Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Scowling, Desiree pulled back her hand and relented. However, she didn’t step away from the bed. Instead, she crossed her arms before she snorted at her spouse.

    “Fine, but stay in bed. I don’t want to come back in here to find that you are making yourself worse with your decision to not listen to doctor’s orders,” Desiree growled out through bared teeth. “I’ll be leaving soon to take care of our daughter.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Why are you leaving soon to take care of her…?” Kalysto looked upset. “Isn’t that my job? I’m the one he was looking at when he said we have to come back every four hours and feed her….” The elf began to look very sulky indeed.


    “I’ll be leaving soon because it takes nearly an half hour to get to the hospital, Kalysto. You will be staying here because you need to relax, rest up, and regain your strength. You were the one who insisted on going home after all,” Desiree narrowed her eyes at Kalysto. “So, I need to run back and forth.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto glared. “I can fly there. I can teleport there. I can… open a rift to the Nether, step through, and open another rift over there… all of these things take less than five minutes.” She flicked an ear, looking very cranky now. “Let me do it.”


    “YOU need to rest,” Desiree reasserted. “You will be staying in bed and resting for the next day, Kalysto. Was I teleporting anywhere when I gave birth to Orpheus or Banedelis, hm? No. Now, settle down and relax. You can watch tv or other stuff, but you will stay in bed. Rhyderi will be here shortly to help with watching the children.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto flicked her ear harder, her expression turning dark. She was very unimpressed with Desiree now and openly wanted to express the fact. “Listen to me. I don’t want to rest. In a few hours, this will all fade away and I’ll be myself again. I’ll be fine. Understand?”

    She narrowed her eyes suddenly in thought. “On second thought, go… just go.” She lay down on her side.


    “Kalysto, I know all about your transformation potion, while it will make you male again when it wears off,” Desiree stated her knowledge with an air of annoyance, “it won’t make the ear on your body vanish. Thus, you still need to rest. I shall tell your brother to insure that you are doing just that. Understood?”

    As Kalysto told her to leave, she nodded and moved toward the door. “Don’t let me hear that you have been wandering about off that bed while I’m gone!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto snorted. “Yeah. Go get my brother go baby-sit me. Just get out of here.” She shuffled about in the bed and then pulled the covers over herself, scowling. “Just go, you’re good at that!”


    Desiree narrowed her eyes at Kalysto. “I am not my mother… hrmph.”

    Shaking her head, she stepped out of the room and firmly shut the door behind her. Soon after, she sat down on the couch in the living room. Sighing, she glared up at the ceiling as she waited for Rhyderi to arrive.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto waited until Desiree was out of the room. She sat up again and grabbed a book from beside the dresser so she could read. She wasn’t tired and didn’t feel like resting. She felt unwell and queasy, and sitting up would help her situation, she felt.

    Rhyderi arrived not long afterwards. He knocked on the door and stood back, for it was only polite to wait until he was needed.

    “Desiree,” He called out, grinning. “I’m going to have to start charging you for this soon.”


    Desiree promptly stood up as she heard the knocking. Not wanting to keep Rhyderi waiting, she quickly opened the door. As she locked eyes with Rhyderi, the young woman laughed.

    “I already paid you fifty dollars for earlier,” she replied. “I should think that would be a charge, huh? Kalysto’s being stubborn and refusing to rest, so you’re going to need to keep an eye on him.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Him? You mean he’s my brother again?” Rhyderi’s voice tone was vaguely hopeful. “Do I have to keep a close eye on him, or will he be in his room?” He stepped inside the house, frowning as he looked around. “Oh, yeah… demons… I keep forgetting you have them in here. You might want to send away the cat one. It attacked me once before.”


    “Lezprah will be more than happy to just bask in the sunlight as long as you leave him alone,” Desiree warned Rhyderi. “He’s also quite unique… seems to slip in and out of the nether without me doing anything.”

    Shrugging, Desiree changed subjects, for she felt like there wasn’t much more to say about her demon, “And… Kalysto’s in between at the moment. He said that the stuff is wearing off. Anyway, just make certain he rests and doesn’t do anything stupid, ok?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, but it’s Kalysto we’re talking about here…” The paladin made a very heavy sigh and stepped through the house to look for the children. “Go on. Go do your thing. I’ll take care of things here.”


    Desiree nodded at Rhdyeri’s instructions. However, before she left, she gave him another chaste kiss on the cheek, like she had done in the hospital, to show her appreciation. As soon as she broke off contact, she rushed out the house so that she could return to the hospital.

    For most of her stay, she filled out paperwork concerning her daughter’s name and other such things. She also spoke more to Zach concerning how to take care of the girl since there would be no breast milk. At long last, Desiree returned home once it was well past dark, having determined that she wouldn’t be needed overnight.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach discussed feeding options with Desiree. Since she had returned to the hospital, he had already gone through the process of acquiring special infant formula designed for infants whose mothers had died in childbirth. When Desiree turned up to feed the infant, he handed the supplies over to her.

    “When you’re ready to take her home,” Zach began to explain, “She’s going to need a few immunity injections but she’ll be fine nutritionally. Just keep feeding her this stuff. We’ll review it at 10 weeks.”

    He handed over three large cans of formula supplement as well as sterile bottles and other feeding supplies for Desiree to take home with her.

    Meanwhile, Kalysto had taken off the moment Rhyderi was busy with the kids. She jumped out the window and ran off into the street. After a short amount of time and once out in the open, she mounted up on her Netherdrake and began flying off towards the beach. Once there, she ordered the ethereal creature to take off into the air and sail high overhead. When the Netherdrake was high enough in the air she jumped off and fell, both cracking her neck and managing to lodge several rocks into her skull and brain cavity.

    Kalysto hadn’t quite planned for that one – the immortality revival process could not function as intended with foreign objects obstructing such a vital area of the body. When the ambulance came to take her body away, Kalysto remained a dead corpse with rocks embedded in her skull. Her body was dumped in the morgue and placed on a sliding table-drawer in cold storage.


    When Kalysto killed himself, Desiree was still driving home. Thus, the backlash from the immortality bond made her black out momentarily. Unfortunately, this momentary black out was long enough to make her lose complete control over her vehicle and smash into a tree at high speeds. This accident happened not far away from her home. Thus, Rhyderi would have been more than close enough to hear the blare from her horn that was set off by the accident.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi flinched as he heard the crashing sound. “Stay here, kids…” He made a sharp whistle to attract the attention of the demons in the household. Mahret made a clumsy snorting sound and raised her head, rumbling in annoyance shortly afterwards.

    “Uh… demons…” Rhyderi frowned. “What are your names? Cat… demon…” He looked around for the creature, “If you can hear me, I need you to watch the children, all of you. Something bad just happened out there.” He ran outside and snapped open his phone, dialling the emergency services shortly afterwards, giving them the details of the car accident.

    When he reached the site of the collision, his heart was pounding in his head. He recognised that SUV and he momentarily lost his balance. “No… no!” He quickly ran ahead and rushed to the side of the vehicle. “Desiree! Desiree, can you hear me?!”


    Desiree was not in a good condition at all. If she had not been unconscious at the time of the crash, she most definitely would have been after the crash. For, even though the air bag had gone off, the girl still had a violent smack into the tree.

    For now, the girl was slumped back in her seat, unconscious and battered up. Blood liberally dripped down her forehead from a gash on her upper right temple. Since the windshield had shattered in the crash, there were several cuts around her arms and chest. Also, her right forearm was showing signs of swelling and bruising.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stayed by and cast some healing spells on Desiree while he waited for the emergency services to arrive. When they had come to take Desiree off to hospital, Rhyderi stayed behind so he could go back to the house and resume minding the children. He didn’t sit idle however, and instead called Seres via PHS to inform her about the situation.

    “Seres…” He was in a slight panic when he dialled the phone and heard it pick up. “Desiree has been in a car-accident. You need to inform the rest of her family right away… I don’t know where he is. I just looked for him and… nothing. Seres, please tell the rest of her family.”


    At first, Seres was rather confused to see Rhyderi’s name show up on her call ID. The paladin didn’t make it a habit to call her. In fact, she was still certain that her anatomy intimidated the elf. Still, she picked up the phone without much hesitation.

    “Yes?” the girl answered with confusion laced thorugh her voice. As she listened to Rhyderi, her eyes widened. “Shit! Alright, I’ll let them know. You can’t find who? Kalysto? Well, fucking find him, Rhyderi. Set the entire force out for him if you have to… I’ll call you back later, I’m going to talk to father, ok?”

    With that, she hastily hung up before she rushed to her father’s room. Without even knocking, the girl flung the door open. “Father! Desiree’s hurt and been taken to the hospital. Apparently she was in a car accident!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sat upright in bed and began to snarl. “But I was just talking to her earlier today… damn it. Is she alright?” He didn’t seem to care that he was only wearing a pair of boxer-shorts as he quickly moved out of bed and began to pick up clothing to wear.

    “Call ahead and see what you can find out.” He grunted. “On second thought, don’t… I’m going there now.”


    “Rhyderi made it sound like she was distinctly not alright,” Seres quickly responded. “I mean, they’re taking her to the hospital, so that can’t be alright.”

    The girl bit her lip as she looked around the room. She didn’t care that her father was dressing in front of her, she’d seen it before. Not to mention, he was only her father, not much for her to care about in her mind. However, one thing about the room did stick out.

    “Where’s mother?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled. “I don’t know where she is…” He sighed. “She and I are having another argument. She’s lying to me about something… I just know she is.” He pulled on his coat and began to fix up the belts on his pants. He headed for the door and quickly left the house to make another trip to the hospital.

    *”Jenna.”* He telepathically signalled out to her, *”Our eldest daughter has been involved in a car-accident. I no longer care about whom is supposed to be with whom. Just come.”*


    Sadly for Sephiroth, the only reply he recieved was a staticy sensation for a few seconds. Even after the static vanished, there was no signs of Jenna returning to their home.

    Meanwhile, Seres sighed at the news that her parents were fighting. “You two really need to get your tempers in check… You guys always fight over stupid stuff… Still, got to Desiree. I can’t imagine that she’s in good shape if she’s at the hospital.”

    Thus, the female twin left Sephiroth’s doorway to tell the rest of her family.

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