nuts, fruit…”

    “Jellybeans and choc chips!” Milena squeaked. “Yes!”

    “No…” Kalysto frowned. “We can’t keep adding those to the cookies…”


    Seres didn’t even flinch as the loundry was dumped on her. Instead, she attempted to curl up even more before she moaned out, “Five more minutes, Father… Having a good dream…”

    As Kalysto was scolding his daughter, a knocking resounded from his front door. Jenna stood on the other side of the door, seeming quite irritated. She had already tried a few places, such as the dwelling of a certain male that had informed her that he had nothing more to do with “that bitch”. A pity that male was now missing a nut, but that was besides the point.

    She hoped that she had guessed correctly this time.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena practically threw the bowl onto the table when she heard the knock on the door and quickly ran to the door to answer it. She grabbed the door handle and swung the door open, looking up at Jenna.

    “Hi!” She waved at her. She looked back at Kalysto. “We let G’mommy in, yes?”

    Kalysto caught the bowl of batter in time and set it aside, sighing. “Milena… first we ask who it is before we open the door…” He stood behind her. “Yes, she can come in.” He frowned at Jenna. “Did Desiree talk to you already?”

    “Not your father.” Rhyderi frowned as he pushed the bag off her again. “Get up. Or at least… get off my bed. Er.. your bed? We can probably fight for it at this point.” He stepped away to begin making the bed in his bedroom.


    Jenna’s eyes narrowed, for she was not in a good mood. A frown formed on her lips as she noticed the name that was given to her by the young half-dragon. “I’d rather just be called Jenna…”

    The sorceress snapped her attention to Kalysto as he came to the area. “Desiree? Hrmph, don’t know why she would. Now, have you seen Seres? I need to know where that girl is.”

    Seres moaned as she heard Rhyderi move about. After a few moments, she slowly pushed herself upright. As she sat up, she rubbed her eyes. “Huh?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “So Desiree didn’t ask you to come…?” His expression sank. “Er, no. I haven’t seen Seres in a good number of days. Why? Why don’t you just appear to her like all your family does, huh?”

    Milena shied behind her father when Jenna looked angry.

    Rhyderi was already making the bed in his room. He could hear her quite well from the next room and called out to her in reply.

    “You called me ‘father’.” He stated plainly. “I am not old enough to be your father, nor am I the right species to be capable of such either.” He pulled the sheets tight and tucked them in.


    “You haven’t seen Seres? Damn… And I can’t find her because she’s cloaking her location. Hence, I can’t just teleport to her,” Jenna snapped out.

    “And why would Desiree call me here? Is there something going on here?”

    Seres groaned as Rhyderi informed her on what she said. “Oh, come on. Give me some slack. I was asleep!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Uh…!” Kalysto winced. “Uh, no of course not. “What makes you think that?” He shook his head. “We’re just about to bake cookies, weren’t we, Milena?” He glanced down at her and grinned.

    MIlena nodded her head. “Yep. Daddy get all cranky and come down to cook.”

    “Well, go to sleep in a real bed because I just made it.” Rhyderi yanked his old pillow off the bed and headed to his closet to get out the good ones that he didn’t normally use. He tossed a pillowcase over one and threw it at the head of the bed. “There you go.”


    Jenna’s eyes narrowed a bit more as she listened to Kalysto. After releasing an annoyed snort, she stepped closer to him.

    “You’re lying. The tone of your voice and the way your ears are flicking like that proves it,” Jenna pointed at his ears. “Now, what is the issue here?”

    Seres stretched by lifting her hands over her head and reaching up for a good second. “Huh? But we haven’t had dinner yet. Don’t you want to have dinner?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto grabbed at the tops of his ears and pulled them downwards. “Wasn’t lying…” He sighed. “You might as well step inside.” He mumbled. “Milena, go back into the kitchen and stir the cookie batter. And try not to eat any.” He stepped aside so Jenna could come in. “We should go somewhere relatively quiet.”

    “Dinner, right. Yes…” He finished making the bed and stepped back out into the main room. “So have you decided what to eat?”


    Jenna lifted her right eyebrow as she listened to Kalysto. After a moment, she followed after him.

    “You must have gotten yourself into some rather large shit if you’re acting like this, elf,” Jenna muttered. “Very well, I shall hear what you have to say.”

    Once she felt that they were in a secure area, she stopped to lean on the doorway. “So, what is it?”

    Seres hummed in thought. “Yea, let’s go for that seafood restaurant. I want to smash some crabs. Unless, you don’t like sea food. Do you like sea food? I don’t even know..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I didn’t get myself into shit, I just…” He sighed, whimpering. “Desiree and I… well… I kind of made a pre-emptive move and made a four-month’s supply of gender transmogrification potions before even speaking about my plans. I want to turn myself into a woman and carry our next child. Desiree reluctantly agreed, but we have a predicament.”

    “She still needs to feed Baney, and…” He looked hopeless. “She said to talk to you. That’s why I thought you were here.”

    “Seafood is fine.” Rhyderi nodded. “It’s Kalysto who hates it. I would inform you of my likes, dislikes, and flat out nevers, but you would just laugh.”


    “Baney…? What is with you and those… Nevermind,” Jenna shook her head, trying to bring herself back onto subject. “I care not why you have to butcher names like that. Don’t you dare think about doing the same with mine.”

    Snorting, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “So… You want her to be a male and a female at the same time? I… doubt anyone can be happy with that.”

    “Oh, go ahead, Rhyderi,” Seres stated. “You’re funny enough without divulging personal details. By the way, if we’re going out, you might want to change into clothes without holes in them.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “No! Where did you conclude that idea!?” Kalysto rapidly shook his head. “I just wanted to turn her into a guy. Just male. No weird stuff.” He sighed. “But she can’t do because she has to feed the kid.” He looked frustrated now. “She wanted me to make a potion that lasts overnight so she could… mmmrrgh…” He made a very childish ‘finger in hole’ motion with his hands. “But those tend to be very unstable, and dangerous. Sometimes they explode.”

    “My clothes don’t have holes in them. The arm ripped the other day because I was clumsy and my arm was still in the sling.” Rhyderi frowned. “But as I said before, I like apples. On that subject, I like all fruit that is crisp when you bite into it. Such as ripening pears, peaches, snowplums, pomegranates, pineapple, and coconut is alright in sparing amounts.” He licked his lips slightly at the thought.

    “I dislike dry hard bread. And dry salted meat, which usually comes in ration packs. I also hate green peppers… yuck.” He shuddered. “Also, never get me anywhere near milk products in large amounts. Not unless you want to laugh at very embarrassing noises and my suffering afterwards.” He hesitated, looking unhappy at his announcement. “I am lactose intolerant.”


    Jenna kept her attention on Kalysto as she listened to him. “So, you just want to make the potion work temporarily and keep it stable? That is what you’re saying? Hm… Perhaps combining your potion with an amulet of some sort? Most potions can be done that way. You’d just need to refresh the amulet over time, since it will lose potency.”

    Seres frowned at Rhyderi’s claims that his clothes don’t have holes in them. So, she slowly walked up to Rhyderi as he spoke before she suddenly knelt down and stuck her pointer finger into a hole in the upper thigh of his pants. “This looks like a hole to me, huh.”

    “And I don’t see what there is to laugh about considering your food likes and dislikes. They sound rather rational to me.”

    As she finished speaking, she stuck her finger into another hold on the other leg near Rhyderi’s knee.

    Kat Aclysm

    “We don’t actually care about the method. We just want to turn Desiree into a dude for a few hours and turn her back…” He shrugged. “Amulets.. I am not into those. I don’t know how to imbue them with anything. I’ve tried a few times before, but it doesn’t take. Rhyderi has always had more skill at that sort of thing than me.”

    “If you got anything, I’m all ears.” He glanced back towards the bedroom.

    “Agh, stop doing that!” Rhyderi pulled away, looking upset. “Fine… I have other clothes.” He sneaked back into his bedroom to get them.


    Jenna groaned in frustration as she considered over everything. “Fine, I’ll help you out. However… just wait a few moments.”

    Thus, she turned her back on Kalysto before she contacted her mate. ~Seph, I have had no luck finding Seres at all. I will however state that if any boyfriends claim any… ill activity.. I may have been involved in removing his vital parts.~

    “Oh, settle down, Rhyderi. I repeat, once again, not interested in you and have no sexual attraction to you,” Seres rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “I treat you the same as I treat all my siblings.”

    Kat Aclysm

    *”What did you do to him…?”* Sephiroth frowned. *”Did you turn him into a neuter?”* He sighed. *”Did anyone see you. It would have made things easier if nobody had seen you… And now that we’re in ths spotlight, it is even more imperative that we never leave people alive to sue us.”*

    Kalysto blinked in surprise. “You’re… going to help us…?” He nodded quickly. “Thank you, but.. tell Desiree. Because she wouldn’t want to wake up as a dude without knowing. She’ll blame me.”

    “That wasn’t a ‘stop doing that’ because of sexual attraction or a possible sexual-interpreted move,” Rhyderi called back to her, “I just didn’t want you to damage my clothes further.” He stepped out of the bedroom once more, wearing a rather nice blood-red dress shirt and black pants.

    “Is this any better?” He sounded irritated. “Because this is all I have.”


    ~Hrmph, only the male saw me. And he knows that if he speaks, he’ll lose the other one. He disrespected Seres anyway, he deserved it!~ Jenna proclaimed in a cranky manner. ~Either way, I can’t find Seres~ You certainly made a mess.~

    “Yes, I’ll help you. And no need for that. We’ll test this out on you. Would be simple enough.”

    Seres stared at Rhyderi as he stepped out. “Well… It’s definitely red. And it has no holes. Damn… You really need to get someone who knows something about fashion to help you one day.”

    Scratching the back of her head, Seres shrugged. “Come on, let’s get some food.”

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