Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    “Do you want to hold her or anything, Father? I’m certain I can get them to bring her out if you wanted to actually meet her,” Desiree offered.

    ~Don’t worry about that, I’ll talk to him. Howeve4r, for now, he needs all the rest he can get. Did you find out what Mother is scheming this time? Is she going to betray you again?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth lowered his head until his forehead lightly tapped the glass. *”She evaded my questioning and then tried to turn it back onto me. I know she is up to something, but when directly asked, she lied. She’s making it very hard for me to trust her.”*


    ~Hrmph, I’m not surprised to hear that at all, Father,~ Desiree scowled as she moved closer to her father. ~She betrayed and abandoned us when I was only a toddler. She has a reputation for betrayal, you should know that as well as I do. I mean, even gossip columns figured it out. Some have even claimed that there’s stories of her playing Hitler for a fool.~

    Desiree shook her head as she looked down at Banedelis, though her minds weren’t on the youngster at all. ~Still, you picked her. So, it’s not my place to judge your love toward her.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth closed his eyes as he raised his head again. He made a very heavy sigh and shook his head. “Indeed… indeed.” He took another glance into the nursery, then nodded down at Desiree. “Take care of yourself. I think I will take my leave now.”


    Desiree released a slow sigh as her father indicated that he was going to leave. Reluctantly nodding, the young woman stepped out of his way.

    “Please, do visit more often, Father. I hardly see you as it is,” Desiree softly pleaded. “You are the only Father that I have, and we would all like to see you more often.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth headed out of the area, and then out of the hospital entirely. He began walking at a slow pace, heading in the general direction of the Army Barracks.

    *”You are right – I do not visit as much as you would like me to. I am usually busy. But I should be making more time for people. Sitting around and working all day is boring.”*


    Desiree spent another few moments in front of the nursery before she turned to lead her children to Kalysto’s room.

    ~That’s an understatement, I’m sure,~ Desiree agreed with her father. ~We all know that you were not born to be trapped behind some desk. You and mother are not made for paperwork, I know that full well.~

    Once she reached Kalysto’s room, she handed Banedelis off to Milena. “Watch your younger siblings for a moment, girl. I’m going to be right back.”

    Thus, Desiree slipped away to visit the front desk and inquire about pamphlets on permanent birth control methods.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena wagged her tail when Baneledis was handed to her. She cuddled the infant and grinned with happiness, nodding her head. “I won’t let you down, momma. I’ll take care of him.” She held the infant carefully, not wanting to rough-handle him like she did before.

    Meanwhile, Kalysto was in the process of waking up. Although she was still rather tired, the noises around her had woken her up. She cracked her eyes open and grinned at her children before looking around.

    *”Desi…? Where are you?”*


    Desiree had gathered up several pamplets on vascetomies and the like from the front desk by the time that Kalysto contacted her. So, she finished offering her thanks to the nurses that helped her out before she moved to the elevator to return to her husband.

    ~I’m downstairs. I was just investigating something and grabbing some food. Is there anything specific that you want, Kalysto?~

    Orpheus silently sat in a chair within the room, not too happy with being dragged about the hospital. He had enjoyed the ice cream, but the chaos of everything made him a sour trooper for the day. Thus, the boy was busy staring at the floor when his father woke up.

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Is there anything specific I want…? I wanted to know where you were…”* Kalysto sulked. *”I also want to go home. Can I go home? My Gender-Alteration Elixir wears off in six more hours, even with my I have to get out of here soon anyway.”*

    She shuffled off the bed and stood up. It was painful for her to do, but she forced herself. She was tired of it all.


    ~I meant food, Kalysto. Is there any specific food that you want,~ Desiree released a loud groan and shook her head. ~And don’t you dare do anything stupid up there. Remain resting. There’s still time if it wears off in six hours, understood? I’ll talk to Zach after I get some food, ok?~

    Thus, Desiree slipped into the cafeteria to grab a few treats for her family.

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I don’t want food. And no…”* Kalysto headed for the closet in the room so she could pick up her bags. *”It wears off in six hours. At that point, I turn back into a guy. We best be getting out of here now before that happens. I don’t want to deal with the drama… I don’t want the kids to see it happen. We have to get me out of here.”*


    Desiree released an annoyed groan as she received Kalysto’s response. Thus, she sped up in grabbing pudding cups, enough for her entire family, and paying for them.

    ~Zack! Kalysto is probably trying to leave. Can you please restrain him until he can be released? I really don’t want him to do anything stupid… And it’s Kalysto, if anyone is going to do something stupid, it’s him.~

    Desiree took her change and stormed toward the elevator so that she can go back to Kalysto’s room.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach was in the room faster than Desiree could return. The two were arguing with each other by the time Desiree got to the door, and Zach attempted to push Kalysto back to the bed. She had dropped her suitcase on the floor and her clothes were strewed all over the ground, but she didn’t care at all.

    “Let go of me!” Kalysto whined. “You don’t understand… I have to get out of here…”
    “I’m sorry, but you’re not going anywhere – you need to lie back down.” Zach’s tone was firm and determined. He held the woman’s wrists with both firm and gentleness, and tried to guide her back down onto the bed.
    However, Kalysto would not have it. She swung her fists at the male and began to growl. “Let go of me, you don’t get it do you!?” She was becoming more and more upset by the minute.


    Orpheus was still sitting in the chair to the side of the room, but he was now staring at the brawling adults. His ears were pinned back as far as they could get, for the scene before him was scaring him. Also, tears were swelling up in his eyes.

    Meanwhile, Desiree stormed into the room just as Kalysto began to swing at her brother. Scowling in frustration, the girl slammed the pudding cups on a table in the room before she walked up behind Kalysto and gripped onto her abdomen so that she could restrain the elf.

    “Stop this,” Desiree demanded. “You need to rest. Zach, when can Kalysto be released?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach sighed as she finally managed to calm Kalysto down. After guiding the woman back down onto the bed, he rubbed a hand behind his head and made a quiet sighing sound as he thought.

    “She needs to be kept here for a few days, that’s standard procedure for ladies who have just given birth.” He glanced down at Kalysto and shook his head. “She needs to stay here both for herself and for her baby. It is her first baby after-all.”

    Kalysto sulked as she sat on the bed. “I can’t stay here.. I have to get out of here now!”


    Groaning, Desiree pulled Zach to the side. After making certain that the children weren’t too close, she leaned in to whisper to her brother, “Listen, Kalysto told me that the stuff he uses wears off in six hours. Is there any way you can let him go and we can watch him at home? I mean… we’re kinda flying under the radar as it is.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach looked very weary and tired upon hearing Desiree’s request. “Alright, fine… Get her home and keep her well-rested. Just remember this – somebody has to come back at least once every four hours to feed the newborn. Don’t deprive her of that. She needs you right now.”

    Kalysto’s attention was fixed on Zach. “Really? See you then.” She slipped off the bed once more and began collecting her clothing and other luggage off the floor.


    “How are we going to feed the newborn though? THe only one that’s lactating is Kalysto. We don’t have a wetnurse scheduled…,” Desiree bemoaned. She then narrowed her eyes. “Kalysto, didn’t you have more of that stuff?! What would you have done if you didn’t go into labor today?! You need to stay female for a bit longer..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I didn’t know!” Kalysto snapped back as she retorted. “How was I supposed to plan for that? I was running out of ingredients as it was!” She hurriedly stuffed all her clothing into the suitcase she had brought along with her. “Zach said we can go, so let’s go!”


    Groaning, Desiree covered her face with her left hand as she shook her head in dismay. Kalysto wasn’t helping much at all.

    “Zach…,” Desiree slowly started before she licked her lips. “Umm… how can we feed the infant if there’s no milk?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach frowned with immense unhappiness. “There’s a way to feed her… we have synthetic mixtures we can feed to newborns but it’s not preferable. The best way to start life is with the breast-milk because it has anti-bodies that protect the infant for the first six-months of their lives.”

    “We can’t always do that though. Mothers die during childbirth and their babies survive.” He sighed and shook his head. “Go change back. It’s better for his family and you if he’s a guy again, Desiree. We can give the girl a synthetic supplement and boost her immunity via chemicals.”


    Desiree groaned at Zach’s descriptions. However, she had a few more questions before leaving. “Alright, but there’s no way to induce me into lactating, right? I needed to have been pregnant recently, right? Can we hire a wet nurse or something like that?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach pondered the question silently before answering a few moments later. “If we induce lactating in you, Desiree… it could take up to a month before anything would happen. We have supplements on-hand, they’re the next best thing.” He waved a hand. “Don’t worry so much, she’ll be fine.”

    Kalysto began to whine. “Can I go now…?”


    “A.. month..?” Desiree’s right hand clenched into a fist as she shot Kalysto a glare. “Would have been nice to be prepared, huh?”

    Snorting the girl shook her head as she walked over to Kalysto. “Come, let’s go home. Eris will be fine here.”

    The young woman also nodded at her children as she began to lead Kalysto out of the hospital. ~If you get post pardum depression because of this, I’m going to rip off your ears, Kalysto.~

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