Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51818

    Lt. Zack frowned as the machine started to smack him. So, with a swoft movement, he shoved it off the table and onto the floor.

    “Yea, elf, you have customers. We have some greenies from the surface that we’re taking on a mission with us,” the man explained. “So, it’s your job to arm them. And don’t but the elf too much. I know he looks like your brother when he was like ten or twenty years younger, but still don’t bug him.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sub Lt. Kalysto stood up. He ran his left hand through his spiked hair and made a heavy loud sigh of unhappiness as he turned to face the door, scowling. “Great, green soldiers. They don’t even know what they want. They leave it for me to decide for them.”

    “It’s my job to arm them, huh?” He spun on his heels and turned to face Zack again. “How can I do that? You’re the one who smashed Armie.” He made a sudden loud chuckle and headed out the door to the Engineering bay.

    “My, what do we have here?” He glanced over Rhyderi and then Seres. “One young and very attractive lady, and… heh. Realities have a sick sense of humor.”


    Lt. Zack rolled his eyes at the elf as he complained about his “armie”. He didn’t really take the little robot that seriously, so he had no worries about it. Instead, he just grinned at the Sub-Lt.

    “Heh, now only to imagine what would have happened to you if you and your brother had never snuck onto Lady Seferia’s transport and then got adopted by her after your parents died.. Tsk, tsk.”

    Shrugging the man followed after Kalysto.

    Upon hearing the Sub-Lt’s words, Seres spun around. She rolled her eyes at the elf. “Oh, it’s you. Yea, yea, we’ve met before. And I already gave you that one kiss that I promised.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sub Lt. Kalysto was humoured by Seres’s commentary. “Yes, yes, you did. And now it’s time for me to return the favour. You see, I get to suit you out because you’re so lovely.” He purred. “If you’ve taken a look at the builds in the data base, I’m sure you’ve already formed some opinions about what you want.”

    He smirked back at Lt. Zack and sent the following messages to his implants:

    >>_ Don’t need to imagine if Seferia never arrived.
    >>_ Would already be dead. –

    Sub Lt. Kalysto tapped Rhyderi on the shoulder. “We already have a fair idea of what you want. But please, keep browsing and let me know.” He stepped away to pick up a blow-torch, idly playing with the trigger switch. “I’m happy to accommodate you. Survival is the most important option after-all.”


    Seres crossed her arms at the way that the elf was behaving. “Listen, I’ve told him enough times, so it’s time for you to hear. I’m not interested in old men or elves. So, don’t waste your time with all the flirting. Belgh.”

    Seres stuck her tongue out at the thought before she snorted. “And yes, I want something light that won’t slow me down. You guys have stuff that enhances speed and strength. I’ll take that.”

    Lt. Zack shook his head.

    >>_We can’t be so sure of that. I mean, that other version of you is alive and well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sub Lt. Kalysto suddenly flattened his brows at Seres, looking very unimpressed.

    “Oh get over yourself, you proud pathetic greenhorn.” He snapped at her, “It’s called being polite. I have no sexual attraction to you whatsoever – I’m paired and mated already. You must have quite the over-puffed opinion of yourself to assume I’m actually interested in you. If you’re going to be hostile like that, I’m just going to skip the friendly attitude altogether – I can do it right back, you know.”

    He stepped away and began making notes. “Speed, strength. Got it. I’ll make your armour and then you get out. Both of us win.” He walked away.

    Rhyderi sighed. “Wh… what about me…?”


    Seres just rolled her eyes, not bothered by the fact that she had just insulted the black-haired elf in front of her. As far as she was concerned, he had flirted with her every time they met, so she felt that he had deserved her words.

    However, when Rhyderi sighed, she turned to face him before she shrugged. “Got me. Should we chase after him and ask?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi watched the Sub Lt. walk off and frowned at Seres, shaking his head. “I wish that exchange could have occurred without the hostility, as it would have been faster and more productive, but I am convinced that it was unavoidable…”

    “Leave him.” He said finally. “He will be back.”


    Seres snarled at the comments concerning her reaction to the flirting. Snorting, she just shook her head. “Weren’t you concerned about the fact that he didn’t ask for your preferences? You just said ‘what about me’. Go after him and see what he’s going to do about you, Rhyderi.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi firmly shook his head. “No,” He stated with the same amount of firmness, “Let him finish with you first. I’ll deal with him when he comes back. There is no sense in calling him back just to send him away again. I merely stated that he left early and it could have gone so much better.”


    Seres shrugged as she moved over to lean against the wall just a few inches away from Rhyderi. “Whatever you want. It’s your armor, so I don’t care that much. Hey, did you bring an apple? You usually have one hidden somewhere on your body..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi blinked at Seres, baffled that she would suggest such a thing. “No,” He responded with a quick shake of his head, “Just because I like apples, it doesn’t mean that I always have them on my person. I’m not THAT obsessed.”

    He sighed. “Why? Did you want one? Ask the crew here – they’re bound to have food supplies on-board.”


    “Hrmph, you’re usually carrying them around. I’ve gotten used to getting them from you,” Seres grumbled at Rhyderi’s response.

    “Yea, yea, the crew probably does. But we’re here, waiting for now. So, I guess I’ll just continue to wait. I was just hoping that you had brought some with you.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head. “I’m not that obsessed. So no…? I don’t have any apples with me right now.”

    He leaned his back to the wall and waited. After a period of time, Sub Lt. Kalysto returned with a whole stack of high-density lightweight armor plates. He promptly dumped them on the floor in front of Seres and Rhyderi, and then plucked up what looked suspiciously like a blow-torch.

    “You were harder than him.” He pointed to Seres while he stated this. “You’re a high-impact creature built for strength, but you’re also agile and soft. This should do the trick.”

    He picked up the first of the pieces and flicked the torch on, adhering the pieces in place on Seres’s body-suit base. The torch was both warm and cold at the same time, but neither extreme so Seres wouldn’t have felt any discomfort. As the Sub Lt. worked with the torch and armor plating, it would become very obvious that he was using the torch to fuse and bind the armor onto the body-suit itself. After the armor was fused in place, he picked up another torch, adhering and drying it on permanently. The entire process took him only 5 minutes.

    “And done!” Sub Lt Kalysto suddenly stated, cheery. “Onto you next, Paladin. I already know your body-type inside-out, so I didn’t even ask you.” He began the armor binding process all over again on Rhyderi, using the rest of the pieces he had brought along.


    Seres squirmed as she spotted the blow torch. She didn’t like the thought of having something welded onto her. However, she knew that she had to put up with it. So, she took a deep breath to calm herself as the black-haired elf got to work.

    As the man welded the pieces onto her body armor, Seres tilted her head to watch him work. ONce it was all one, hse flexed a bit before she frowned in thought.

    “Umm… if this stuff has to be welded onto us, how do we get it off to… you know, bodily functions and things like that?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Greenhorns..” Sub Lt Kalysto rolled his eyes and made a very heavy sigh. He stopped gluing a piece of arm-plating onto Rhyderi’s shoulder and gently nudged the male forwards.

    “Obviously, you go beforehand.” His tone was flat and condescending. “If you want to get out of the suit, there’s an access panel at the back here.” He slid a hand behind the recently glued back panel, popping part of it off. “Then you just pull it off. Don’t worry about tearing it, it stretches like hell. We’ve used under-armor to tie things up for emergency repairs before.

    “So yeah,” He continued, “Pull it off and go do your thing. If you get really desperate because you ate spicy food before a mission, the panels in the front and back of your… hah.” He grinned suddenly. “Do you need some private time to have a look at what you can pull off? Be my guest.”


    Seres grit her teeth at the Sub-Lt’s comments about her being a greenhorn. “For the record, I don’t need to go right this moment. However, our briefing stated that we would be traveling to another part of this planet. Hence, I am prepared for this to take several days.”

    Seres snorted at the Sub-Lt. “Obviously, I would need to go and relieve myself within that time period. I’d also have to take it off to sleep! Sheesh.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Several DAYS??” Sub Lt Kalysto broke into a fit of laughter and grinned like a cheshire cat afterwards. “Try, six hours, maximum.” He resumed chuckling. “You really don’t know anything do you? Six hours to get there, a day to settle, and yeah… huh…”

    He went quiet as he pondered.

    “Better get yourselves some non-combat clothes.” He stated finally.


    Seres crossed her arms. “Yea, better get some non-combat clothing, huh? We’re supposed to be scouting and stuff. That takes time. Hrmph, trying to tell me that I don’t know anything..”

    She then looked over Rhyderi. “What are you putting old grumpy-butt into anyway?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sub Lt Kalysto just grinned at Seres and reached out to poke Rhyderi’s armor. “I put him in slow solid high-impact density armor. He’s built for being smacked around. And secretly, between you and me? If he’s anything like my actual brother, he really loves being smacked around if you know what I mean!”

    He winked and patted Rhyderi on the shoulder. “Go away and go on your mission. You’re done up here.”


    “If I know what you mean…” Seres slowly parroted. “No, I can’t say that I know what you mean. I haven’t really seen Rhyderi get smacked around at all.”

    “And you keep on mentioning your brother. I’ve never seen him. Does he even exist?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yeah.” Sub Lt Kalysto nodded. “He looks just like Rhyderi. His name is Rhyderi. He’s his doppleganger from my galaxy. He’s just older… cuts his hair… and is about as gay as a fruit.” He smirked at the last part. “We’re also mated for life.”

    “Get out of here, I tire of you.” He said finally. “Shoo.”


    “Gay as a fruit..?” Seres’ lips twisted in confusion before she snorted. “That makes no sense whatsoever. Fruits come from flowers, which have both sexual organs. Not to mention, plants don’t have sexual orientations. That’s a stupid phrase!”

    Snarling, Seres huffed. “And fine, we’ll leave. Stupid old elf. Though I still think that this brother of yours isn’t real. I’ve never once saw him. He probably died. I bet you he’s dead!”

    Lt. Zack rolled his eyes. “Private Rhyderi is part of Sephy’s crew. He’s not dead, he’s just scrubbing the restrooms.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sub Lt Kalysto lowered his head slightly and made a sharp sigh. “Yes, thank you for that, Zack. Let him alone to his own devices though. He’s doing a good job for all of us.”

    Rhyderi sighed. “It’s all well and good but can we just go now?”


    Lt. Zack released a soft chuckle as he moved to escort the two “Greeneis” out of the engineering department. “Come on, time for us to report to the General. We don’t want the guy to get more wrinkles and grey hairs waiting for us, huh??”

    As he escorted Rhyderi and Seres to the General’s location, he contacted the Sub-Lt one last time.

    >>_ I believe your brother is all alone. Go take a break and give him some sugar. I’m certain he needs some cheering up after all the stuff he’s needed to scrub down, huh?

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