Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    “Umm… I didn’t know that it had such a specific diet…,” Seres meekly mumbled at her father’s advice. “I’ll do that tomorrow, I promise.. I just… It seemed perfectly happy to eat the steaks, eggs, and other stuff I sneaked to it when I was at the camp.”

    Seres glanced to the side. “Umm… shouldn’t you like… go be with mother now, Father?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Why should I specifically go to Jenna? I am addressing you currently about your creature.” Sephiroth seemed annoyed. “What makes you think a creature like that wouldn’t have a specialised diet? Look at it. It stays in select areas only – you should find out why.”

    He folded his arms firmly across his chest. “If you keep feeding it steak and eggs, you might make it unwell.”


    “Father, I said I would investigate the stuff you suggested tomorrow morning. I didn’t argue against you. There’s nothing else to say at the moment,” Seres snapped back at her father. “I thought you should go with mother because we’re done here. There’s nothing else to say until I find those answers.”

    “Please, just go to her. I’ll be fine, Father.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a quiet irritated sigh at Seres’s attitude, but he knew that she was fed up with him, justifiably so. So, he stepped out of the room and wandered off down the hallway, following Jenna’s life-energy signal as he went.

    *”Are you still in the shower?”* He asked her via telepathy. *”Do you want some company?”*


    ~Hrm… the chance to play with your manhood, huh? You think that I would say no to that?~ Jenna teasingly responded. ~Hm… maybe I will say no just to see what you would do, mister would-be-a-god!~

    Jenna smirked to herself as she lathered shampoo into her hair, more than happy to tease her mate.

    Kat Aclysm

    *”What would I do?”* He grinned. *”What would you do if I said I would do nothing?”*

    *”If you want to shower alone and have some personal time with yourself, that is your decision.”* Sephiroth’s next reply was calm, perhaps a little playful also. *”I’m not about to disrupt you from doing something that you like to do alone. I know what you’re up to.”*


    ~Hrm… You do now? Ah, then I shall have to tell my secret lover to run away now,~ Jenna’s smirk broadened. ~It was so much fun too. He was much better than you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth snorted. *”You don’t have a secret lover. Now you are just making such commentary to irritate and annoy me. I can wholeheartedly assure you that it’s not achieving the desired effect, so you can give up on it right now.”*


    ~Heh, my, you are so certain of that. What would be the point of a secret lover if you knew about it, huh?~ Jenna chuckled. ~You know I love being a bad girl. Perhaps you should come in here and try to make me behave, huh?~

    Jenna ferally grinned at her own jokes. Even if Sephiroth wasn’t playing along with her, she was having fun in her own twisted way. However, her hair was also thoroughly lathered, so she began to shake it to properly get the water to rinse out the suds.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made his way to the bathroom. After opening the door, he slipped inside and quickly shut it once again. “You don’t have a secret lover,” He repeated. “I know you don’t. You’re just saying that because you want to wind me up.”

    He made an abrupt snort, his irritation showing. “It’s not working.”


    Jenna tilted her head to give Sephiroth a seemingly bored look before her expression melted into a wicked grin. “Oh, you think that you’re so special that I would stay with you forever, huh? How cocky of you, Sephiroth.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “There was a bit of a tip-off with that,” Sephiroth stated as he began to strip down. Once he had stripped down naked, he stepped into the shower recess to join his mate. “The immortality bond. The offspring. The fact that you’re quite capable of being a nomad, wandering and a murderer, yet you chose a calm domestic environment.”


    “Hrmph,” Jenna smirked at her mate as he stepped into the shower. However, rather than give him much of a warm welcome, she decided to tease by simply grabbing the conditioner to lather it into her hair.

    “You should know full well the immortality bond means nothing more than an agreement to exchange parts of our souls to become immortal. Heh, by your reasoning, I should have settled down with the snake a long time ago. What a foolish notion you have, Sephiroth. As for the rest of it, maybe I’m just tired of running, huh? And how did you ever talk me into settling down. You were hardly the type for that sort of thing either..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth seemed genuinely angry as he picked up the bottle of shampoo. He wasted no time in washing his hair with it, then set it aside so he could massage the soap through and rinse it out.

    “It’s not foolish, it was the powers of deduction.” He muttered in annoyance, “If you want to go back there and abandon everything you’ve created here, I can hardly stop you, can I? I wasn’t the type for this sort of thing, but I’m here now, aren’t I? Does the ‘why’ matter very much?”


    Jenna darkly chuckled at Sephiroth as she turned to face him. Soon after, she leaned in to kiss him. “How easy it is to plant the seeds of doubt, hm? Perhaps you don’t have full faith in me like you claim, huh?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It has nothing to do with faith.” Sephiroth growled out. “There are no seeds of doubt either. I just don’t like the way you were conducting yourself just now. I don’t care if you were trying to derive humour out of it. It simply wasn’t funny nor enjoyable.”


    “Heh, fine,” Jenna huskicly whispered to Sephiroth as she leaned in to nuzzle his neck. “How would you like to conduct business, hm? Certainly the silver demon of Wutai has a few schemes in his head. If he didn’t, I’d have to find myself a new mate.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth’s scowl was quick to turn into a devious smirk. He chuckled at Jenna and reached over to take the conditioner bottle. “Maybe when we’ve finished cleaning ourselves up, you can find out what my true motives are, hmm?”

    “Silver demon of Wutai. There’s one I haven’t heard in a while.”


    “Heh, well, it was a nice title for you. Very fitting for you, my dear Silver Demon,” Jenna grinned at Sephiroth as she slipped her arms around him to grab the soap from the wall. As she reached behind him, she brushed her figure against his.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a gentle purring sound of immense approval when Jenna brushed up against him. He didn’t make much more of a noise beyond that however, and allowed Jenna to continue as if nothing had happened at all.


    Jenna smirked up at Sephiroth as she gripped onto the soap behind him. “My, you really have trust in me. I could rip out your jugular from where I am right now, Seph. You really have slipped on your combat training, my dear.”

    Chuckling, she pulled away grom him so that she could begin to lather up her arms and chest.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Do you want me to leave? What did I just say to you about that? I’m seriously not in the mood for it right now.” Sephiroth snorted in disgust. “Can’t we just have a pleasant peaceful time in the shower for once? You already do not like the fact that I spend most of the day with the paperwork. Why do you want to do that with the time I actually am spending with you?”


    “Want you to leave, huh? Hmm..,” Jenna licked her lips as she pretended to consider the proposition. “No, that won’t do at all. Mmm-mm. No…”

    Jenna smirked at Sephiroth as she continued to lather herself with the soap. “Of course, you could always just show your dominance, Seph. You know how much I love it rough.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled all over again. “Didn’t I just get into trouble for doing that before? I believe so.” He snorted in frustration and finished washing himself off. “You like to send mixed messages, don’t you.” He stepped out of the shower and began using towels to wrap around himself.


    Jenna tilted her head to watch Sephiroth before she shook her head. “Hrmph, I don’t know what you’re referring to. You’re being quite the sourpuss as of late, Seph. One would think that you were having some sort of crisis or something like that.”

    The sorceress finally finished scrubbing herself down and rinsing off. However, she didn’t bother stepping out of the shower, for she was enjoying the feel of the water on her skin.

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