Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51843
    Kat Aclysm

    Sub Lt Kalysto’s reply came rather quickly:

    >>_ Dude. That’s disgusting.
    >>_ He needs a shower first. Somebody who smells like a toilet ISN’T hot.
    >>_ He needs sugar though. Once he finds out his doppleganger is actually strong and useful enough to be picked for missions, he’ll be upset all over again.

    General Sephiroth seemed to be finished with his little side-mission. He was waiting in the cargo bay and directing men around the dock as they packed crates of filled with goods, supplies and ammunition on-board the ships.

    He turned to glance at Lt. Zack when he arrived with Rhyderi and Seres and gave them a singular nod of acknowledgement before he went straight back to what he was doing. “We depart in fifteen minutes. If you have any paperwork or biological needs to take care of before we depart, please do it now.”


    >>_Yea, yea, yea. We both know you have no qualms about joining him in showers. So, go ahead, take a break and see him.

    Lt. Zack rolled his eyes, for he considered the elf to be about as silly as it got. Still, he didn’t distract himself any further on the subject. Instead, he lead Rhyderi and Seres to General Sephiroth’s location without saying a single word. Once he arrived, he saluted his commanding officer.

    Meanwhile, Seres groaned at the General’s suggestion. “Yes, I get the idea that you guys wanted us to relieve ourselves before hand. Just to set the record straight, I did. I have nothing I need to do.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t have to go either. Can we just move out, please…? I want to get started…” His attention turned to one of the engine bays, and he was suprised at how large some of the other vehicles were. It was at this point he spotted the transport ship that General Sephiroth had been loading for the mission ahead.

    “We’re going to be riding on that…?” He looked very worried indeed.

    General Sephiroth just chuckled. “Board the ship and strap in. We depart in 15.” He stepped away to resume the last minute preparation.


    “No, Rhyderi, he’s only preparing to send someone else off for no good reason whatsoever,” Seres rolled her eyes. “Come on, let’s go.”

    Thus, the girl moved into the ship so that she could strap in. Once inside, she sighed at the seating, but decided not to comment. Instead, she just made herself as comfortable as possible.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi let out a heavy sigh as he boarded the ship. He strapped himself in and wriggled about uncomfortably in his seat. He couldn’t quite get comfortable sitting there, and especially not in his new fused armor bodysuit.
    He poked around the seat, familiarising himself with his immediate surroundings. It was all he could do to settle himself. Over the space of the next ten minutes, he had sufficiently calmed enough to sit there with his arms folded, his eyes closed. This trip almost seemed like a good opportunity to catch a nap.

    General Sephiroth boarded the ship two minutes before departure. He was very casual and calm as he stepped inside. After giving the door a singular heavy whack to indicate that it should be closed, he strapped himself in his own seat somewhere near the pilot’s seat.

    “Now all we need to do,” He spoke aloud, announcing to his crew, “Is wait for the Captain. She will arrive any time now. The flight will take approximately one hour. After that, we are to immediately unload and set up our post. Is that clear? The Greenhorns can stand by me and observe – they do not have the training to set up the equipment right now.”


    Seres scowled at the mention of her lack of training. Snorting, she crossed her arms. “We’re fast learners. We don’t need to be coddled.”

    Meanwhile, Noemi calmly entered the shuttle. She glanced around at the other occupants, which were only the General, Lt. Zack, Seres, and Rhyderi before she nodded in approval.

    “I see that we are all ready,” the captain calmly replied. “Though general, you do know that any of my pilots could have gotten you to the North American continent. You did not have to request for my personal assistance.”

    Smirking, she gently nudged her mate’s shoulder as she passed by him to enter the cockpit.

    Kat Aclysm

    “While I did not have to request for my personal assistance,” General Sephiroth’s tone was very firm as he spoke, “I would like to state that we would actually like to get there without dying. Thus, you were the best candidate, Captain Noemi.” He emphasised the last part in an almost condescending tone, a playful smirk on his face.

    “Take us up.” He relaxed in his seat.


    “Are you suggesting that my training protocols are not sufficent enough to properly train my crew to not kill you, General? I’ll have to make a note to put you through the next course, huh?” Noemi smirked back at the general as she flipped the switches to prepare the ship for flight.

    Once the engines were properly warmed up, the ship began it’s trip to the other side of the planet. For the majority of the trip, the only visible thing outside any of the windows was the ocean.

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth relaxed in his seat for the entirety of the flight, and once he had headphones settled over his ears, he relaxed enough to drift into a light-sleep.

    Meanwhile, Rhyderi stared out the window, nervous about what was coming ahead. He honestly didn’t know what to expect and he couldn’t sit still. He shifted about in his seat and lowered his head, not being able to think of anything else to do.


    Seres did her best to remain relaxed throughout the trip. However, the fidgeting of her partner kept on distracting and aggitating her. Each time he shifted about, the girl shot a glare in his direction. Finally, after the first half of the trip was over, she reached over to gently tug on Rhyderi’s pony tail.

    “If you don’t at least attempt to relax, I’m going to knock you out, Rhyderi,” Seres hissed at him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi ducked his head when Seres pulled on it and audibly growled before speaking to her in a short, annoyed tone. “You keep doing that. I don’t care what you’re trying to do – stop pulling on my hair! Just… just don’t do it!”

    He tucked his hair behind his back and leaned back in his chair again, thoroughly pissed off. He would have moved to another seat if there was actually one available. He was silent for the rest of the trip.


    Seres rolled her eyes at Rhyderi’s statment. “If you want vengeance for the single hair that was snagged by that, you can pluck out a few strands of my hair. Would that make you feel better, you silly elf?”

    Seres sighed in relief as Rhyderi finally went silent. “And thank you for settling down. You were driving me nuts.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi narrowed his eyes again and put his head down. “No, that’s not it. I’m telling you not to pull on my hair. At all. Ever. You do it and I hate it. If I were a lesser man, I would attack you for doing it – that’s how much I hate it. Please, stop. Don’t ever do it again.”


    ~Oh, come on. It’s just a friendly gesture. Just lighten up some day and you might actually figure that out,~ Seres rolled her eyes once more as she reached over to gently pat Rhyderi’s shoulder. ~You’re much too uptight for your own good. Settle down.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I said no, what part of that do you not understand?”* Rhyderi wad genuinely angry with Seres now. *”I don’t want you to do it. I’m saying no. Please actually respect that.”* He hunched forwards in the seat and tensed as he leaned away from her.


    ~You’re still much too uptight, Rhyderi,~ Seres stuck her tongue out at him. ~You really need to learn to lighten up. If you stay so wound up all the time, you’ll just grey up and get wrinkly really quickly.~

    Not long after Rhyderi leaned away from Seres, the shoreline became visible in the distance. Thus, after about another hour of flying, the shuttle finally settled down on a relatively flat space of land outside of the San Fransisco city limits.

    “From our previous sweeps, there should be a nest to the North of us,” Noemi calmly stated as she powered down the craft. “Take care of yourself out there, General.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth stepped out of the ship, giving the Captain a short nod as he departed. *”While this should be a relatively simple operation, let the engines get cold. This isn’t going to be a short one.”* After that, he began directing the others in the party around, helping to set up camp along with them.

    Rhyderi stepped out, still relatively unhappy. He remained near the General as per his orders, and suddenly came to the realisation of just why he had been asked to stay out of the preparation. The General had been right – he really had no idea how to help and assist in the preparation of the camp.


    Seres frowned as she watched Lt. Zack and General Sephiroth move about and set up the camp. After a bit, she snarled in frustration and just moved off to the side so that she could at least act as a look out and feel useful.

    Meanwhile, Noemi remained in the ship to make certain that all the systems were properly shut down. Once she felt that everything was in order, she stepped out.

    “We should have enough supplies to last a week, General,” Noemi calmly stated.

    Kat Aclysm

    “A week,” General Sephiroth stopped to ponder as he held onto tent-pegs, “Should be ample time to do what we need. I give it three, four days at most. Four days will mean an error somewhere…” He smirked as he crouched down to drive the tent pegs into the ground, using only his bare hands and strength.

    Once the tent was set up, he began unpacking other supplies.


    “Yes, that sounds like a reasonable estimate, General,” Noemi agreed. “This is a simple intelligence gathering and scouting mission that we created only to give that girl of your doppleganger’s a chance to prove herself. It is a shame that he was holding her back from action.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth made an irritated sound and shook his head. “Honestly, one would wonder why he takes that mentality. I have more than three times the number of offspring he does and many of them reached potential. Why anyone would want to hold back progress, it is beyond my comprehension.”

    He turned his head back towards the girl and nodded. “Seres – go find the nearest water-source and fill up the utility cans. We have drinking water already, but using the local water-supply for washing will be more efficient. Have your slave carry your things for you.”


    Seres originally shot upright as she heard her name called. So, she looked at the General to take in his orders. She nodded in affirmation. However, she froze up at his last statement. “My… slave? I don’t have a slave…”

    Noemi smirked at the General.

    >>_Yes, most of our offspring are already fighting at war. And she reminds me of you when you were her age. It is quite amazing how these dimensional things work. I never would have imagined it before seeing it for myself.

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth pointed at Rhyderi. Although he was kidding, his tone did not indicate humour. “Your slave – the one you keep minding. The one you brought along with you.” He shrugged his shoulders and resumed setting up.

    Rhyderi scowled at the job-description that he had been given. He was NOT impressed.


    “What?” Seres scowled at the General. “Rhyderi is not my slave. He is my friend and brother, not a slave. I respect him. Hrmph… But fine, I’ll take him with me.”

    Seres then waved Rhyderi over. “Come on. Let’s get this stupidity over with.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth just shrugged at Seres’s assessment and finished the set-up. Once that was done, he moved into his tent so he could begin unpacking all the essentials that would be needed for the expedition.

    Rhyderi scowled further. “Not a slave…” He hauled the empty water-cans up over his shoulders and followed.

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