Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    “Like hell I’ll be laughing about this shit…,” Desiree spat out in a disgruntled manner. “Hell no. This was all your crazy idea. This isn’t a joke, this is just your crazy idea! No, you won’t hear me ever laugh about this!”

    Snorting, the woman continued to follow Zach to the delivery room. Once inside, she once again lifted up Kalysto so that she could gently deposit her on the table.

    “Put your feet up. You’ve seen me do this before… And remember, there’s no shame in taking the pain medication… Unless it’s too late.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach grumbled as he assisted Kalysto onto the birthing table. He clipped up the female’s feet into the foot harnesses and began pacing. “It’s too late for some of the bigger pain medications… but we can still use a couple.”

    Kalysto seemed very unhappy at Desiree’s commentary but said nothing. She just lay on the table and stared up at the ceiling, at least until another wave of pain hit her.


    “It’s Kalysto’s choice, so if she doesn’t want any, then don’t give her any,” Desiree reminded her brother as she moved over to Kalysto’s side. Once there, she gently grabbed the elf’s hand. “Remember the breathing techniques we went over? Time to use them, Kalysto.”

    Meanwhile, Desiree decided to contact her father, or she felt that it was proper to let her family know of the situation. ~Father, Kalysto is labor. Our daughter should be born any minute now. If you wanted to visit, you are welcome, but please don’t make a scene.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was busy trying to investigate something unusual in his house when he got the telepathic message from Desiree. He made an irritated snorting sound as he abandoned the room he had been searching around in and returned to the lounge, trying to pretend that nothing had happened at all.

    *”I may come visit after the baby is born.”* He responded. *”You should enjoy the time you have now.”*

    “I don’t really want pain medication…” Kalysto groaned. “I don’t need it… there’s nothing I want to mute out… besides. It might interfere with the other things I’m already taking. She shifted into position and groaned heavily. “Tell me when I can start pushing, please!”


    ~Visit when you feel like, Father. I’ll be glad to see your face,~ Desiree calmly responded, not bothered by her father’s response.

    Instead, she just turned her attention to Kalysto once more. She nodded in understanding as she gently rubbed Kalysto’s hand once more. “I trust your judgement. Now, try to control your breathing so you don’t pass out or anything, ok?”

    Meanwhile, Jenna was on her bed, calmly reading a book on music theory. She hadn’t been paying much attention to Sephiroth, mostly because she thought he was overreacting. Also, she was rather enjoying her book.

    Kat Aclysm

    Over the course of the next hour, Kalysto would cringe in pain and wriggle about in her straps, also panting like she had been instructed during classes. When it came time to bear down and push, she was very eager to do so. Despite the fact that the pain had tired her out, she still persisted and pushed with as much effort as she could muster.

    Her work was soon rewarded when she birthed the head of the infant, and then delivered the rest of it. Immediately after the child was born, it began to scream and cry. Zach tended to it by covering it in towels, also quickly checking it over.

    “It’s a girl.” He offered Desiree a pair of medical scissors and grinned at her. “Do you want to do the honours?”


    Desiree gave Zach the type of hardened glare that had been patented by her father. “Just do your job and stop messing around, Zach.”

    Snorting, the young woman didn’t even move for the scissors. Instead, she kept her focus on Kalysto, trying to make certain that the elf was still calm and not in any trouble. As her focus returned to Kalysto, her glare quickly disappeared.

    “It’s not over yet, my.. Kalysto. There’s still an afterbirth. So don’t go to sleep yet.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto just put her head back on the pillow behind her while Zach snipped the umbilical cord and carried the child off to tend to her immediate needs and health. The female closed her eyes and rested, thoroughly exhausted from her ordeal. She was too out of it for the time being to really notice her wife’s overall general demeanour at that current moment in time.

    “I’m not going to sleep…” She groaned. “Surely you understand where I’m at right now…?”

    “Desiree is right, you still have to push out the afterbirth. After this little one is cleaned up and inspected, I’ll hand her over and we can give you the injection to make you birth it faster.” He grinned. “Then you can resume your life, because I’m sure you’re just dying to get back to the way things were before.”


    “That would be the understatement of the millennium,” Desiree growled out under her breath. Still, she kept as calm of a face as she could manage as she continued to pat Kalysto’s head. “You should take the shot that Zach is offering. That will speed up this thing quite a bit. Just get it done and over with, huh?”

    “And I assume our daughter is perfectly healthy, right, Zach?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach plucked up a stethoscope and began listening to the little bundle, nodding his head shortly afterwards. “She’s perfectly healthy, apart from the fact that she has huge floppy ears. But I guess that’s a normal elf thing…”

    “Got any names in mind?” He handed the bundle of blankets over to Desiree and went about injecting Kalysto with hormones to make her birth the afterbirth faster. “You might want to keep a close eye on her over the next 24 hours, simply because you need to with all newborns.” He paused, frowning. “It’s also the first child from her… him… ah. Yes, do keep an eye on it.”


    Desiree gently took up the newborn, knowing full well how to hold onto it. She glanced down at the girl before she softly spoke, “I’ve been thinking that Eris is a good name…”

    With that said, she tilted the girl toward Kalysto so that the elf could see her daughter. “Not surprising, she has your kind’s eyes, Kalysto.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto seemed humored by Desiree’s observation. She nodded her head and leaned closer to get a better look. Before too long however, she began to wince in pain. After expelling the afterbirth, she lay her head back down on the pillow.

    “I really, really want to sleep…”

    Zach unstrapped the female and examined her once again before he was satisfied. “Get cleaned up, and go back to your room. We’re done in here, I think.”


    Desiree nodded with understanding before she handed the newborn back to Zach, “Please give her what care she needs. I’ll take care of Kalysto’s needs and make certain she gets rest.”

    Nodding toward the elf, Desiree stepped away so that she could insure that Kalysto was properly cleaned. Once she felt that everything was in order, she escorted Kalysto back into her room before she deposited the elf back on the bed.

    ~Our child is born, Father. Please stop by at any time. I’d appreciate it.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach nodded his head as he took the infant back. As he was leaving the room, he stood in the doorway and glanced back at the two. “What should I do if the other one comes back with your other kids? Should I send him away?”

    After a shower and clean-up, Kalysto felt like a completely different person. As she was guided to her bed, she was only happy to lie down and to rest – she was absolutely exhausted. Her eyes closed relatively quickly and her ears flicked occaisonally as she fell into a restful sleep not too long afterwards.

    Sephiroth was irritated when he got the telepathic signal from Desiree. He had resumed snooping around the house looking for evidence of what his wife was getting up to and didn’t immediately respond. Once he was back in the living room, he snorted.

    *”You want me to come by now?”*


    Jenna still remained on the bed, reading the book on music theory that she had been reading earlier. For the time being, she was ignoring Sephiroth’s unusual behavior. Partially, she ignored him because unusual behaviors for him were quite usual. The man was complex, though sometimes simple, in her opinion. It was best to not think too hard into his behaviors.

    So, rather than question, she just flipped another page of her book.

    ~You can bring Rhyderi to me and to see the newborn if he comes back. Just let him know that Kalysto is sleeping,~ Desiree instructed her brother.

    She then turned her attention to her father. ~Well, it would be nice to see you, Father. But no, you don’t need to come now. What’s wrong? You feel… occupied.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I am preoccupied. Your mother is up to something. I don’t know what exactly, but I intend to find out.”* Sephiroth continued snooping around the drawers in the various rooms of the house on the lower floor, though he turned up empty-handed.

    *”Maybe you should call him then, because I’ve not seen him since he took off with your kids. I’m sure he’ll come back on his own, but maybe you can hurry him along.”* Zach’s response was rather calm and polite.


    ~I’m sure that I can trust Rhyderi with my children. He has babysat them before without problem,~ Desiree assured her brother. ~I’m not worried.~

    ~Father, I doubt that mother is up to anything that is worrying. When has mother gotten into any real trouble since she… Yea, see what she’s up to. She isn’t trustworthy.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was humoured by Desiree’s commentary and resumed his search. He sorted through the drawers in the living room and growled as he didn’t find anything. He was sure he smelled something strange last week. The fact that he couldn’t find anything now annoyed him.

    Rhyderi returned to the hospital not terribly long afterwards, three relatively happy children in tow. He made his way through the facility until he came upon Kalysto’s room.

    “Come on, kids. Time to send you back to your mother, huh?” He grinned as he opened the door. “They were well-behaved. We went to get ice-cream, and then I took them to the park for a few hours. I’m guessing it’s over, so I brought them back.


    Jenna groaned as she continued to hear Sephiroth rummage about the house. Shaking her head, the sorceress looked up toward the bedroom door. ~Seph, what the hell have you been up to?~

    Desiree gave Rhyderi a warm smile as he returned with her children. Nodding in appreciation, she walked over to him before she leaned in.

    “Keep the noise down, all of you, Kalysto is sleeping and very tired,” the young woman advised. “Do you want to see your niece, Rhyderi?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth stopped as he heard Jenna’s voice nearby. He looked up at her and made a short sharp grunting sound, before he resumed his searching. He put his head down and looked through the drawers again, the deep scowl on his face growing further.

    *”You’re up to something. You’ve been behaving strangely. I want to know what it is, and why.”*

    Rhyderi nodded his head. “Oh, sure. Of course I want to see her.” He grinned. “A girl? Now you guys have two of each. Probably time for you to start thinking about more permanent forms of birth control, hmm?”


    Jenna tilted her head at Sephiroth’s statement before a slow smirk spread on her lips. As she brought the book back up in front of her face, she stated with pure simplicity, keeping her thoughts clear so not to transfer any unneeded emotions, ~You’re right. I bought you viagra a week ago.~

    Jenna bit her bottom lip as she waited for her mate’s reaction, more than sure that he would rise up to her jab.

    “Yea, I’m definitely going back on the pill. We can’t afford any more pregnancies,” Desiree admitted as she lead Rhyderi out of the room. “Come, she’s in the nursery.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth’s entire body seemed to tense and shake as his anger rose at the commentary. He turned around to glare hard at Jenna and he made a few loud snorting sounds, not initially knowing how to react or comment on what she had just said.

    “I don’t…” He snarled out initially, then responded telepathically. *”What were you thinking? I don’t have any trouble with that…”*

    Rhyderi nodded his head as he followed. “But that’s not really permanent is it? You can do things now, you know. Go ask your doctor about it.”


    Jenna smirked even more, keeping the book up as a way to hide her expression to Sephiroth. Overall, she was quite content that he took the bait. He was rather handsome each time that he was angry. Though she couldn’t see him at the moment, she was sure that he was fuming and quite delectable indeed to her eyes.

    ~Just like you perfectly heard me calling out your name the other day from the other room, hm?~

    “Um, yes, there’s permanent ways to do that sort of thing, but it’s a lot easier for the male to do that than the female, Rhyderi,” Desiree coughed. “Anyway, this isn’t really something we should be talking about in earshot of the children.”

    Finally, Desiree stopped in front of the Nurdery and nodded. “I should say the ears will stick out.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth loudly snarled, very obviously offended. He moved up the stairs with haste and stood in the doorway of the bedroom. He glared openly at his wife and reached her side of the bed in three long strides. He attempted to grab at Jenna’s book and yank it away from her.

    “I do NOT have a problem with… with… with that! If you had a problem, you should have said something much sooner.” He turned his head to glare at the door momentarily, slamming it shut with with his psychokinetic abilities. “You have some explaining to do.”

    Rhyderi followed Desiree down the hallway and peered in through the nursery glass. His eyes scanned the other infants in the room, and then his attention fell onto the only youngster in the room with long ears.

    “Indeed…” He nodded his head in agreement of Desiree’s statement. “They really are quite noticeable.” He frowned slightly as he glanced up at his own ears. “Are they really THAT noticeable?”


    Jenna gave Sephiroth a mock-pout as he took her book from her. “For the record, I was enjoying that. Hrmph, way to ruin my day.”

    She then gave Sephiroth a feral smirk. “As for the viagra, hmm… does it actually exist? Have you found it? Maybe you just need a small bit of assistance. Your abilities have not been at peak as of late, now have they?”

    Desiree chuckled at Rhyderi’s self-criticism. Rather than answer him right away, she leaned up to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek. “Oh, settle down. I’ve seen your home. Where you guys come from, they are quite normal. They just stand out here because the ellves on Earth never had ears like that.”

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