Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Seres deeply frowned at the statements made toward her attire. However, she just shrugged. “Very well, you’re the one hiring us. We shall do things your way. Just as long as I don’t get chafed skin from your armor.”

    Lt. Zack scooted in closer to Rhyderi before he reached in to gently tug a strand of the elf’s hair. “Yea, you even have hte same hair color… When it’s not died, that is.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi winced when his hair was tugged on. He absolutely hated other people touching it and moved his head away, retreating until his shoulder and head were pressed against the window.

    “That’s… nice.” He scowled. “Please don’t invade my personal space again.” He let out a very heavy tense sigh and folded his arms, trying to indicate with his body posture that he was very uncomfortable.

    “You won’t chafe.” General Sephiroth nearly laughed aloud at Seres’s comment. “I can’t say very much. I would have to give you the data and I am unable to do that because your mind lacks the hardware. Thus, you shall have to see when we get there, yes?” He settled back in his seat.


    Seres tilted her head to the side as she saw Rhyderi shift about away from the black-haired man. So, she gently reached over to give Rhyderi a friendly hug, being very light about it, for she knew how fidgety the elf was.

    “Hey, settle down, Rhyderi. You look like you’re about the jump out of your skin.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m fine, if everyone would just stop touching me!” Rhyderi exclaimed, his back against the wall now. “I also don’t like flying. Stop agitating me… you’re only going to make it worse…”

    General Sephiroth chuckled in amusement. “Leave our passengers alone. There is no strategic gain in upsetting the green-horns any more than necessary.”


    Seres frowned at Rhyderi as she moved her arm away from him. ~Hrmph, you really are great at appreciating kindness when it is given to you. You know that? I was trying to comfort you. You know, that kind thing that doesn’t involve having any interest in getting in your pants!~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Please don’t be offended. That’s not it at all. To be honest with you, I don’t feel well…”* Rhyderi lowered his head, turning his attention out the window. He quickly wished he hadn’t – he made a sharp sound when he realized how high up they were already and he quickly snapped the window shut again.


    Seres stared at Rhyderi as he fidgeted around a bit. As she noticed him shutting the window, she tilted her head to the side. ~Wait, you can ride a dragon, which has less safety than this thing, and be perfectly fine. However, here, you’re scared shitless?~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I’m not scared. I’m feeling the effects of motion-sickness. I can ride a dragon because she knows not to rock me about… there is also cool air being blasted in my face. I can see ahead of me, and I feel fine when I ride Eondormi. However… right now… I can’t experience any of that…”*

    He put his head down. *”I’ll recover when it’s over.”*


    ~Motion sickness? You’re so silly… This thing isn’t rocking or anything. I don’t know what can be more smooth than this ship,~ Seres rolled her eyes at Rhyderi.

    “Hey, umm… Other Sephiroth dude. Do you guys have any like… really high-tech thing for motion sickness? My friend here is sick.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi snapped his head up and glared heavily at Seres. “Wh… why did you say anything…? I’m fine, really!” He put his head down again, feeling rather much like he’d just been betrayed.

    General Sephiroth looked back and made a soft laughing sound. “It really does put meaning into the term ‘green’, doesn’t it?” He crouched down and reached under his seat, pulling out a small box. He opened it up and began to go through it, pulling out a container with small white capsules inside. He tossed it to Seres and settled back in his seat.

    “Eat a couple of those. They’re the best you’re going to get ahold of while we’re in the middle of a flight.”


    Seres shook her head at Rhyderi’s complaints, for she could clearly see that he was uncomfortable. When the capsules were tossed at her, she swiftly snatched it out of the air. Then, she tried to hand over the medicine to Rhyderi.

    “Come on, take some. It’ll make you feel better,” Seres tried to encourage the elf.

    Lt. Zack chuckled at his general’s joke. “Come on, Sephy. We shouldn’t be picking on them like that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth sighed in irritation and found himself and glaring at Lt. Zack once again.

    “How many times have I asked you not to call me ‘Sephy’?” He made a short growl. “In front of the new recruits, no less. We’re on official business now – the casual titles are not appreciated. I could report you for insubordination or disrespect if I so desired.” Even though his tone was serious, he certainly had no desire to follow up on his words. He knew that Lt. Zack knew it too.

    Rhyderi took the container from Seres and eyed off the bottle with slight contempt. He didn’t like the idea of taking medicine thanks to his previous experiences with herbal remedies. Still, it was better than having his stomach revolt and disgracing himself in front of everyone. He popped the cap off the container and took two capsules out, chewing on them a moment later.

    “This is absolutely repulsive…” He said through clenched teeth as he tried as hard as he could to chew on the capsules. They were acrid and bitter and he fought the desire to gag because of the taste. Somehow, he managed to chew them up and swallow them. After that was done, he recapped the container and put his head back down against the window.


    Seres scowled at the General. “We’re not new recruits. We’ve been working in ShinRa for well over a year. Rhyderi’s been with them longer, and he had his group from where he came from. And we’re still not new recruits since we’re just working in tandem with you, sir. We’re not being transferred to you.”

    Zack simply shook his head as he patted the General’s shoulder. “You know you like it, Sephy. If you didn’t, you’d punch me in the face. And heh, the girl definitely has some spirit.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth simply shrugged and reached under his seat again, picking out a rations supply box. He opened it up and took out the bottled water that had been in there and handed it back to Seres.

    “Yes, she does.” He replied to Lt. Zach as he eyed the girl off. He grunted at her and nodded his head. “We always need soldiers with guts. But don’t let it be your downfall.” He took out another bottle for himself and uncapped it so he could drink from it. “And as far as I’m concerned, you’re a new recruit under my command. You’ve not seen anything yet.”


    Seres blinked as the water was handed over to her. For the most part, she wasn’t too thirsty. So, she attempted to hand it over to Rhyderi.

    “Hrmph, perhaps new under your command, but we’re still not new recruits. Hell, Rhyderi has told me stories that you probably wouldn’t even believe about the things he used to do in his world. For an old elf, he certainly has done a lot,” Seres grunted.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi raised his head and reached out to take the bottle of water. He opened it and began to sip from it, re-capping it so he could put it aside again only a moment later.

    “Mmmmhmm.” General Sephiroth replied, though it was clear that he didn’t sound terribly interested. He pressed a button on the armrest beside him and took out a touch-screen console. “It’s in the file.” He flipped a few screens and raised the touch-screen up to show her. He set it down again and began to play card-games.

    “We still have time until we dock. Entertain yourself until then.”


    Seres angrily grumble at the way the General just brushed off her proof of her and Rhyderi’s experience. However, rather than say anything else, she just leaned back. As she leaned against the ship’s wall, her shoulder brushed against Rhyderi’s.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stifled a rather horrified sound as he felt Seres brush against him. He stared forward, his entire body tense with nervousness and panic. He breathed heavily and closed his eyes again, just wanting the entire ordeal to be over and done with.


    Seres paid no attention to Rhyhderi’s panicking at all. For the most part, the fact that she had even touched him didn’t pass her mind. She was just wanting to relax while she waited for the ride to be over. So, she closed her eyes as she released a soft sigh.

    Kat Aclysm

    The transport ship continued to fly to its destination. Once it had reached the atmosphere, it jerked to a sudden halt, most likely alarming the unwary passengers on board. The ship started to move again however, and it reached the Halcyon only a few moments later. The pilot docked the vehicle in the larger ship’s loading bay and the hatch opened once everything was in proper order.

    General Sephiroth unbuckled his seat and casually stepped off the ship, walking onto the cold-steel docking bay. He breathed a calm sigh and grinned to himself.
    “Ah, I love the smell of landing-thrusters in the morning.” He chuckled as he headed for the exit doors. “Follow – we need to get both of you to the fitting station.”

    Rhyderi stumbled off the ship, disorientated. He decided he hated these vehicles even more than the Zeppelins he used to ride around on.


    Seres grunted as her relaxation was disturbed by the landing process. Shaking her head, the young woman pushed herself up to her feet.

    “Yea, you might like the smell, but I think it smells like rotten eggs,” Seres grumbled out as she stepped out of the transport.

    Not long after stepping out into the Halcyon, Seres quickly noticed Rhyderi’s stumbling. Thus, she moved to his side so that she could give him support and assistance.

    ~Before it comes across your mind, I still only see you as an older brother, nothing more!~

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth glanced back at the pair and laughed aloud. “Are you sure your General sent the right people for the job? I’m glad you enjoyed the ride so much, because you get to do it again. Aren’t you lucky? Follow me this way and you will be fitted for duty, my men will see to that.”

    He led the way to the Barracks area, stepping into a cold steel room with many lockers and storage closets. “Here you are,” He said quickly. “The men will deal with your fitting. Until then, I have a quick errand to run while you are doing that. If you see the Captain, you don’t know where I am, understood?”

    Rhyderi shot Seres an annoyed glare and made a grumpy sound. “Thank you, but I’m fine…”


    “Oh, stop with the tough elf shit, Rhdyeri,” Seres snarled out at her partner. “I can clearly tell that you are not fine. So, just take the help. It’s not going to kill you.”

    The girl then frowned at the jab from the General. However, rather than retaliate, she just shook her head and moved to the lockers instead.

    Meanwhile, Lt. Zach just shook his head at both groups. “This is definitely going to be an interesting mission…” The man then sprinted after the General. “Sephy, what are you hiding from the Captain now?”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth frowned heavily when he noticed that Lt. Zack was coming after him. He gave the man a warning growl as if to tell him to go away, then he stopped in his tracks, hesitating, seeming to be debating something over in his mind.

    “If you can keep your trap shut…” He hissed quietly, reaching out to jab Lt. Zack in the shoulder with a finger. A few moments later, he began to feed his old friend information via neural implants, mostly old records regarding what had happened to the breeding females that had been inseminated by him, as well as genetic offspring belonging to both him and Captain Noemi. “….research purposes.” He said finally, grunting out the excuse. He hoped the other male would buy it.

    Rhyderi stood around the area while the men began to measure him up. He looked highly uncomfortable as his leg and torso measurements were obtained. After he was measured up, he was directed to sit while the men worked on measuring Seres.

    “I feel violated…” He grumbled.


    Lt. Zach scratched the back of his head as he tried to make out what the General was indicating. “Huh…? Research, huh? You mean you’re going to research… Nah, I don’t get it.”

    The man shrugged, completely lost as to what his friend was getting at.

    Seres took in several deep breaths as she tolerated the prodding of the workers. However, when Rhyderi complained, the girl just rolled her eyes.

    “Oh, settle down. They’re not measuring the stick that is up your ass,” the girl teased with a grin on her lips.

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