Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto gave Desiree a rather pathetic grin before she packed up her things and headed for the bathroom so she could change back into regular street-wear. After about five minutes or so, she stepped out of the bathroom again, looking particularly pleased with herself.

    “Let’s go home… oh god I can’t wait until things go back to normal.” She grinned openly.

    “Just make sure you come back to feed your newborn.” Zach glared. “Every four hours. Don’t forget. Set an alarm if you have to.”


    Desiree gave Kalysto no time to enjoy the fact that she was properly clothed again. Instead, the woman pinched Kalysto’s right ear and began to lead her away toward the elevators.

    “Come on, you pain in the ass elf. Let’s go home so you can be a prima dona there,” Desiree instructed. “Milena, Orpheus, we’re going home.”

    Orpheus obediently nodded and hopped off the chair to follow after his parents. He briefly stared up at Zach before he rushed off to keep up with his mother.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made a loud screamy whine as Desiree plucked her ear and began dragging her away. “Oh god, have mercy, woman! It hurts, it hurts so much! It hurts so bad I think I’m going to pee myself!”

    Milena made a gentle squeak and carried Baneledis with her as she followed her mother to the elevator.

    Zach just chuckled to himself as he watched the dysfunctional family leave. He began to pull the sheeting off the bed and prepare the room for decontamination and sanitisation for the next patient.


    “Yea, well, now you know how much it hurts to live with you every single day,” Desiree grinned at Kalysto as she finally reached the elevator and let go of her ear.

    Once Desiree finally got Kalysto into the car, she shoved the pamphlet on vasectomies against Kalysto’s chest. “You will have one within the next two months.”

    Without waiting for an argument from her husband, she moved on to strap her children into the SUV.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto reared her head back when Desiree let go of her ear. She was very sulky and rubbed at it, scowling. “Jeez, woman…” She mumbled, “You didn’t have to pull on it so hard…” She blinked when the pamphlet hit her chest. Because she didn’t grab onto it, the paper simply dropped into her lap.

    “What is this?” She picked it up and began to read through, her eyebrows slowly raising as the information was processed in her mind. “You want to neuter me??”


    Desiree frowned but continued to strap in her children in silence. Once all of them were properly strapped in, she slipped into her own seat before she glared at Kalysto.

    “You know, you don’t have to talk about that sort of thing in front of the children, Kalysto,” Desiree calmly stated through bared teeth as she started up the vehicle.

    ~And it’s not neutering, they’re not removing your testicles. It’s a reversible procedure that will prevent future pregnancies. You just put me through 9 months of your selfishness. So, you can get your tubes tied now.~ Desiree seemed pretty final and definite with her statement, for she didn’t intend to back down.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You’re telling me not to talk about it in front of the kids and you’re the one who handed me the damn pamphlet…” Kalysto growled through clenched teeth. She picked up the paper and wound down the window before flicking it out of the moving vehicle.

    *”You’re not neutering me!”* Kalysto’s telepathic signal reply was both upset and agitated. *”And the paper said it was permanent… permanent! You want to turn me into a sterile neutered eunuch?! You’re practically suggesting it!”*


    Desiree shot Kalysto a glare, which made her lose track of the road for a brief moment. Thus, once the young woman returned to looking at the road, she performed a quick swerve to avoid hitting another car.

    ~I am not suggesting anything that severe, Kalysto!~ Desiree snorted in frustration. ~You would not be castrated, nor would you be a eunuch. You’d just be shooting blanks. Anyway, we have the bond thing going. We can undo it at any point by just shooting your brains out. Hence, nothing is permanent with us. Hell, you could get your body covered by tattoos and it still would disappear if you died.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto folded her arms and looked very sulky as she watched the road ahead. She didn’t respond to Desiree’s commentary again and just made the occasional huffy sound. She was silent for the rest of the drive back to the house, and very clearly upset.


    As soon as Desiree parked in the drive way, she stepped out of the car to retrieve Banedelis. Figuring that the boy would be rather grumpy from all the movement he had to endure for the day, Desiree rushed in to give him a snack then put him to sleep. Thus, Kalysto and the kids were left alone to get back into the house.

    Orpheus stared at his not-father for a few moments before he slowly unbuckled his seat and slipped out of the car. Not long after, he rushed inside so that he could find and hug onto Droozun.

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun was waiting nearby in the house, happily seated on his haunches. He had managed to coax a mouse out of it’s hiding place behind a bookcase and decided to kill it. He toyed with the tiny dead animal by poking at it with his tongue. When the young male came over to hug him, he made happy babyish squeaking sounds and began to lick the boy’s face and hands.

    *”You go? I kill. See? I find. I kill. No more squeak-squeak.”* He waggled a fel-stalk at the dead mouse and thumped his tail on the carpet.

    Kalysto simply headed into the house and wandered off towards the bedroom.


    Orpheus stared at the mouse corpse for a few moments before he released a faint whine of disapproval. “You didn’t need to kill it, Zun… No need ta just kill. It not nice to kill…”

    He sniffled as he tightened the hold he had on the felhunter, hugging the demon even more. As far as he was concerned, the mouse was deprived its chance to live a happy life. So, the boy was quite miserable over the death.

    Meanwhile, Desiree finished taking care of Banedelis and set the youngster down in his crib. Soon after, she backed out of the nursery. ~Rhyderi, I may need you to look over the children again. Kalysto wanted to return home, and I need to return to the hospital to make certain that Eris is fed.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”But Master say to kill squeak-squeaks. Squeak-squeak chew. Squeak-squeak destroy house.”* Droozun began to whine, upset. *”Short Master say no? Big Master say yes… What do?”*

    Rhyderi sighed as he got the telepathic signal. *”You’re going to have to give me that room back in your house soon. So you have an in-house babysitter…”*


    “Can take them outside, righ?” Orpheus suggested. “Make them no longer in house. Tha good enough… No kill poor things. Killing not nice. Makes things dead.”

    ~Heh, you might be right there, Rhyderi,~ Desiree laughed at the elf’s assessment of their lives. ~Perhaps, while we still have two babies and Kalysto about… Would you mind moving back in? Oh, and please try to calm down Kalysto. He thinks I want him to be an eunuch.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Take tiny squeak-squeak outside, but it run back in. Tried.”* Droozun loudly whined. *”What eat then if not kill? Am demon. Felhound. Felhound hunt, Felhunter. Have teeths. Teeth for hunting. Hunt to eat. Kill to eat. Don’t eat, starve… what do?”*

    *”You damn-well should make him a eunuch with all the problems he causes with his….”* Rhyderi stopped himself and sighed. *”I’ll be right over.”*


    Orpheus whined even more, really confused now. “That not good. Not good, not good… No wan Droo ta starve. That no fair… Only kill ta eat? That good?”

    Desiree released a relieved sigh. ~Thank you, Rhyderi. I’ll be in my bedroom, making certain the big oaf is getting rest.~

    Thus, Desiree stormed to her bedroom before she slipped in, managing to be quiet enough to not make a scene. Once in the bedroom, she looked for Kalysto. “You’d better be resting.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun shifted away from Orpheus. He expertly dipped his tongue onto the ground and picked up the dead mouse in it. With a simple flick of his tongue, he tossed the dead mouse down his gullet and swallowed. *”No other reason to kill.”* He snuffled in response. *”Unless Master say so. Master in trouble only other reason.”*

    Kalysto had retreated to the bathroom adjoining the master-bedroom. The effects of her trans-gender potion were beginning to wear off and she wanted to hide. She felt positively awful. She sat on the floor behind the door, blocking it closed with her body.


    Desiree scowled in frustration as she noticed that the bed was empty. Narrowing her eyes, the young woman swept her gaze around the room as she grumbled out, “You have got to be shitting me…”

    Finally, she stormed toward the bathroom, for she could see Kalysto’s shadow being cast below the door. “Kalysto, you need to be in bed. The deal was that we got you released, but you had to rest at home. Now, get to bed!”

    Thus, Desiree tried to slam the bathroom door open, for she wasn’t feeling very patient.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto flinched when the door was banged hard. The door moved on its hinges slightly, but she remained stubborn and stayed where she was, blocking the door closed as best as she could manage.

    “Go away…” She said finally.


    Desiree scowled at Kalysto’s response. Not only was Kalysto not in bed like she should be, she was being a problem. Then again, she should have expected this from her husband.

    “You do know that I am fully capable of breaking down this door if I feel like it,” Desiree darkly warned as she tried to shove the door open again. After finding that putting moderate amounts of strength would not budge Kalysto, the young woman snarled in frustration. She most certainly didn’t want to pay for a new door. So, instead, she teleported into the bathroom so that she could glare down at her husband.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto looked up at Desiree and lowered her head again, miserable. She hugged at her stomach area and made some pathetic sounds before she shrugged.

    “What do you want…” She replied in a very unhappy tone. After a moment, she clutched at her arm and began to sniffle.


    Despite the obvious pain that her husband was in, Desiree’s frustration and anger did not wane. Instead, she scowled down at him before she knelt down to pick the elf up off the floor.

    “You are supposed to be in bed. I’m really not in the mood for you to play games with your health, Kalysto,” Desiree announced as she began to carry Kalysto to the bed. “Stay in bed and rest.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made some sharp noises of protest when picked up. She struggled about and began to growl, not liking being carried like an object. “Put me down!” She exclaimed with volume. The Blood Elf female began to put up a fight and struggled in Desiree’s grasp.

    Once on the bed, she sat up immediately. “I’m not an invalid… and leave me in there! You don’t want to see the hideous de-transformation process…”


    Desiree forcefully slammed her hand down against Kalysto’s right shoulder to push her down onto the bed. She was not in the mood at all, so she was barely restraining her natural strength, a rarity for her.

    “Kalysto, stay in bed and rest! That is an order. You just gave birth an hour or so ago, you need to rest,” the woman angrily hissed out. “I don’t care about your transformation. Rest!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “God, just let me sit up!” Kalysto yelled as she forced herself against Desiree’s pushing. She reached out to grip onto the hand and tried to push it away. “I don’t want to lie down right now!”

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