Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth frowned and wiggled out from underneath Jenna. “Cat? We don’t own a cat do we?” He scowled. “I didn’t hear anything. How did you hear it?”

    He moved to his feet, his attention drawn to the house. “Go investigate, for I heard nothing at all.”


    Jenna paused as Sephiroth commented on not having heard anything. Slowly turning to stare at him, she tilted her head. “I swore that I gave you a rejuvenating spell a few yea…” She then quickly shook her head. “Are you loosing the edge to your hearing, Seph?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth stared at Jenna for a brief moment, and then he made an abrupt defensive sound. “No.” He replied, irritated. “My hearing is perfectly fine…. I just… didn’t hear it, that’s all.” He cleared his throat. “So what was it? Go investigate – lead the way.”


    Jenna’s eyes narrowed as she studied over her mate again. At length, she snorted before she whipped around to head into the house. She knew that she had heard the sound of something crying for food from inside. In fact, she was also certain that the noise was still going on and being muffled.

    Her lips formed into a firm line as she followed the noises to Seres’ room.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth stood there with brows raised as he watched Jenna stand there, staring back at him. No words were exchanged at this point, but he still couldn’t help but feel strangely defensive. He was also rather curious at this point – why had she heard it but not him?

    He quickly moved after her when she abruptly turned around and headed into the house, and he was glad that the focus was off him. When he approached Seres’s room, his brows had furrowed into a deep disapproving scowl.

    “I knew something was amiss when she came home.”


    Jenna shook her head as she stopped in front of the door. However, rather than entering, she just stepped to the side.

    “Seph, go ahead. The two of you needed to talk anyway based off the way that you’ve been moping about,” the sorceress invited.

    Meanwhile, Seres was trying to convince the Behemoth pup to hide under her bed so that she could get it some food. She had already stripped out of the armor from the Halcyon and gotten into her own casual clothing.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth released a soft sigh from the top of his lungs and shook his head. “But… I don’t even know what I’m going to say…” He stepped up to the doorway and raised his closed hand as if to knock. He stood there for a few moments, debating whether or not to do so.

    It took him a few more moments to bring himself to gently knock on the door. He tried the handle to see if the door was unlocked.

    “Seres,” He spoke finally, “We need to talk.”


    Seres yelped as she realized that she had left the door unlocked and that her father was entering her room. So, she hastily stood up and tried to stand between the door and her new cub.

    “We need to talk? What about?” the girl attempted in an innocent manner.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You’re hiding something from us.” Sephiroth said simply. He kept his tone gentle and calm. “Your mother heard noises. Something that sounds like a cat.” He lowered his head and sighed quietly. “Seres, just explain yourself and please stop with the deceit and lies.”


    “Deceit and lies? I have done no such thing, Father. You said that we had something to talk about, and I asked what,” Seres quickly defended herself with a pout. “But fine..”

    She stepped to the side to give her father a view of her new pet.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth glared at the baby Behemoth and snorted. He raised a brow at how passive and calm it was being, then turned his glare directly to Seres afterwards.

    “Well? I did ask you to explain yourself.” He grunted out. “Go ahead.”


    “it was left all alone with nothing to take care of it, Father. I took it in. That’s all there is to say. It’s mine,” Seres confidently stated.

    Jenna tilted her head as she spotted the cub. However, other than cocking her right eyebrow, the sorceress did show any response to the creature.

    Kat Aclysm

    “I don’t understand. Are you going to raise it so you can test your skills on it later? Those creatures die all the time, Seres. Why in the world do you want to keep it?” He shook his head. “You’re not keeping that thing in the house.” The male finally stated.

    “I don’t care if you keep it, but not inside.”


    “Why would I test my skills on it…,” Seres quickly shook her head. “No, I’m not going to do something cruel like that, Father! I just… it needed someone, ok.”

    The girl pursed her lips. “And it’s tiny now, Father. You let Zach keep Xelong inside. Xelong’s bigger than it is now.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth snorted once more. “Xelong is not a random animal we found in the wilderness. He happens to be a genetic descendant of your mother and I – or did you forget that?” He firmly folded his arms across his chest, a deep-set disapproving scowl now on his face. “That is also irrelevant as Zach doesn’t even live here any more.”


    “Xelong still does,” Seres pouted as she crossed her arms. “Still… It’s tiny! Come on, Father. It won’t cause any problems. I promise. Once it gets bigger, it’ll go outside, ok?”

    Jenna continued to tilt her head at the situation. At length, she muttered under her breath, “Human tendencies and their pets… What foolishness.”

    Thus, the sorceress shook her head and stalked away to return outside.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth continued to glare at his daughter, arms folded. Although it humoured him that she was now doing the exact same thing towards him, he wanted to make sure she understood his position clearly.

    “I don’t want to see it leave messes everywhere.” He grunted. “If you want to keep it inside until it grows… fine. But you will be responsible for it’s behaviour and problems – is that understood?”


    Seres paused as Sephiroth made his statement. After a few moments of just staring at him, the girl broadly grinned before she leaped in to hug her father.

    “Thank you, Father. I promise that I’ll take good care of it. I swear. Thank you so much,” Seres gratefully exclaimed.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth seemed genuinely surprised when Seres rushed in to hug him with enthusiasm. He was initially hesitant, but put his arms around her shortly afterwards, giving her back a few firm, yet gently pats.

    “Don’t disappoint me.” He stated calmly. “Not that you have yet, but…” He gave a gentle shrug of his shoulders.


    Seres was more than happy to receive what little affection her father offered her. When he told her not to disappoint him, she nodded.

    “Yes, Father. I promise. I won’t disappoint you. I never will,” Seres swore. As she stepped back from the hug, she tilted her head to look behind Sephiroth. “Where did mother go?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth slowly withdrew from the hug, frowning at Seres shortly afterwards. “Where did your mother go?” He looked over his shoulder also, then shrugged once more. “I am not entirely sure. Maybe she went back outside – I did disrupt her training after-all.”

    He closed his eyes and attempted to contact Jenna. *”Seres would like to know where you went. I am also curious to know why you left.”*


    ~I had been practicing martial arts for the last three hours, Seph. Where do you think I went? I went to take a shower,~ Jenna calmly replied. ~There was no reason for me to stay around and comment on the… pet… situation.~

    Seres nodded, accepting Sephiroth’s explanation. So, she just stepped away so that she could get the cub to settle down in its new home.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth frowned at Jenna’s commentary but shrugged yet again. “She said she went away to have a shower as the pet situation seems to be taken care of.” He stepped properly into the room to watch Seres interact with the Behemoth Cub. He also wanted to get a better look at it.

    “What do you plan on feeding it?” He wondered.


    Seres blinked to look up at Sephiroth. “Umm… the same stuff I’ve been feeding it the last few days… water and meat.. Seemed to work just fine.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled. “If you’re going to take proper care of a creature like that, I suggest you do some actual research into what it’s preferred diet is. It is a specialist animal and only found in specific regions of the planet, after all.”

    “I want you to make that your next task – go to the local library, or perhaps the barracks and open up the most detailed extensive bestiary you can find.” He was scowling in thought now. “Because if you’re going to take care of it, you are going to do it properly. Aren’t you.”

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