Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51943
    Kat Aclysm

    “You simply cannot bring an un-quarantined animal on-board – it may jeopardise the health and lives of every man and woman on this ship. Don’t you realise that that thing could be carrying anything? Parasites, bacteria, pandemic illnesses?” General Sephiroth gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to lose his temper.

    “Hand it over – NOW.” He snarled. “I need to seize that creature right away and send it down to the medical centre. It needs to be dissected right away to ensure it is free of harm.”


    “I”m barely on the ship, sir,” Seres attempted to reason with him. “I will just teleport home and you won’t need to worry about that. I promise. Please, just let me go home and nothing will be introduced to your ship.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I am the General of this operation. Hand the bag over – that is an order.” General Sephiroth was growling at Seres loudly now. He attempted once more to yank the bag away, being forceful. “If you do not, you are in violation of my direct command. It carries very hefty penalties indeed.”


    Seres released a soft whimper before she slowly loosened her grip on the bag. She lowered her head as she gave up on keeping the cub inside from the General.

    “As you desire… sir…”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth snatched the bag from Seres finally. He did not like his authority being challenged so openly and so he and gave her a rather stern snarl, gritted-teeth bared, almost feral in nature. With that in order, he turned on his heels and stormed out of the area altogether.

    Rhyderi just silently eyed off Seres, frowning. He couldn’t think of anything helpful to say and just gave her a sympathetic expression.


    Seres just lowered her head as the bag was taken away from her. She had wanted to take the cub home before anyone gave her any problems. Now, she was sure that she would never see it again. So, the girl just silently stood there, quite miserable over what had happened.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stepped over to Seres, then reached out to touch her shoulder. “There there. Maybe it isn’t flea-infested or sick. Maybe you will get it back. Though, in hindsight, you really should have declared it rather than tried to hide it… especially from somebody with good hearing.”

    General Sephiroth opened the bag up and took the behemoth cub out. Once he was in the medical centre area, he dropped the youngster down onto one of the tables, ordering over personnel to examine the cub’s health and condition.


    “I just wanted to take it home… That’s all. I wasn’t introducing it to this ship. He introduced it more than I did… I don’t even live on this ship,” Seres whimpered as she continued to pout. “It’s not fair.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi frowned. “Not fair? It was a wild animal and you didn’t say anything. Do you think that’s fair? Why couldn’t you have just gone back there after the mission was over? You can do that teleportation-spell magic without using a circle or reagents – why didn’t you just do that?”

    The Paladin sighed aloud. He didn’t want to be scolding his partner, but he certainly sounded like he was at that moment in time. He stood there and was silent, taking a moment to pause and calm down before he continued.

    “What you did was deceitful.” He continued in a quieter and much more gentle tone. “I don’t approve of that, but… I hope you get your creature back. What prompted you to do that anyway?”


    Seres tensed before she shot a very agitated glare back at Rhyderi. “What do you think I am? An all-powerful god? I can’t teleport at those distances. The best I can do is about a two mile radius.. My father can hardly do half-way across planet teleports. And my mother uses portals for those sort of distances!”

    She hissed and punched the nearest cabinet, leaving a rather large dent in it. “I took it in because it was all alone. We killed it’s parents, and it was alone… I just wanted to take it home. It’s not impossible to make one of those sorts of things a companion.. I mean.. dark nation..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Dark nation?” Rhyderi blinked in confusion. He took a step away when Seres punched the cabinet. Still, his confusion didn’t fade. Despite being here all this time, his mind still hadn’t quite archived enough of the planet’s bestiary enough for Seres’s words to make sense to him. “What’s the Dark Nation? A whole government of people who keep those things without incident?”

    “Well, uh… wait around I guess? He didn’t specifically say he was going to kill it if it was healthy did he?”


    Seres frowned at Rhdyeri before she pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation. “Dark Nation was president Rufus Shinra’s dog. It was a wild animal that was trained to act as his attack dog. And… I hope you’re right, Rhyderi.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Well, it wouldn’t make sense to kill the animal for no reason, now would it?” He offered Seres a small grin. He shook his head once again shortly afterwards and rubbed at his forehead. “We’re not going to to do any good standing around here. I’m going to go to the debriefing area and go take this off,” He tugged at his combat outfit, “And slip into my proper clothing.”

    “Come on.” He turned across to poke her shoulder. “There’s no use standing around worrying about it. It’s out of our hands right now.”


    Seres slowly nodded her head at Rhyderi’s suggestion, for she no longer wanted to rush home. She just was a bit broken at the moment and lost as to what to do. So, the girl looked up at him before she straightened up to follow him.

    “Leadt he way. Unless you don’t know the way..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi’s posture visibly stiffened and his tone was one of mild defensiveness. “I know the way. We were there before this all began, don’t you remember that?” He headed off down one of the corridors, leading the way.

    After a few moments, he passed by some locked ammunitions rooms, followed by several locked unlabelled doors. The Paladin still seemed keen to lead though, and kept following the corridor despite the fact it was clear that they weren’t going to the debriefing area, or anywhere of use for that matter.


    Seres tilted her head at the way that Rhyderi responded to her. However, she decided not to question his attitude and instead follow him. So, she silently moved behind him. For the most part, her mind was on the cub that she had to give up. So, she didn’t even notice that Rhyderi was leading them no where.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi continued to lead. He headed down the corridor, only frowning when the lights overhead began to dim. The safety hallway lights that marked the edges of the floor always remained on though, and as they made their way further in, only those lights were present.

    “I know it’s up here somewhere…” Rhy began muttering more to himself out of self-assurance than anything.


    “Mmm..,” Seres grunted out at Rhyderi’s statement before she looked up at the lighting. Frowning, she noticed that they didn’t look like they were in a proper area of the ship at all. So, she stopped walking to look around. “Rhyderi, I think we should go back..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stopped in front of the dead-end ahead. There was a large door in-front of him with a circular turning mechanism. In big glowing letters, the door said “Water Treatment, Recycling And Sewage Management”. The Paladin read the sign and turned back to glance at Seres, annoyed.

    “I know where I’m going…” He said, upset. “If we go through here, we can follow the pipes to the showers, surely.”


    “I don’t think so, Rhyderi,” Seres commented as she read the sign. “Come on, let’s just go back the way we came. You clearly took a wrong turn. We’ll find it.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi was becoming more agitated by the minute. He attempted the handle, but it simply would not budge an inch for him. He stepped back and gave the door a rather hard aggressive kick in his frustration.

    “Nonsense,” He turned on his heels to face Seres. “If we can just get through there, we can follow the pipes, come on! It makes sense… why won’t the door open?”

    At that moment, footsteps could be heard coming up the corridor. General Sephiroth had followed the path and the direction of his recruits and when he stood behind them, he narrowed his eyes, the irises glowing in the very dim light.

    “Recruit, if you persist with that, you will contaminate the hallway with liquid effluent that is managed behind that door. I suggest you stop right away.”


    Seres tensed up as the General appeared in her sights. Shaking her head, the girl moved to press herself against the wall, for she had been in enough trouble for today.

    Upon hearing the man rebuke Rhyderi, the girl frowned to look over at him. “I told you we should just turn around.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth grunted sharply in agreement of Seres’s commentary. “Indeed. Just turn around and walk back the way you came from. I don’t know what possessed you to walk down one of the maintenance shafts, but I’m not you so perhaps I will never know.”

    He turned his attention to the girl and gave her another sharp grunt. “You should have stayed around the loading bay. Some of the personnel were looking for you. Your Behemoth cub is waiting in the medical facility. The only thing it was suffering from was hunger and dehydration. I do not advise storing young animals in bags, for future reference.”


    Seres pressed her lips together, not certain on whether or not she should defend her choice to follow Rhyderi’s lead earlier. Finally, she decided to just give the General a curt nod before she dashed off to the loading bay so that she could pick up the cub.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stood there with the General as he watched her run off. He gave a heavy sigh and let General Sephiroth lead him away.

    The medical personnel were waiting when Seres came into the area. The tiny behemoth cub Seres had stolen was in a small plastic humidifier meant for a newborn child, peacefully sleeping, curled up in a tiny ball.

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