Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #52158
    Kat Aclysm

    Zach answered the phone with promptness. “I’m coming out now…” He hung up without another word.

    Kalysto didn’t react very much when Desiree tried to reassure her. The pain she was experiencing was far too distracting. However, she was relieved to see the hospital when it appeared in the distance, and despite how she was feeling, she unbuckled her seat-belt and awaited instructions.

    Zach was quick to come out the side-entrance with a wheelchair when he saw the SUV pull up to the kerb. He headed for the passenger side of the SUV and helped Kalysto into the chair before promptly wheeling her inside.

    “We gotta get this done quickly, I’ve booked out the room and the higher-ups are suspicious. Did I try to hide it too much?”


    “Hrmph, just get Kalysto to the room. I’ll bring the children over as soon as I park,” Desiree hollered out to her brother. Soon after, she reached over to close the passenger door so that she could pull off to park.

    Once Desiree was properly parked, she gathered her children, taking care to carry Banedelis herself. As soon as she was inside the hospital again, Desiree rang Zach’s PHS once more. “Ok, we’re parked. What room am I going to? Do we need to get father to get your higher-ups off your back? You tell me what’s going on.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach promptly wheeled Kalysto away to the room to set her up for the birthing process. When he was called by Desiree, he was very quick to answer.

    “Go to the room up on the third level… it’s labelled ‘A-11’. It’s the most quiet birthing room in the obstetrics ward. We’re already here, so I’ll meet you up here… I don’t know how we’re going to do this, but I’m looking over it now and I’ll tell you what’s going on as it happens.”*

    In the background of the phone-call, Kalysto’s moaning and complaining could be heard.

    Milena made a loud whimper as Desiree fussed around. She decided that she wasn’t in the least bit happy. Her mother’s current mood had begun to worry and frighten her. Still, she stayed close, not wanting to get her angry.


    “Thank you, we’ll be there shortly. Now, do I need to get Father involved, Zach,” Desiree repeated her inquiry as she reached the elevator and escorted her children inside. “We all know that he can provide extra security over this matter. I mean… this can take all day. Are you going to distract your supervisors for that long?”

    Meanwhile, Orpheus hugged onto his sister’s side and whimpered. “Bad moods… bad moods… Not like this at all.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You don’t need to get that man involved just yet…” Zach huffed in annoyance. “Let me handle it. Please… please. Just let me deal with this.” He hung up on Desiree again and resumed preparing Kalysto for birthing.

    By the time Desiree made it to the room, Kalysto was comfortably lying on the bed with a gentle oxygen feed running beside if she needed it. Zach stood in the corner and fussed about with equipment, keeping an eye on the woman all the while.

    “Did she… he… she….” Zach paused, awkward. “She’s not going to turn back into a dude halfway through this is she?”


    Desiree grunted at Zach’s instance, though she gave in and just slammed her cell phone off. Once she reached the room, she handed Banedelis off to Milena so that she could stand at Kalysto’s side without hindrance.

    As Zach asked her about Kalysto’s gender disposition, she frowned. “I don’t think so. I believe that Kalysto took enough of the potion to keep him a female until the end of the month, but you’d have to ask him… He would know, not me.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sleepily waved a hand and pointed to the charm she had been wearing around her neck. “It’s been fixed recently… it’s not going to happen. I’ll be like this for a while afterwards… don’t worry about a thing.”

    Zach glanced back at the children, then at Desiree. “We have a play-room, you know… why not send them down there? I’m not sure you guys want everyone to be around for this… unless you’re like that…” He waved a hand towards the door. “Do you have anyone who can pick them up?”


    “About the only person who I can call for that is Father, Zach, you know that…. Well… I suppose I can try Rhyderi, but he’s probably on duty with my sister. And do you know how much of a scene he’d make? Father would be a much better choice,” Desiree reasoned as she moved over to gently stroke Kalysto’s hand.

    “But yes, the play room would be ideal… But I don’t want to leave Kalysto’s side.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Milena, then at Orpheus. “You wouldn’t need to mind them… your girl can probably take care of the younger guy in the play-room. It’s closed off and the staff walk by regularly, it’s not like they’re going to come to any harm.”

    He glanced back at Baneledis, then sighed. “Yeah, maybe you should call somebody… I don’t think your father is a good choice. Go call the other one. It’s less drama all-around if you call that one, I’m sure of it.”

    Kalysto hugged at her belly and made another loud groaning sound.


    Desiree scowled in concern as she considered what Zach was telling her. Though her gut instict told her that her father was a better choice, she decided to concede and call Rhyderi. So, Desiree turned away from Kalysto as she pulled out her phone once more.

    As soon as her phone was out, she dialed Rhyderi’s number. As she waited for the elder Sol’theran to pick up, the young woman bit her lip in concern. However, as soon as he picked up, she very quickly blurted out, “I need you to get to the hospital. Kalysto is in labor and I need someone to mind the children. Please, don’t make a scene, ok?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi answered the phone after it rang a few times. He flipped it open and frowned at what he was hearing. “Really? It’s happening right now?” A heavy frown appeared on his face. “I guess I’ll be right over…” He sighed and flipped the phone shut. “Seres. I gotta step off duty. My b-” He cut himself off. “One of my relatives is in labor…” He sighed and stepped away, heading for the hospital.

    The Paladin reached the hospital after not much time had passed. He opened the phone again and redialled Desiree’s number.

    “I’m here, but I don’t even know where you are.” He stated plainly. “How’s he doing?”


    “Yea, yea, yea,” Seres grumbled out, only half-listening to Rhyderi. “I can handle this stupid drunk on my own. Scram.”

    The girl then smirked at the man who had been giving her lued advances due to his drunkenness before she pinned him to a wall so that she could arrest him. “That’s harrassment, I hear.”

    When Rhyderi called back, Desiree was quick to answer her phone. Sighing, she rubbed her temple as she tried to calm down her nerves and remember everything. “Let’s see… go to the third floor. The children and I are in A-… A-… Hrmph, one second Rhyderi.”

    Thus, Desiree stepped out of the room to refresh her memory. “A-11. Zach will tell you where the playroom is once you pick up the children.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made his way to the third level and room as instructed, and knocked on the door before he opened it, peeking his head inside. With eyebrows raised, he looked around the room and made a soft sighing sound, shaking his head at the scene before him.

    “Yeah, I still can’t handle this well…” He nodded at Desiree. “I’ll take them out for ice-cream or something.”

    Zach seemed both annoyed and humoured by Rhyderi’s commentary but said nothing.


    Desiree released a relieved sigh as Rhyderi managed to step in without yelling at his brother. Nodding with appreciation, she walked over to the paladin so that she could hand over Banedelis to him.

    “Thank you, Rhyderi. Just, keep them safe until this is over. I trust you to do that much,” Desiree whispered to him. “And… thank you for not making a scene. We’re trying not to gather much attention here.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi glared vaguely at Desiree when Baneledis was handed over. “Why the hell would I make a scene? I am insulted, Desiree.” He settled the infant in his arms properly, then nodded down at Milena and Orpheus.

    “Come on, kids. Let’s go get ice-cream. Your parents have some stuff they gotta do. Everything will be fine later on. You’ll see.”

    Kalysto hugged her belly and began loudly groaning in pain. “How much longer do I have to wait…?”


    ~I hope you know that you’re not known for your subtlty, Rhyderi,~ Desiree responded, giving him no other explanation for her statement.

    Instead, she quickly turned her attention to Kalysto. As the elf asked how long it would take, Desiree simply leaned in to gently brush her spouse’s hair away from her face.

    “I don’t now for certain. You know these things are different with each female… Though… Do you know how long it usually is for your species?” Desiree attempted.

    Meanwhile, Orpheus huddled up next to Rhyderi before he stared up at the elf. “Ice cream? Yea, that ok. Mommy really agitated.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I don’t see why elves would be any different to regular people.” Zach added in his commentary. “When mom gave birth all those times, it didn’t seem to take any more or less time than a regular boring human. Even the Earth-elves who come in here don’t seem to be too much different. If we have a bit of time, I might go visit the records and take a look.”

    He stepped across the room after placing rubber gloves on, and then began to inspect Kalysto properly. “Hmm…” The male frowned heavily. “Not dilated properly yet. Give it more time. I’ll come back in an hour. All I can really suggest is for her to lie back and relax. If she needs painkillers, call me again.”

    Zach handed over a pager button and slipped out of the room.


    Desiree released a slow sigh before she muttered out, “Yea, but there’s one connecting factor between all of that… Earth.. Kalysto isn’t from Earth… Oh, what does it matter.”

    Shrugging, Desiree sat down next to her spouse. Once she was settled, she reached over to pat the top of her head.

    “Regretting your choice now?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto simply lay back on the bed as she suffered through another wave of contractions. She gave a gentle shake of her head and shrugged. “Regret? Why would I regret anything? I told you I wanted to do this back when it was first mentioned, and…” She gritted her teeth and made a harsh sound as another sharp contraction wave pulsed through her.

    “I think this is going to take less time than an hour…” She said through her panting.


    “Are you certain?” Desiree inquired. “I mean.. that’s possible, but highly unlikely. Zach didn’t seem to think that you’d be ready within the hour when he left…”

    Sighing, Desiree pursed her lips in thought. “You might just be really sensitive to this since it’s your first time… But, call for Zach with that button he gave you if you really feel you need him, ok?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made another heavy panting sound as she gritted her teeth. *”I think you… might need to call him now…”* She gripped onto the edge of the bed and groaned as yet another contraction hit her. The pregnant ‘female’ forced herself into a seated position and parted her legs, then began to groan as she resisted the instinctual desire to push.


    Groaning, Desiree gripped onto Kalysto’s shoulders before she shook her head at her spouse. “Don’t you dare start pushing until directed, understood. Now, relax!”

    Rolling her eyes, Desiree quickly contacted Zach, ~Zach, you should get back here. Kalysto seems convinced that it is coming now. I really don’t think she dilated that much since you left… but at least you’ll be able to stop her from doing something stupid… Aside from this entire situation, of course.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto frowned as Desiree pushed her down. She cracked her eyes open and stared at the other female, seeming quite unhappy. “I’m trying to relax, but… mmm…” She screwed her face up once again. “It hurts, it hurts, damn it!”

    Zach was quick to return to the room. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, his attention glued to Kalysto as he pushed the door closed once again.

    “Is she OK?” He placed another pair of rubber gloves on and began inspecting the female once again. “Ahh…” He promptly yanked the gloves off and glanced at the door. “We need a wheelchair… we have to move her to the delivery room right away.”


    “What, really??” Desiree stared at Zach in shock, for she thought that Kalysto had been overreacting to the pain. However, she quickly shook her head before she nodded.

    “Damn, Kalysto. You’re definitely lucky. No hours of torment for you,” the young woman chuckled as she rushed out the room to get a wheel chair.

    Once she had the wheel chair in hand, Desiree moved over to Kalysto’s bedside. Without waiting for Zach to fail at trying to lift Kalysto, for she was sure her brother was as weak as a wet noodle, Desiree gripped onto Kalysto and transferred the elf to the wheel chair. After taking another moment to make certain that Kalysto was comfortably sitting on the chair, she reached up to pat her spouse’s head.

    “This will be over soon. Then you’ll want to sleep for a week.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made the effort to grin at Desiree, then she placed her head back down on the pillow, closing her eyes once again. She was very tired, in pain, and not happy at that particular moment in time. She snapped her eyes open again when Desiree grabbed her up and placed her into the wheelchair – she hadn’t expected that one coming at all.

    “I know, I know…” She raised her attention up towards the other and grinned again. “And then in another week, or perhaps a month, we’ll be laughing about this…”

    Zach held the door open and then slipped out of the room, leading the way.

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