Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    During the following five months, Desiree did her best to keep Kalysto comfortable during her pregnancy. Sadly, the elf did have rather strange cravings. How the hell was she supposed to fulfill a request for felweed-stuffed dragonhawk egg. Hell, what was a dragonhawk…

    Thus, by the end of it, Desiree was more than ready to pull out all of her hair, for Kalysto was driving her up the wall. Maybe it would be better for the woman to just knock her husband unconscious for the remainder of her pregnancy. At least the due date was any day now.

    Meanwhile, Orpheus continued to whine for his father. Since Kalysto was well into the pregnancy, Desiree could no longer cast any illusions over her. Hence, Orpheus was rather troubled by the presence of the woman that wasn’t his father.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto was caught between teary and generally irritable most of the time. In the last few months of pregnancy her form had filled out rather considerably, and while it was fun at first, the female was finding it incredibly tiring by now.

    She lay down on the lounge in the living room at that moment, mostly because her ankles were hurting her. She felt miserable and she was in pain. The fact that Orpheus didn’t want to have anything to do with her made her feel even worse. She placed her hands over her eyes to block out everything around her. Like Desiree, she wanted it to go away.


    Desiree slowly approached Kalysto from behind. After watching her spouse for a few moments, the young woman circled around so that she could set heated cloths on each of Kalysto’s ankles. Soon after she reached in to massage Kalysto’s left shin.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto initially made a sound to express her disapproval, but quickly changed her tune when Desiree’s handiwork did it’s magic. As the pain dissipated from her ankles, she began to make soft relaxed groans and then wiggled the foot that wasn’t currently being worked on.

    “That feels wonderful…” She stated in a low murmur.


    “Heh, don’t expect this to continue on when you’re back to being a male, Kalysto,” Desiree chided at her spouse. “You’re just lucky that I’m tolerating your insane idea for now. Hrmph… You’re due any day now, right?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto closed her eyes as she relaxed. “It should have been any day this last week… it’s actually a few days overdue now…” She sighed and turned her head on its side so she could open her eyes just enough to observe the television.

    “Everything hurts…”


    Sighing, Desiree moved her hands to work on Kalysto’s other shin. “Well, if it continues on being overdue, you know to contact my brother. He’s about the best thing we have for an expert on my family around here, and he’s gotten used to you…”

    Desiree shook her head as she finally stood up to sit next to Kalysto.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto nodded her head. She pushed herself up into a seated position so she could sit with Desiree, then resumed staring forwards at the television. “I’ve not talked to him, but I read that these things can go two-weeks either side of their due date. I shouldn’t be worried but with each passing day now, I get more and more worried, I have to admit…”

    She made a heavy sigh and reached down to place a hand on her swollen belly. “It’s gone quiet… that worries me too…”


    Desiree reached over to gently stroke the inside of Kalysto’s right ear as the elf relayed her concerns. Though the young woman wasn’t overly worried, she knew better than to assume that everything was peachy.

    “Give it a few more days… I’m sure you’ll be whining about labor and why I let you do this to yourself soon enough.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “A few more days…?” Kalysto groaned miserably. “But it’s been so long already… why do I have to keep waiting? This is terrible…” She closed her eyes again and began to make soft pathetic whimpering sounds.

    “I want it to be over… I want the pain to go away.”


    Desiree wrapped her arms around Kalysto’s shoulders, providing sympathetic pats on the back as she embraced the elf. “Shhh… I know.. I know… Heh, for all we know, you’ll start labor in five seconds. So, don’t get your hopes down, my dark lord.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto continued to make her uncomfortable sounds as Desiree patted and hugged her. She kept her eyes closed and said nothing for a while, though her ears were raised and attentive as she listened to the television.

    “I shouldn’t get my hopes up, either…” She mumbled finally. After another few moments, a deep scowl of discomfort formed on her face and she shifted about, trying to get comfortable once more. “D-damn…”


    “Huh? Damn…?” Desiree slowly repeated. Tilting her head, the girl studied her spouse for a few moments before she looked into the elf’s eyes. “Do you need yet another pillow?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto shifted about again, her scowl deepening. “It hurts… I don’t need another pillow.” She shifted positions and stood up. She wished she hadn’t shortly afterwards – a large puddle quickly formed around her feet, darkening the carpeting below.

    “Sorry, I didn’t… um… sorry…” The elf seemed incredibly embarrassed at this and stepped aside to grab something to cover it up with. She took two more steps and hugged at her belly area, wincing heavily in pain. “Damn it… damn it, damn it…”


    Desiree helped as she noticed the puddle at Kalysto’s feet. Knowing full well what the puddle signified, the young woman leaped to her feet before she gently tugged Kalysto’s left arm.

    “Come on. We need to get you to the hospital. This will all be over soon… Just need to get you to a doctor,” Desiree urged her spouse.

    ~Zach, I really hope that you’re at work at the moment. Kalysto’s water broke!~

    Kat Aclysm

    “Hospital….? Now?” Kalysto slowly pulled her arm away. “But these things take hours, right?” She made a soft whimper of protest, but decided to move with Desiree anyway. She knew better than to argue, and her wife’s commentary was true and made sense.

    Zach was in his office typing on a computer when he got the telepathic signal from his sister. *”Bring her over. I’ll go prepare a ward for her right away. Keep things on the down-low, though… you don’t want news to get out that she’s really a pregnant man. Shit will really hit the fan if the media finds out…”*


    “Sometimes they take hours, sometimes, it’s really fast. There’s no definite with this sort of thing, my dark warlord… Though knowing your species… This will take all day and then some,” Desiree explained. “No matter, you should have doctors watch over you.”

    ~Yea, no shit, Zach. We already knew that. That’s why your sorry ass was chosen as his doctor!~

    Kat Aclysm

    “I know… but I want to stay home for a while, maybe…” Kalysto found herself looking around the room hopefully. “It’s more comfortable here, and….” She never finished her sentence. She stumbled off to the side as she clutched at her belly, seeming to be in immense pain.

    “OK, OK, OK…” Kalysto groaned miserably. “Let’s go…”

    *”Don’t bust a valve, Desi.”* Zach chuckled. *”Just settle, and relax. Come bring him over. This will all be over real soon.”*


    ~I’m bringing him over, don’t you worry about that part, brother!~ Desiree snapped back. ~And given the circumstances, I think that I’m allowed to be edgy.~

    Thus, Desiree guided Kalysto to the door before she called out, “Milena, Orpheus, come out here! We’re taking your father to the hospital! And Milena, please bring Banedelis with you!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made another loud groan of pain and tried to stumble towards the lounge as she just wanted to sit down now. “Hurry it up… oh god, it hurts…” She screwed her face up, wrinkling her brow.

    Milena came out of the nursery with Baneledis precariously clutched in her paws. He didn’t look particularly happy about the way he was being held and clung onto the girl’s arm for dear-life.


    Frowning at Kalysto, Desiree gripped onto her spouse’s arm so that she could pull her out of the house and toward the SUV. As soon as she was near, Desiree opened the passenger door and tried to persuade Kalysto inside by gently pushing the elf’s rump.

    Meanwhile, Orpheus obediently came out of his room and went outside to the vehicle as well. The boy looked over at his siblings for a moment befor he mumbled, “Think you holding him wrong, Milly.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena made a happy chirping sound as she shifted Baneledis around in her arms. “Naww, he’s fine. He hugs onto me anyway… see?” She patted the infant’s head. “You wanna hold him?”

    Kalysto didn’t need much persuasion as she was pushed into the SUV. She buckled herself in once she was seated in the front seat and looked out the window, upset as she waited for her children to come along.


    As soon as Kalysto was buckled in, Desiree stepped away to gather her children. Upon spotting them, she circled behind them so that she could nudge them toward their seats in the rear of the vehicle.

    “We don’t have time to waste, children. Move it.”

    Orpheus yelled as he was nudged. As he was guided to the vehicle, his ears slowly pinned backward. He muttered as he reached forward to open the passenger rear door, “Sorry, mom.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena made a loud chirping sound as she took charge and made sure everyone was strapped up in the back-seat. She grinned and waved to Desiree, chirping once more as she indicated that they were ready.

    “Move it, momma!” She waggled her tail behind her.

    Meanwhile, Kalysto just lowered her head and hugged her belly for the duration of the ride to the hospital. She felt terribly unwell.


    Desiree spent a few extra moments to make certain that Banedelis had been properly strapped into his chair before she climbed into the driver’s seat. As she sat down and buckled up, Desiree reached over to give Kalysto a reassuring stroke on her left cheek.

    “This will be over soon enough,” Desiree assured as she pulled her hand away to start up the vehicle.

    Once Desiree reached the hospital, she took care to use the side entrance near to Zach”s usual haunting grounds, for she didn’t want to attract much attention. As soon as she pulled up to the entrance, the young woman flipped open her PHS to contact Zach. “We’re here. Get Kalysto to a room before anyone spots us.”

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