Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m not being a sourpuss. I’ve already told you what the situation is.” He wrapped one of the towels around his head and another around his waist. “I don’t have to repeat myself again, do I?” He frowned and slowly shook his head.

    “Where the hell are the bathrobes…?” He glared as he looked around the room. “I swear I put them in here….”


    “They were all dirty, I thought you already knew this, Seph,” Jenna calmly stated. “Not that it matters. I don’t know why you bother with those things. They never stay on long.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I prefer to use them…” Sephiroth frowned heavily. “I enjoy being in a robe after a nice hot shower. Even if it doesn’t stay on long, it’s still warm and pleasant.” He shook his head, seeming disappointed. “How do they even get dirty…? They go on clean bodies…”


    “Oh, come now, Seph. Even I know that you have to clean towels and robes often enough. They come in contact with moistness and bodily fluids. Of course they get dirty,” Jenna rolled her eyes at Seph’s question before she finally turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

    Unlike Sephiroth, she didn’t automatically go for a towel. Instead, she just shook herself off for a bit before she licked a bit of the excess water off her arms.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a discontent sound. He knew Jenna was right and he shrugged at her a moment later, not being able to find much of a reason to argue or comment further on what she had said. When she had stepped out of the shower, he picked up a towel and promptly placed it around her shoulders.

    “It never gets cold here, but you should at least dry off.”


    Jenna rolled her eyes at her mate as he tended to her. Even though she appreciated his care and concern, she didn’t enjoy the feel of being coddled like some whelp. Nevertheless, she didn’t push him away. After all, his hands were all over her body, which outweighed any negative thoughts.

    “For the record, I was drying myself off, Seph,” the sorceress purred to him. “Though, if you want to be thorough…”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth lowered his head, resting his chin on her shoulder. He made a soft gentle purring sound next to her ear, then spoke in a very delicate, yet playful tone.

    “I want to dry you off, and make you dirty all over again…” He chuckled. “So I suggest you hurry up with what you are doing, woman.”


    “Me hurry up?” Jenna chuckled at her mate. “You’re the one who thought I needed this towel. why don’t you just go ahead and let that alpha male side of yours take those hands of yours and finish the job proper, hm?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth smirked. He rose to the challenge by deciding to man-handle Jenna, grabbing her around the upper arms, his grip tightening as he hauled her in close against him.

    “I can’t believe somebody like you would ask me to alpha them.” He purred out. “And here I was all these years thinking that if I did such, you would get angry and beat me around.”

    He lowered his head and aggressively kissed her on the mouth. Afterwards, he made sure the towel was secure around his waist, and then he began trying to drag the female out of the bathroom so he could take her off towards their bedroom.


    “Mmmm,” Jenna hummed as Sephiroth roughhandled her. “You should know that a docile Sephiroth should never exist. Not ever. Docile Sephiroths are not what I fell in love with.”

    Smirking, Jenna returned his kiss in kind, fighting him for dominance in a playful manner as the man lead her to the bedroom.

    ~No, you should never play the docile part ever..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth continued the alpha-male act as he dragged the lady into the bedroom. He lowered his head to give her more forceful yet playful kisses, purring loudly all the while. Once in the room, he reached backwards with his heel and gave the door a sharp kick to slam it closed as if to make his intentions very audibly clear.

    He stepped away from the door and gave her few gentle shoves towards the foot of the bed, and then a giant sharp one to push her down onto the mattress.

    “Docile….?” He mused. “Me?”


    Jenna clawed at Sephiroth’s back as he pushed her down, trying to bring him down with him. However, since she had showered and removed her clawed gloves from her person during that time, her grip on him was rather weak and pathetic at best.

    “Exactly, can’t let you ever consider the idea of being submissive, now can we?” Jenna licked her lips as she smirked up at him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth obliged Jenna’s clawing by allowing himself to be moved down with her. He caught himself on his elbows when he hit the bed however, mostly because he did not want to crush the lady underneath with his weight.

    “We can,” He purred out to her again, “But maybe only after I am bound up in leather cuffs, perhaps.” He smirked back at her as he lowered his head to begin placing gentle kisses on the line of her jaw, her neck, and her upper shoulders, purring all the while.


    “Hrmph,” Jenna smirked up at her husband. “Are you seriously trying to pass off the idea that mere leather handcuffs can restrain your strength. Oh, no, no, no. I know you much better than that, my great silver demon.”

    Broadly smirking, Jenna moved to stick her right index finger into Sephiroth’s mouth. “No, that would just be demeaning to you…”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth paused from his current activities when Jenna poked a finger into his mouth. He raised his head again and turned his focus down to the hand.

    *”Leather on its own, yes. Maybe you need to get some reinforced ones. I’m sure you’d be able to find something strong enough to restrain me, if you ever wished to do so. Leather-lining would help though, it wouldn’t be so painful.”* He made a gentle purring sound as he began to lick and gently suck on the finger, bringing his teeth down on it just enough to hold it in place. *”Silver demon, there it is again… I’m not completely silver, you know.”*


    Jenna did her best to keep her hand still as Sephiroth bit down on it. Still, since she had a certain amount of nerve damage to the limb, her hand trembled without her willing it to do so.

    “I wasn’t the one who gave you that nickname, Seph,” Jenna purred out to her mate. “So, you’d have to take that up with those SOLDIERS that saw you in action back then that proclaimed you a silver demon. I’m only using the name. And, personally, I think it’s quite fitting for you.”

    Thus, the woman leaned up to suckle on the side of Sephiroth’s neck.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth tilted his head to give Jenna easier access and he placed his head down, burying his face in her shoulder while she went to work on his neck. He made gentle content sounds, and then he promptly bit into the flesh of her shoulder, but only just hard enough to leave a marking.

    *”It is fitting… yet inaccurate…”*


    ~Hrmph, well, you did allow your “fan club” to be labeled Silver Elites. So, you can’t think it’s that inaccurate,~ Jenna teased as she moved her one hand down to his manhood. ~Anyway, you are rather consistent.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Fanclub…”* Sephiroth made a muffled laugh in the nape of Jenna’s neck. He made a small jolt of surprise as he felt her hand move to his nether-regions and he began to purr rather loudly.

    *”What’s consistent…?”*


    ~Yes, I am aware that you had a fan club when you were the great general of ShinRa’s elite SOLDIER forces. You and your other friends, Seph.~ Jenna chuckled at Sephiroth as she continued to nibble on his neck. ~And yes, your hair color is consistent no matter where it grows.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth raised his head to mutter. “Oh, that… yes, indeed.” He made a vaguely unimpressed sound and shook his head. *”Trust you to notice something like that.”* He reached downwards to gently run his fingers across her chest and stomach area, resuming his loud throaty purr once again.


    Jenna simply chuckled in response as she craned her neck to lick the outer rim of her mate’s left ear. Soon after, she nipped on the lobe before she whispered, “What can I say? I study my prey quite thoroughly…”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth chuckled. “Yes, I suppose you do. I’m hardly prey though. I’m strong enough that I could overpower you if needed… as you mentioned earlier, yes? Good.”

    “Why should we discuss this when there’s so much more we could be doing?”


    “Heh, just because you can brute strength me in this form doesn’t mean that I can’t take you down, Seph. Oh no, those like I need to come up with much different tactics,” Jenna purred at her mate. “But yes, enough talk. We didn’t come here to talk. No more talk…”

    Thus, Jenna roughly griped onto her husbands shoulders and pulled him down onto her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth pressed himself up against Jenna, smirking as he lightly crushed her under his weight. The male made a loud throaty purr as his hands roamed over her body. He gave her sides and stomach loving caresses, allowing his hands to both tickle and tease her.

    “Talk is overrated anyway…” He lowered his head to give her a deep kiss, and then he shifted about, positioning himself on-top of her for some very intimate fun.

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