Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Seres continued to dash along until she reached the loading dock. Once there, she scooped up the cub before she thankfully nodded. Without waiting for any further ado, the girl teleported away to her home.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was at home when Seres arrived. He had been sitting on the lounge and brooding over paperwork while in front of the television. He was also vaguely keeping an eye on the triplets, whom he had seated on the floor in front of him. The father had given them toys to play with, but the males seemed more intent on taking swings at each other.

    When he sensed the girl’s presence, he was initially surprised. He scanned the area again to ensure that his senses weren’t lying to him. Once he was satisfied, he put his work down and moved out towards her.

    “What are you doing home already?”


    Upon arriving at her home, Seres wasted no time in heading toward her room. She wanted to set down the cub and relax, for she was finally home. Thus, when Sephiroth approached her, her back was to him.

    “We finished the mission, Father.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth seemed annoyed that he hadn’t been given any real information, however, he nodded his head slightly in acceptance anyway.

    “So that was it?” He gave her a short grunt. “No debriefing? Are you going back at a future date? Are you to be reabsorbed into my ranks? I have not been given any information at all.”


    “Father…,” Seres frowned. “I read the mission report when I received it. It never said that I was part of their ranks. They were just borrowing Rhyderi and I for that mission…”

    Shaking her head, Seres tried to walk away to her room. “They’ll probably ask for me to come back to help put away the camp they abandoned, though I doubt that really matters.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a low irritated sigh at Seres as he watched her retreat towards her room and he let her go. “Understood.” He moved out of the hallway and returned to his position on the lounge. The silver haired male picked up his paperwork so he could resume working on it once again.


    Seres sighed with relief as she finally made it to her room, feeling as if she had successfully smuggled in her cub. So, she gently set it down on her bed before she got to work on stripping and changing clothing.

    While Seres was busy changing her clothes, the cub woke up and began to mewl for food.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth continued to sit there and work. Though, he couldn’t concentrate for entirely too long. After a short period of time, he set his work aside and packed it up so that it would not be strewn everywhere. After a quick check to ensure that the triplets weren’t going to get into any harm, he got to his feet and went in search of Jenna.


    Jenna stood outside in the backyard, having been practicing her hand-to-hand combat moves. She had her eyes closed and breathing steadied as she focused on the various movements that she was performing. However, that did not make her unaware of her surroundings.

    When Sephiroth stepped out into the backyard, she softly spoke, “Got bored of the news, Seph?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “No.” Sephiroth’s reply was both grumpy and soured. He moved across the grass to Jenna and sat down beside her. After placing both hands either side of him, he concluded that the grass needed a good mowing.

    “Seres is home.” He said finally, just giving up and speaking what was on his mind directly. “She didn’t even regard me. She came in and went straight to her room. I think I’ve lost that one too.”


    Jenna narrowed her eyes at Sephiroth sat down next to her, nearly ruining her routine. Grunting, the woman gently kicked the back of his head.

    “If you’re going to be out here, you might as well do something rather than sit on your ass like you have been doing too much of. Hrmph, how do you expect to retain your edge like that, Seph?”

    The woman smirked at him as she backed off to continue her exercise. “As for Seres, you’ve been rather harsh and strict with her. What do you expect? She needs a father, not some boss.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth ducked his head when Jenna harmlessly kicked him. “I haven’t been sitting on my ass,” He began to protest, “I’ve been working hard to make enough money to keep things in good working order.” He began to mutter, quickly adding, “I exercise in my own time…”


    “Seph…,” Jenna started in a rather bored drawl as she continued her routine, “you do realize that I have enough riches to buy out three third world countries due to having been alive for a few hundred years. You also realize that you could just demand money from ShinRa and they’d shower you with it. They already have proven that they are willing to bend to your every whim to make certain that you don’t kill everyone again. You don’t need to work hard at all.”

    Jenna then smoothly abused one of her moves to kick a toy RC car that had been sitting out on the lawn at Sephiroth. “And you still need to keep your edge up, mister great and powerful god of SOLDIER and all that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was scowling now. Jenna’s commentary wasn’t helping things very much. “It’s not quite like that, I mean—” He never finished his sentence. He only briefly saw the object flying at his peripheral vision and he ducked his head. However, he didn’t move fast enough and the RC car smacked him in the head, causing momentary pain.

    “What was that for!?” He snapped at her and moved to his feet, deciding it was better to move away from her altogether now.


    “Oh, come on now, Seph,” Jenna grinned at him. “You can’t tell me that a small little toy like that hurt you. What sort of fearsome general gets hurt by a mere child’s toy?”

    Smirking even more, Jenna twisted to face him before she waved her right hand in a beaconing motion, trying to taunt him into sparring with her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a frustrated growling sound at Jenna now. Even though it was clear that she was humoured and teasing with him, he was still not in the least bit impressed. He made another sharp snort before rushing at her, attempting to shove her off her feet.


    Jenna’s grin only widened as she took the shove. However, rather than topple down in a graceless manner, the woman used the momentum to backflip away from him. As she regained her footing, she shook her head at him.

    “My, you don’t believe in rules of engagement, huh? What a gentleman you are. Why do I love you again?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You don’t have any rules….” Sephiroth muttered in annoyance as he watched her retreat away from him with both grace and speed. “Don’t kid yourself. You’ve never had any rules when you did this sort of thing, and you’ve made a point of telling me so, many times.”

    He straightened his posture and made an unhumoured grunting sound. “What kind of spar do you want?” The silver-haired male shifted into a simple relaxed battle-ready stance and faced her.


    A large feral grin appeared on Jenna’s lips as her mate “complimented” her on her lack of rules. Darkly chuckling, the woman offered no defense for her ways. Instead, her grin managed to spread even more and appear even more bloodthirsty as Sephiroth moved into a battle-ready pose.

    “Oh, let’s just make this hot, sweaty, and very dirty,” Jenna stated as she licked her lips. “You know how I like it, Seph.”

    Kat Aclysm

    For the first time in the conversation, a smirk finally appeared on Sephiroth’s face. “Oh do you want that now? Here? In such an open public place?” He casually stepped forwards and began to make a loud rumbling purr. “I’m going to knock you off your feet.”


    Jenna flexed the fingers of her left hand as Sephiroth neared her position. A mischievious sparkle shone in her eyes as she eyed him off. “Oh, is that so? I do hope that you give us quite the climax first, hm.”

    Chuckling to herself, the woman dashed forward to officially start their duel. She made a point of using her speed and reflexes to keep Sephiroth on his toes as they fought, for she wanted neither of them to be bored.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Heh, don’t you know how the saying goes.” Sephiroth’s smirk was wide and arrogant now. “Ladies first.”

    Over the course of the next ten minutes or so, Sephiroth engaged Jenna in a relatively quick-paced and aggressive sparring session. He was quick on his feet but it was apparent that Jenna was quicker. It would have been noticeable when he began to tire, for his defenses became sloppier and less coordinated.


    Jenna briefly tilted her head to the side as she noticed the sloppy nature in which Sephiroth just swung at her before she leapt in to hand spring into his chest. As she colided into him, she spread her legs to straddle him as she pulled him down with her momentum. Once above him, she leaned in to lick his cheek.

    “You need to spar more. You never would have tired this quickly when we first met,” Jenna huskily whispered into his ear. “Then again, our spars probably look like nothing more than blurs to most humans, hm?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a soft grunt as Jenna came at him. His vision was partially obscured by her and then the next thing he knew, his back had crashed down on the grass. He found himself looking up at his mate, the sky above her.

    “Yes.” He agreed, giving a long conceding sigh. “I need to spar more. I’ll have to pick up my training again shortly.”


    “Now, get up and let’s star-” Jenna aburptly stopped her sentence as she heard a noise from inside the house. Tilting her head, Jenna got off Sephiroth to step away from him. “What was that? Sounded like some sort of cat..”

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