Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Kat Aclysm

    “I do NOT need assistance in that department.” Sephiroth growled at her. “When have you ever complained about it before? You never did… unless you were keeping your mouth shut. If that is the case, I seriously wish you would have just said something.”

    Rhyderi made a soft sigh and subtly backed away from Desiree. “Yes, I know. I suppose it doesn’t really matter entirely does it? As long as we’re not being called silly names.”


    “Hmmm…,” Jenna tilted her head to the side as if to ponder over her memories. She then grinned at Sephiroth. “You still are making quite a bit of noise, but you have not found a single pill to back up this need to prove yourself.”

    Desiree released a faint chuckle. “I doubt that you have any reason to worry about that sort of thing, Rhyderi. Any who would do that to you would have to be silly indeed… Milena on the other hand… Well, she is home schooled, so we don’t need to worry about the children having to deal with what Dimitri did. Except when she goes to the park or someplace like that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth growled. “You are the one who claimed you purchased the viagra. Why do I need to find them to prove what you have already said?” He moved away from the bed, clearly not interested in much else other than trying to defend himself at that moment in time. “You are not even making sense right now, woman.”

    “We shouldn’t have to worry about it at all.” Rhyderi glumly stated. After a brief moment of pondering, he sighed and gently shook his head. “Have you figured out a name for the new one yet?”


    Jenna gave Sephiroth another coy smirk as she tried to take her book back so that she could return to reading. “Oh, I’m supposed to be a prime example of making sense? That’s a new one on me… I mean, I know that I’ve been called a lying, deceptive, traitorous, trixster bitch before, but certainly not someone who makes sense. Hmm… I think I shall have to consider that preposition.”

    “Sadly, the world doesn’t work the way it should, Rhyderi,” Desiree softly spoke as she looked down at her children.

    “As for a name.. I haven’t talked to Kalysto yet, but I was thinking the name Eris, you know… you probably don’t know… but greek goddess of chaos and discord. Sound like something Kalysto would like.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a loud aggressive sound and kicked at the bed. “No. I do not have to prove anything to you. YOU are the one who stated that you purchased the damn medicine. Why do I need to find it to prove anything to you?”

    He moved towards the door, snarling in a rage. “Next time, confront me if you have a damn problem!” He stormed out of the room.

    Rhyderi made a vaguely unhappy sound and nodded once more. “It’s an interesting name. Not something I would pick… most of the females in my extended family except for my mother were named after flowers.”


    Jenna grinned as she watched Sephiroth storm out of the room. “Way to easy…”

    Chuckling for a few, she closed her eyes and waited about ten minutes. After the time had passed, she finally looked out the bedroom door again before she slipped out of the bed to find Sephiroth. Upon finally finding him, she slid up next to him, taking care to brush her body against his.

    “You don’t need any medication, Seph.”

    Desiree cocked her eyesbrow at Rhyderi before she rolled her eyes. “I could point out that I am now part of your extended family and not named after a flower, Rhyderi… Still, no. Flowers are so… Aeris.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was sitting at a table in the kitchen with a sub sandwich he had just finished making when Jenna came to him. He made a sharp angry growl at her and immediately moved away. He stood up, taking his sandwich with him as he moved for the door.

    “Go away.” He hissed.


    “And I could point out that I said ‘most’.” Rhyderi stated with a frown. “Aeris? How is that much different to Eris?”


    Jenna quickly reached out to grab onto Sephiroth’s arm in an attempt to keep him from running away. “No, Seph. Come now, I gave you several minutes to simmer down and calm down. I only made the statement because you were certain that I was hiding something from you, as a lesson to stop snooping and just ask me, hm.”

    “They’re… spelled differently. Damn… Well, I still like the name Eris,” Desiree defended her choice. “Anyway, I was talking about the Cetra. Have you ever met the flower girl?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was silent as he scowled at Jenna. He growled at her statement after a brief moment, then snorted and turned his head away. She was right, but he didn’t particularly want to admit it and have her rub it in his face.

    “But you are hiding something from me… I know you are.” He growled. “But fine, yes. Next time it would be more intelligent to just ask…” He suddenly narrowed his eyes. “What have you been up to?”

    Rhyderi shook his head in reply. “The flower-girl? I’ve never seen many people sell flowers around here. I suppose I can order flowers from one of the gardening supply stores, but I’ve not seen anyone else sell them.” He paused as he thought about that. “It does seem highly unusual now that I think about it.”


    “You know me, Seph,” Jenna said as she stroked her hand up and down his arm. “I do odd jobs to pass the time every now and again. So, you could be referencing anything. No matter what, I wasn’t doing anything that concerns you. Unless I was telling the truth about the Viagra, hm?”

    “Aeris comes here from time to time since she’s the mother of Tyler, one of my siblings. But in general, she lives with Cloud Strife. Though, you probably would want to look her up. You’d probably actually like her,” Desiree suggested.

    Kat Aclysm

    “I just gave you what you wanted. You just had the opportunity to be honest and talk about it.” Sephiroth glared heavily at Jenna. “And you’ve just wasted it. I don’t want to be anywhere near you right now. You’re not making it any better with that slandering talk.” He took another bite out of his sandwich and stepped back from her, then he turned around and headed for the door.

    “Talk to me again when you decide to stop being evasive and insulting.”

    “Aeris is the flower girl?” Rhyderi was utterly confused. “Why does that person get such a title? Am I missing out on something here?”


    “Hrmph, I was being honest. There’s nothing for you to worry about what I do. Unless you are suggesting that you do not trust me. If that is the case, you are the slanderous one, Seph, not I,” Jenna coldly stated.

    “Yea, Aeris Gainsborough, the flower girl from the slums or something like that,” Desiree confirmed. “Something about her selling flowers in Midgar. It’s just some nick name my father uses for her.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Bullshit.” Sephiroth snapped at her as he stopped in the doorway. He turned his head to glare back at her once more. “Don’t turn this back on me. YOU are the one who has been up to something recently. Don’t think I haven’t observed you sneaking around. I want to trust you, but if you’re going to to that and not say anything when asked about it, how can I?” He narrowed his eyes at her once again.

    “Oh…” Rhyderi sounded quite disappointed and he gently shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not relevant to your child’s name, is it? Hmph.”


    “You have been beyond vague and only making accusations at me. Hrmph, based off everything that you say, I am not worthy of being trusted of going out of this house on my own,” Jenna scowled at Sephiroth. “Go ahead and search all you want, Seph. You won’t find a single piece of damning evidence, because there is none.”

    “You’re right, it has nothing to do with the name of my daughter,” Desiree confirmed. “I was just making small talk.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Of course I won’t find evidence,” Sephiroth said through gritted teeth. “Because there won’t be any. I know your modus operandi – you don’t leave any evidence behind.” He loudly snorted. “That’s what makes this even more frustrating. You think you can sneak around and do whatever the hell you like, and then you make me look like the fool when I try calling you out on it. It’s exactly what you’re doing right now.”

    He took another bite out of his sandwich and headed outside. *”As I said already, talk to me again when you decide to stop being evasive and insulting.”*

    “Oh, right…” Rhyderi frowned. “Because I was getting confused…”


    Jenna simply glared at Sephiroth’s back as he left the room. As far as she was concerned, she had done nothing wrong and he was being paranoid. So, she just snorted before she teleported out of the kitchen, not feeling like dealing with Sephiroth at the moment.

    “Heh, don’t say that when around your brother,” Desiree grinned at Rhyderi. “You know he’d jump at that opening. Now…”

    Desiree reached down to grab her wallet out of her pants pocket before she gave Rhyderi a fifty dollar bill. “This is for taking care of the children today. Go get yourself a good dinner for once.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth stepped outside and began walking away from the house. He continued munching through his sandwich as he headed towards the hospital and by the time he had gotten there, he had finished his meal. After walking into the building, he ignored everyone else as he used his senses to navigate his way to Desiree’s location.

    Within five minutes, he had moved up the hallway and stood next to her.

    “Hello, girl.” He said in a calm voice.


    Desiree was busy holding up Orpheus and showing him his new sister when her father showed up. She had been whispering into his ear and telling him how he really needed to set good examples now. However, she froze when she heard Sephiroth’s voice.

    Grinning, Desiree set Orpheus down before she turned around to hug onto her father. “Hello, Father.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a tired sighing sound and very slowly shook his head as he moved his arms around his eldest daughter. “Hello, Desiree.” He said after a few moments of silence.”I trust that you are keeping well. It seems strange to hear that I have a new grand-child and yet, here you are standing here because you did not actually give birth to it.”


    Desiree rubbed her nose against her father’s chest, enjoying the few moments of affection that he was offering before he began to speak. As he mentioned the unusual circumstances of the birth, her cheeks flushed a bit. However, the young woman quickly snorted and turned her head to the side in order to hide her embarrassment.

    “Yes… It definitely is awkward, huh,” Desiree admitted. “I really hope that Kalysto got this thing out of his system, because I’m never going to do this again.”

    The girl then stepped away from her father before she waved toward the nursery. “Your grandchild is sleeping in there. If you were wondering, I’ve been thinking Eris, but since I haven’t discussed it with Kalysto, it is still up in the air.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed once more. “I cannot really say much. When I….” He scowled as he stopped himself from speaking. *”When I was pregnant, it was forced upon me. I do not see why anyone would willingly change their gender simply to do it.”*

    He reared his head back in slight disgust. “Eris? Why are you naming offspring in my direct genetic lineage after that woman?”


    “Not Aeris, Eris, Father. E. R. I. S. It’s only coincidence that the names sound similar,” Desiree pouted. “The name comes from the greek goddess of discord and strife or something like that. It’s just the type of name that I think Kalysto would like and it sounded good. There’s no way in any hell that I’m naming a child after the Cetra.”

    ~And you probably shouldn’t talk about that pregnancy or even Kalysto’s in a way that people can eaves drop… Hell, Zach’s keeping Kalysto’s presence here very hush hush. Though I’m certain you can help scare away reporters.~

    Kat Aclysm

    For the first time since he got there, Sephiroth gave Desiree a vaguely humoured grin. “Yes, in no way are you to name your offspring after that woman. I strictly forbid it. I also forbid naming your offspring after any of our enemies.”

    He glanced in the window again, the frown returning to his face. *”You are indeed correct – I’m not going to talk about it openly. Nobody ever should – it’s too much to deal with.”* He scowled as his attention turned down the hallway to Kalysto’s room. *”When is… he turning back into a male?”*


    “Cloud is a stupid name, Father. You know I’d never pick that as a name ever,” Desiree grinned at her Father and patted his back. “So, do you need me to point her out?”

    ~I cannot say exactly when he’ll turn back. He hassn’t quite told me yet. However, I think it will be after we get him home,~ Desiree responded with uncertainty.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth nodded at the glass. “I don’t think you need to point her out. She is the only one in there with prominent ears.” He continued to stare inside as he made his next statement via telepathy. *”You may wish to talk with him, then. I was turned back relatively soon afterwards, but if I recall correctly, his is chemical-based.”*

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