Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51793
    Kat Aclysm

    “There’s a stick up his ass?” One of the soldiers nearby began to laugh at Seres’s assessment of Rhyderi. He inched forwards and whapped Rhyderi on the butt, laughing even louder when the Paladin made a pathetic whining sound. “We have a probe that could pull that right out. Yeah, just like the other one on our ship. Pretty funny how that happens, isn’t it?” He finished up with his measurements and poked the other personnel who were working on Seres. “Is she done? I’ll go put the diagnostics in.”

    Rhyderi sat on the nearest bench, looking both annoyed and very bothered. He breathed a heavy sigh simply to calm himself down and watched the others move around the area.

    “This better be over with soon…”

    “If you don’t get it, don’t worry about it.” General Sephiroth scowled. “I’m going to break into the file-base and see what I can get ahold of.”


    Seres released a sharp hiss as she witnessed the man touch Rhyderi in an inappropriate manner. Thus, she shoved away any of her attendants before she stormed up to the man. As soon as she reached him, she lunged in to grab the hand that which had slapped Rhyderi’s butt before she squeezed in order to snap the bones in the hand.

    “I suggest you remain professional around my friend! We don’t need idiots like you touching him in that sort of way, understood?!”

    Kat Aclysm

    The soldier hadn’t expected Seres’s approach at all and was caught completely off-guard when the female came in to attack him. He made a loud pained sound and simply stumbled to get away, yelling at her once he was free.

    “You wild crazy bitch, what the hell are you thinking!? We’re on the same side here! It was funny, a joke! God!” He clutched his hand and continued to yell. “You’re on our turf attacking us!? What do you think is going to happen now?”

    Another attendant simply escorted him away.

    Rhyderi stared at Seres, then lowered his head again, now looking rather guilty. “I hope for your sake that they don’t reprimand you for that.”


    Seres didn’t show any remorse for breaking the man’s hand. Instead, she simply moved over to Rhyderi so that she could pat his shoulder in a reassuring manner.

    “Hrmph, he touched you in a way that was neither humorous nor appropriate. I wasn’t about to just stand there and let someone treat you like that. Family does need to stand up for each other, right?” the girl assured her friend as she moved to the side.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Family, huh? Heh…” Rhyderi looked up at Seres, and then offered an awkward, yet gentle pat on her shoulder. It lasted about three seconds before he withdrew his hand again. “I don’t want to see you in trouble on account of me.”

    At that moment, the other army personnel arrived with new uniforms. Rhyderi was very glad for the distraction and sat up when he was handed a very small suit on a coat hanger. He held it up and stared at it, glaring.

    “This couldn’t possibly fit me.” He stated.


    “Hrmph, I wouldn’t get into anything because of you,” Seres snarled out. “Don’t be silly. I defended you because I wasn’t about to let that man do that to you. If someone touched me in that sort of way, I’m certain you’d stick up for me… Maybe.”

    The girl then looked up as the uniforms were delivered. She took her own uniform before she poked it a bit.

    “Well, it definitely is form-fitting, huh?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “If somebody violated you, then yes, I would have to deal with that in an appropriate manner.” He nodded.

    Rhyderi turned his attention to his suit. The red-blonde began to pul at the edges of his new suit and looked horrified at how small it seemed to be. Even though it looked dreadful and uncomfortable at a first glance, he was intrigued by how much it was able to stretch. He really did NOT want to put it on, but it was becoming clear to him that he might not have a choice in the matter.

    “Yes,” He nodded glumly, “It certainly is rather form-fitting…” He glanced around, looking for somewhere to change. “Is there a… men’s room or something? Heh….”


    Seres rolled her eyes as she turned her back on Rhyderi. Soon after turning away from the elf, the young woman began to pull off her shirt.

    “Just get it done and over with here. Trust me, I’m not going to look. I’ve told you a thousand times that I’m not interested in you, so you have no risk of that,” Seres snorted as she began to pull off her pants as well.

    Once she had removed her SOLDIER uniform, the teenager began to don on the new uniform that was given to her. Upon finding that a form of mammary gland support was built into her uniform, the girl removed her sports bra as well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made a pathetic sound and retreated to the corner when Seres began to strip down. The shy Paladin turned his back on her completely when she was naked, not daring a glance.

    “Well… fine. But I’m not going to look either! I’m not even that kind of guy.” He breathed a heavy nervous sigh and waited until Seres was done. He still hadn’t found somewhere to change.


    Seres reached down to put on her boots, still not turning to look at Rhyderi. However, she had been able to hear that he had not even started changing.

    “Rhyderi, just change your clothes already. If I’m not looking, then you might as well think of it like there’s a curtain between us. Just imagine it in your mind, ok,” the girl commanded. “You’re definitely not going to do any good by standing there all day long.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made a panicked sound and pulled at his clothing. After a few moments he was able to yank his shirt off, though he was already very self-conscious of the fact. He placed his arms around himself and tried to hide the fact that a great number varying sized scars marred his back.

    He stood there and breathed heavily, trying to keep himself calm. It was at this point he took a look at the armour he was supposed to wear and after a quick inspection, his worst fears were realised – it was designed to be worn with nothing else on underneath.

    “Oh hell…”


    Seres had finished putting on her boots by the time that Rhyderi had his realization. However, she wasn’t about to turn and face him. She had said that she couldn’t look, so she kept to her word. Instead, the girl just fiddled with her armor, pulling at the gloves and whatnot.

    “Just put it on, Rhyderi. We don’t have all day.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi just stood there, dumbly staring down at the suit in his hands. He couldn’t seem to get past the fact that what he was holding seemed to be just a small piece of light leather with heavy armor padding in the places that needed it. He stared at the crotch of the suit, cringing to himself when he discovered the armoured padding there too.

    “We have all day… we have the rest of my life to stand here if that’s what it takes…”

    His mind was screaming at him that it was improper to expose himself without privacy, but he knew he had no other option. After steeling himself, he finally managed to remove both his pants and underwear, very quickly slipping into the suit provided for him shortly afterwards. He zipped it up and began pulling at the sleeves and gloves, actually not finding it terribly uncomfortable.

    However, his hands quickly retreated to cover his crotch area. He couldn’t get past the fact that the armour was light-weight and free-moving. He felt exposed and very naked.


    Seres finally turned around once she heard the elf zipping up. After walking over to his side, she leaned over to give him an affectionate pat on the top of the head.

    “See, I told you that I would let you have your privacy. Did anything horrible happen, huh? No? You can trust me,” Seres told the elf.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi turned towards Seres, his expression mortified. “I’m not worried about that any more… I don’t want to do this. Can we go? Can I go?” His voice was very low and barely audible. “It feels cold… so very cold… and everyone can see my codpiece.”


    Seres briefly glanced at the area in question before she very softly mumbled, “Trust me, there’s not much to look at anyway.”

    Shaking her head, the girl gripped onto Rhyderi’s hand. They were on an assignment, so they didn’t have time for this sort of stuff.

    “Come on. We have to formally report in. Let’s just get going, ok?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi initially made a sharp sound as if he was protesting. He quickly closed his mouth again and grunted in irritation, frowning. “What a charming thing to…” He cut himself off. “Yes. Let’s just report where we need to be. Anything to get out of here and start work. I really am getting bored here.”


    Seres didn’t seem to mind that Rhyderi was troubled by what she said. Instead, she stepped out of the locker room in an attempt to find General Sephiroth. Unfortunately, all she found was Lt. Zack, who had decided to hang out in case the two greens needed help.

    When they stepped out, the man chuckled at them. “Heh, I see you have the under-armor on.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi followed after Seres pretty quickly. When met in the hallway by Lt Zack, he just stared at him, initially debating making a run for it. His hands were still very much over his armored crotch, keeping it hidden from view.

    “Under-Armor? You mean there’s’ more to it than this?” The Paladin looked slightly less unhappy. “Good!” He snapped abruptly, “Because I don’t want to run around looking like this for the entire mission. It feels like I’m wearing nothing at all.”


    Lt. Zack chuckled again at the elf’s statements. “Man, you definitely are like the Rhyderi that I know. Though I think he’s a bit more… outgoing… Can’t tell yet.”

    The man shrugged. “Come on, let’s get you guys to engineering. You can decide what sort of real armor you guys want to put on. That there that you’re wearing is just so that the armor doesn’t scrape your sensitive bits.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi was scowling now. Lt. Zack’s statements were bothering him and he really didn’t want to continue the conversation much further unless he had to. He just followed the other to the Engineering area without saying anything further. Once in the new area though, he took a quick glance around, not entirely sure what he was allowed to do.

    “I’m not sure what we’re allowed to pick here,” He began, a heavy frown on his face, “Maybe you want to run this by the both of us.”


    “Just go to the console to the right over there,” Lt. Zack waved at the said console, “and look over the selection for a bit. There’s quite a bit, and you can decide a few different set-ups. Most of us go for light artillery, but there’s more out there.”

    The black-haired man shrugged as he stepped away. “I’m going to get our… closest thing we have to a chief engineer here. I think the real chief engineer was still on the station when the Halcyon took off, so they gave the job to him…”

    With that said, Lt. Zach sauntered off to find Sub-Lt. Kalysto.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sub-Lt Kalysto was busy at his station playing around with a mechanical robot-arm that he had built in the last hour for fun. It’s entire purpose was to sense movement and reach out to slap whatever happened to be moving. Although the mechanical device was currently bashing him in the arm, he was still having fun putting the finishing touches on it.

    Thus, he didn’t look up when Lt. Zack was in the area.

    Rhyderi eyed off the console and looked sulky. “I don’t want to look like any of these… why do we need it? Why don’t they just choose for us, seeing as though we’re all under the same banner right now?”


    Lt. Zack rolled his eyes as he came to the elf who was tinkering about with the robot arm. Still, the man decided to have some fun, for he noticed that the Sub-Lt. hadn’t spotted him yet. So, Zack tip-toed up behind the elf before he reached over to pinch the very tip of his ear.

    “Hey there, scrawny!” Lt. Zach yelled into the engineer’s ear. “I have some customers for you.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sub Lt. Kalysto flinched in fright when Lt. Zack startled him. He jumped backwards in his chair, causing his mechanical arm to start bashing at Zack instead, seeing as though now he was closer to the device.

    “What the hell do you want?” Sub Lt. Kalysto snorted. “Can’t you see I’m working here? ‘Armie’ would like some words with you too, I see.” He folded his arms and flicked his ears back on his head, not wanting them pulled at again. “Customers, huh. What do I look like, a shop owner?”

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