Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51743
    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi blinked at her, then nodded. “Ah, yes. A really good idea indeed.” He took out his own paperwork and began to read over the briefing and details. He nodded again in understanding after it was done he nodded again in understanding.

    “This looks like a serious opportunity to prove your usefulness. They are trusting us with a rather large responsibility.” He flipped the paper over, and pondered for a moment. “See,” Rhyderi stated finally as he folded up the papers once more, stuffing them back into his pocket, “You’re not leaving the army here. I don’t know what your father was thinking. Be sure to set the record straight. And when you finish this, be sure to set him straight so he does not put you back on yet another boring guard post.”


    Seres frowned as she read over the mission briefing, also not understanding why her father had been telling her that she was someone else’s problem now. When she finished reading, she grumbled, “Doesn’t seem like much. We’re just accompanying the big guns, nothing more. But yea, it’s not another guard post.”

    Seres then frowned at Rhyderi, “And don’t go volunteering for guard posts and I won’t get stuck with them! You were assigned as my partner, without any definitive terms. HRmph, at least we didn’t have to train the recruits like you sued to.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “To be honest, I don’t know how I got stuck with that job.” Rhyderi looked confused as he pondered the event past. “But apparently, the elves that migrated here seemed to work much better when they were being tutored and educated by somebody else who also had pointed knife-life ears. Somehow I ended up having to train them. Maybe it was because I was best qualified and knowledgeable? I still don’t know, even now.”

    He sighed heavily. “I guess you could call it racism and elitism. Literally.”


    “Yea, yea, I’m just glad I didn’t have to do that. I probably would have killed half of them because of their stupity,” Seres explained. “Hrmph, let’s just get some lunch or something. This mission doesn’t start for another few days.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi nodded his head. “A distraction and food will keep your mind off recent events. It will do you some good.” He headed for the cafeteria, hoping that there would be something available to eat, even if he would have to pay for it.

    “Are you at least looking forward to the mission ahead and getting away from here for a while?” He asked finally. “Because you should be.”


    “Yea, I suppose,” Seres grumbled out as she followed Rhyderi into the cafeteria. “I was before… Then Father had to say those things. I just don’t know..”

    Shrugging, Seres grabbed some food before quickly finding a seat so that she could eat. Per usual, she picked a seat where, if Rhyderi choose, he could sit near her as well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi picked out a large pile of food, mostly pastas and vegetables. He took a seat at the table opposite from Seres and began to tuck into his food, seeming very content as he munched through it.

    “Like I said,” He stated in-between bites of a large serving of lasagna, “Talk to him. Resolve it when things are calmed down… mmm. This is really good….” He quickly finished his plate and wandered off to get dessert. He came back with a large helping of hot apple pie, seeming very content.


    “Hrmph, the only person that can talk Father off his high-horse is mother…. No, it’s pointless. It’s not even worth talking to him about. You saw how long it took for him to realize he was sticking me in a bad spot for my advancement…,” Seres grumbled out.

    When Rhyderi commented on the food, Seres only released a non-commital grunt and continued to eat. Once he returned with the apple pie, she looked up at him. Soon after, she rolled her eyes.

    “You have a nearly unhealthy attraction to apples…”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Apples aren’t unhealthy for you.” Rhyderi munched on parts of the pie and waved his fork at her as he spoke. “An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away. I figure with those statistics, I’ll be healthy for at least four-hundred years.”

    He chuckled as he scooped out the innards of the pie with his spoon and ate them, and then munched through the crumbly biscuit crust of the apple pie. “My mother used to bake these things all the time. It’s a comfort-food.”


    “First of all, I said your obessession with them was almost unhealthy. I swear, you’re as bad as Genesis and his dumb apples. Heh, you two should make a club together!” Seres snorted at her own suggestion.

    “Second, that form of apple is anything but healthy. That is by no means what they were talking about with that phrase.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Dumb Apples? Apples aren’t dumb….” Rhyderi looked almost sulky. He finished off his plate as he continued to listen to her and set it aside. He wiped the edges of his mouth with a napkin and stood up so he could pack his plates away.

    “It was healthy enough.” He stated firmly. “I didn’t add sugar or cream or ice-cream. It could have been a whole lot worse.”


    “No, Rhyderi!” Seres groaned at her partner. “Dumb Apples! It’s the name of those apples that red-haired man carries around with him all the time. He’s mentioned the name quite a number of times. Have you never payed attention?”?

    Kat Aclysm

    “I know what you mean, but apples still aren’t dumb. What a tragic name for them… even for any variety of apples.” Rhyderi shook his head. “I’m going to take off for the day. Your outstanding issue was resolved and so is mine. We should relish what free-time we have left.”

    At the end of the week, very early in the morning just as the sun was rising, Rhyderi made his way to the Barracks, wearing one of the uniforms that had been provided to him courtesy of SOLDIER. He fidgeted in the suit, mostly because he didn’t feel protected enough.


    Seres had woken up early on that day as well, knowing full well that she was to report to the transport pick-up site that morniing. So, the girl had wasted no time in getting ready that day. By the time that Rhyderi arrived, Seres had already been there for ten minutes. Thus, she looked up at him before she gave him a brief nod.

    “Heh, we can actually see that you might have muscles under all that metal at last.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head at Seres, staring at her momentarily before he sighed, glancing off to the side because it was easier for him. “Might? Oh, my… I don’t even know how to respond to that… I have muscles you know.”

    “I thought wearing armour to this thing would be… inappropriate?” He shrugged. “Don’t really know what to call it. It just didn’t seem smart.”


    “Heh, yea, have you seen the stuff those space-guys wear? We’re probably going to be called country bumpkins from them all day long. Heh, we’re probably going to be shoved into was different armor anyway,” Seres commented.

    Thus, she moved over to Rhyderi so that she could poke his bicep. “Yea, I suppose there’s some muscle there.” As she finished speaking, she gave her friend a wry smirk.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi raised his brows slightly, then raised his arm so he could flex the muscle. “Who said I was scrawny? Did you think I wore a suit of armour to hide something? I’m not that silly, give me some credit…”

    He sighed, stiffening his posture shortly afterwards. “What are we waiting on? I want to go already.”


    Seres rolled her eyes at Rhyderi’s question. “What am I waiting for? I’m waiting for our transport silly!” She waved at the landing pad behind her. “See, it’s not there yet. So, here I am, waiting, with you.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Phhh. I knew that.” Rhyderi scowled. “I meant… something else…” He shrugged his shoulders at her and continued to wait.

    “A change of scenery will be nice,” He offered as he tried to change up the subject a little. “It will be good to get away from here. It’s a reasonable place, but sometimes it is just too quiet. We become complacent when nothing is going on.”


    “Hrmph, I just want to do something important for a change,” Seres grumbled out.

    After another minute of waiting, she released a long sigh before she began to pace. “Damn, where is that transport? I thought that space guy version of my Father was supposed to be here by now.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi glanced upwards, and then around the dock, yawning. He had woken up early and he was tired and bored. “He’s not here. When is he supposed to come?”

    A few moments later, without any warning whatsoever, a small craft descended vertically from the sky. As it slowed in it’s descent, the reverse thrusters turned on, sending a large amount of heat outwards. Once the craft had landed, a door on the side raised itself up and General Sephiroth of the Halcyon stepped out.

    “I apologize for my lateness.” He stepped aside, motioning for Seres and Rhyderi to board. “I was held up by personal issues this morning.”


    Seres paced about the landing pad as she waited for her transport to arrive. She was angsty and wanted to get the mission started so that she could prove herself. However, she was not so pre-occupied in her angst that she stood in the way of the vehicle when it landed. Instead, she skittered to the side so that she would be well and clear.

    Once the General stepped out, Seres moved into positino before him before she gave him a salute. “Sir, we are here as requested to start the mission.”

    For now, she decided not to bother the man about his tardiness.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi ducked his head and boarded the vehicle. He was immediately greeted with a rather simple yet comfortable looking interior. He promptly took one of the seats in the back next to a window and tried to relax, but he couldn’t. The Paladin was just too nervous and edgy at that moment in time.

    General Sephiroth stood outside until both Seres and Rhyderi were inside, he closed the hatch and took his seat in the front.
    “Take us up.” He stated the order in a simple and calm voice. He then turned back to his passengers and nodded. “We need to take you both up to the Halcyon to get you fitted for appropriate armor for the mission ahead. The flight will take approximately 20 minutes from here to the boarding dock. Strap yourselves in and get comfortable.”


    “Heh, did you tell them that you were busy making out with the Captain, Sephy?” Lt. Zack quipped as the General stepped into the transport. “Man, it’s amazing that you two can breathe when you get into that stuff.”

    The young man then grinned at Rhyderi and Seres. “Ah, so you’re the greens that we’re taking with us, huh? Hey, you look familiar!” The lieutenant pointed at Rhyderi. “I work with a guy that looks just like you.”

    Seres just silently took her seat, not feeling like getting into any fights at the moment. However, she looked up as the General mentioned gear. “Sir? Our gear is the best that ShinRa can provide. It is inadequate?”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth shot Lt. Zack a harsh glare and made a loud growl of warning at him before turning back to face Seres.

    “No offense,” He stated as an obvious smug grin suddenly grew on his face, “But if I am allowed to be blunt, you’re almost better walking into this mission naked over wearing those rags. They won’t protect you from very much, especially not fire.”

    Rhyderi looked up at Lt. Zack and lowered his head again shortly afterwards. He honestly had no idea how to react to such a comment.

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