Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    “Rhyderi, I’m a psychic. My father can feel fetuses in women if he tries feeling for it… I can feel that this one has a heartbeat. The others don’t,” Seres explained. “It’s just that simple. I just don’t know why there’s only one.. But don’t dragons have poor spawning rates. I mean… My mother said that’s part of why they never bounced back..”

    Meanwhile, Noemi calmly responded. ~I shall be there shortly, General. Please, practice some patience.~

    Not long after Noemi assured the general, the ship appeared in the near distance. Noemi circled the location a few times before she found a suitable spot to land in, which was just on the outskirts of the nest.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi slowly shook his head as he listened to the explanation Seres gave to him. He shook the egg-liquids off his hand and moved back in to inspect the remaining eggs.

    “I still can’t believe there is only one, after all this.” He looked genuinely disappointed. When Noemi’s ship sailed overhead and landed, he nodded at Seres. “Well, if you’re positively sure that there’s only one… go ahead and take it with us.”

    “Thank god.” General Sephiroth hissed as he moved to his feet. “Let’s get out of here.”


    “I’m pretty certain this is the only one, Rhyderi,” Seres calmly stated. “You can try your technique, but I swear this is the only heartbeat I feel. It has to be the only way.”

    The girl gently pat the top of the egg as she waited for the ship to arrive. When Noemi finally landed, Seres sighed with relief before she moved toward the ship.

    “So, are we heading back home now, sir?”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth nodded. “We’re leaving. We can pack up the camp on another occasion, but our highest priority is to get that egg in captivity and ensure that it’s a harmless species of dragon.”

    He glanced back at the nest, suddenly apprehensive. “Were there more?” His eyes narrowed as he glanced over the remaining lifeless eggs. “Phh, no. Leave this lot for the local predators. Maybe this planet will see some kind of return to how it once was before the disasters that occurred here.” He snorted in disgust. “Seres. You will pick the egg up and take it with us back to the ship.”

    The General took a small palm-held device off his belt and took a couple of temperature readings of the nest. He punched the data into the device and sent it to Noemi’s ship. “Rhyderi. The correct heat setting has been placed in the data-feeds. You will board the ship and monitor the egg once it has been placed in heat-storage. When we get back to the Halcyon, I will issue further instructions.”

    “We are not done yet.” General Sephiroth finally replied to Seres’s question as he turned on his heels once again, heading for the ship. “We will come back for our camping-site another day. This egg has become our priority.”


    Seres pursed her lips together as she heard the General state that they were going to leave the camp. As she frowned with worry, she looked down at the egg, then at the ship, before glancing at the General again.

    “Sir… I wish to request a stop by the camp so that I can… Pick up something important. It won’t take long. It’s just… I can’t leave it behind,” Seres attempted as she moved toward the ship.

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth glared back at Seres and regarded her question for a brief moment before he snorted in disgust.

    “Fine,” He scowled. “Secure the egg on-board. Then go back to the camp to retrieve whatever you need.” He glanced up at the cockpit, then tapped his chin in thought.

    “Fifteen minutes should be ample time, yes?”


    “Yes, sir, fifteen minutes is more than enough,” Seres quickly responded as she boarded the ship. Once inside, she rushed about to find a good spot to secure the egg in. Once she felt that she found a safe spot, the girl knelt down to set the egg down.

    “Rhyderi, watch over this egg, ok? I’ll be back soon. Promise!” Seres exclaimed as she teleported away to the caomp.

    Once in the camp, the girl scampered to her tent, which hid a small lump in her sleeping bag. Thus, the girl quickly grabbed her pack and yanked a tiny cub out from her bag so that she could stuff it into the pack. She also took care to grab some feminine products and stuff them into the bag to make her run seem genuine.

    As the girl secured the small creature in her bag, she hummed to it in order to settle it down. After a few more moments, Seres teleported back into the ship.

    Kat Aclysm

    By the time Seres had teleported back, Rhyderi had already secured the egg into the heat-storage area of the ship. He gave her a small grin and resumed checking over the constraints one final time before he took his seat.

    “What did you go back for?” He wondered. “There wasn’t really anything of importance at the camp… aside from our food and sleeping supplies. Very disposable.”


    Seres defensively hugged onto the pack that she had brought back as Rhyderi asked her what she had ran back for.

    “A girl has her secrets, Rhyderi!” Seres loudly exclaimed in an attempt to cover up her true intentions. “Hrmph, I thought you were more of a gentleman than to ask about that sort of thing!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stared at Seres hard now. “Wait, what…?” He blinked at her, utterly confused by her defensiveness. He wasn’t clued in at all and pointed to the small pack she had brought on.

    “What have you got there?”


    “Didn’t I just tell you that a girl needs her secrets, Rhyderi?!” Seres defensively hissed again. She tightened her grip on the bag as the little cub inside squirmed a bit to get comfortable. In order to further distract Rhyderi, she quickly reached in to nab a tampon before she tossed it at his face.

    “There, happy?! That’s what I needed to get.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Why are you in such a bad mood?” Rhyderi raised both brows as he watched the tampon sail through the air. “It wasn’t a bad question, was it?” He caught it easily and held it by the string.

    “You… you wanted to save the tea-bags?” Was his initial query. His confusion and curiosity only rose further as the Paladin more closely examined the object. “No, that doesn’t look right…”


    Seres narrowed her eyes at Rhyderi before she simply made a huffing noise. “They are not tea bags. Why don’t you ask the other guys to explain it to you. I’m done with this converation!”

    Thus, Seres stormed off to sit down at the front left area of the passenger part of the shuttle.

    Meanwhile, Noemi had noticed that all her passengers were present, so she had prepped the shuttle for take off. Not long after Seres sat down, the captain sealed all the exits and began to transverse back to the Halcyon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi watched Seres storm off in a huff and simply shrugged. He fastened his seat-belt once the exits were locked-down and tried to enjoy the ride back to the Halcyon. He found that having the egg to concentrate on and to monitor helped his queasiness, but not a great deal.

    Still, he was able to stay dignified, even after the ship had begun to jerk around during the docking back on the Halcyon.


    Seres softly hummed to herself during the flight back. She also frequently shifted about, rocking at times during the flight. Her strange behaviors also included hugging the bag that she was holding quite close to her body.

    Meanwhile, Lt. Zack watched Seres for a bit, intrigued by her strange behavior before he shrugged. Looking at Rhyderi, he leaned over to whisper, “Chicks… Man, they really get strange sometimes.”

    Once the ship was docked, Seres jumped to her feet. “Are we free to go home now, sir?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made a heavy sigh at Lt. Zack’s commentary and couldn’t help but nod his head in agreement.
    “I really don’t understand them… at all..”

    When the ship docked, General Sephiroth was second to his feet – Seres had beaten him to it. He merely shrugged at this fact and stepped off to begin prepping the others on the dock about the egg.


    Seres frowned as her question wasn’t answered. So, she cleared her throat as she stepped forward toward the General again. “Sir? Can I be dismissed to go home now? The mission is over, right?”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth shook his head in annoyance. “Didn’t you hear what I said to you earlier?” He made a sharp irritated sound of frustration. “You secured the egg on-board yes, but now it needs to be unloaded and placed into incubation.”

    He narrowed his eyes, suspicious. “Why are you so eager to be dismissed?”


    “I was under the impression that you were talking to the crew members here,” Seres attempted. “I thought the mission was over, sir. I felt it proper to ask to be dismissed.”

    Seres bit her lip as her bag shifted once more. So, she hugged it close to her again in an attempt to conceal any movement from it.

    Meanwhile, Noemi stepped out of the cockpit of the shuttle before she moved over to the egg so that she could examine it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stood nearby the egg, having been given orders to watch over it. He hadn’t officially been dismissed just yet, so he continued to enact out his order. When Captain Noemi got closer, he subtly shifted closer to the egg, as if indicating that he was protecting and guarding it.

    General Sephiroth snorted in disgust. “Well, official business is over. We have to land back at the camp-site to pick up our supplies. But if you so badly want to go home, I suppose you can. Keep your armour – we are likely to call upon your services again in the near future.”

    He turned away, momentarily silent as he used his neural implants to issue out some more orders. “A lesser-ranked pilot from the Halcyon will come within the hour to return you to your home on the surface.”


    Seres released a relieved sigh as she nodded her head. “Thank you, sir. However, I don’t really need a pilot. You should know the capabilities of my kind.”

    The girl then tensed as a muffled mewl came from her pack. She prayed that the sound wasn’t loud enough for the General to catch.

    “Anyway, I’ll just be heading home..”

    Noemi glanced over at Rhyderi as she approached the egg. However, he was not much concern to her, so she soon returned her attention to the egg. After a moment of just looking at it, she gently set her hand down on the the shell.

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth stopped and narrowed his eyes heavily. He had heard the mewl coming from the pack and abruptly moved across to the owner, reaching out to grasp the side of the bag with firmness.

    “There is one more thing before you leave.” He was angry now. “Please do explain what you are plotting.”

    “Do you know what kind of species it is?” Rhyderi watched Captain Noemi’s actions, suddenly curious at her interest in the egg. “What are you going to do with it if it isn’t one of the threatening species that the General is so afraid of?”


    “What I am plotting?” Seres stared at the General with wide eyes before she quickly shook her head. “I’m not plotting anything, sir. I just wanted to go home.”

    The girl frowned as the man gripped her bag, but she didn’t loosen her grip on it.

    “I was under the impression that they were all the same species on this planet,” Noemi softly spoke. “Either way, I do not know what it is. And… we will decide when the time comes, I suppose.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth’s eyes flashed dangerously and he forcefully grabbed at the pack. After giving it a rather harsh yank, he twisted the handle, more than likely startling or frightening the youngster hiding inside.

    “Hand it over.” He snarled. “What makes you think that you’re allowed to bring an unauthorised wild animal on-board this ship? We have strict quarantine practises in place!”


    Seres released another yelp as the creature in her bag began to trash about, for it was scared by the movement outside. She stared at the general with wide eyes before she shook her head.

    “Sir, please,” Seres pleaded. “It is a natural inhabitant of my world. I’m just taking it to my home. I won’t leave it here. I promise.”

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