Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Seres simply nodded as Rhyderi slipped away to change clothing. Unlike her partner, she had not worn any sort of dress uniform. Instead, she had come in her standard uniform, which she felt was more than acceptable.

    When Rhyderi returned, Seres just rolled her eyes as she turned toward the training field again. “My father is not a dilly-dallier. He’ll get things done promptly. You’ll see.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi blinked at Seres’s commentary and shrugged. “I would have guessed that his paperwork would take a good amount of time. Also, he would be quick for your forwarding, you’re his daughter. Me… not so much.”

    He shifted into a Battle Ready stance anyway. “Let’s kill some time…”


    “Perhaps, but making a decision on you effects me, now doesn’t it,” Seres explained. “So, he’ll push the matter through. You’ll see.”

    Seres stretched as Rhyderi moved into a battle-ready position. Once she felt comfortable, she nodded at the elf before sliding into a battle-ready pose as well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi quickly moved ahead, initially attempting to tap Seres’s arms, testing how strong her defences were. Then he backed up and came at her again with both fists, one to the head, the other to the chest. Because of the lack of armour and light sparring situation, he didn’t move fast or aggressively enough that he would actually be injuring Seres at all. However, his attacks would be strong enough to knock the wind out of her if needed.

    “Don’t break my nose and we’ll be fine.” He grinned.

    Sephiroth was back in his office once again. He grabbed the phone and called Noemi once more, waiting for the connection to go through. Once it had, he began talking before she could respond. “Hello there. This is General Sephiroth again. In regards to the Second-Class SOLDIER I have forwarded your way… I am wondering if at all possible, you could accommodate another. He has no official rank with us but has experience with defense and guarding things. I can send you his information if you wish.”


    Seres allowed for Rhyderi to check her stance out, for she was used to his inspections before their spars. She rolled her eyes though, for she felt that he shouldn’t need to perform such mundane tasks anymore.

    Once he started up, a grin spread on her face. For, she had most fun in the actual activity of fighting.

    Meanwhile, Noemi professionally answered via her network when Sephiroth rang her. “This is Captain Noemi spea- Oh, hello SOLDIER General.”

    She remained silent as Sephiroth plead his case. “As I told you before, when I originally requested your help on this, a-hem, mission, I need your best soldiers. I assume that the man you are speaking of is the elf known as Rhyderi who has been partnered to Seres, are you not? I have read his file before, and I know his counterpart personally. So, I would be more than glad to add him onto the roster.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi smirked as he got an opportunity to attack Seres’s shoulder. He opened his hand and whacked the area with his palm, springing backwards again, chuckling. “You’re going to need tighter defenses if you want to stop some of this…” He smirked. “You can do better. Try to knock me off my feet.”

    Sephiroth listened carefully to Captain Noemi and nodded. “Excellent. I will need another set of dispatch papers.”


    “You do not have dispatch papers of your own to use? I find that strange,” Noemi commented. “Very well, I shall have another file sent to your desk within the next minute. It is a simple manner to adjust the name.”

    Thus, Noemi quickly edited the form that she had created for Seres. Once the papers were properly labeled for Rhyderi, she had them sent over to Sephiroth’s e-mail.

    “Is there anything else that you will need, SOLDIER General?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth grunted in reply. “No. There is nothing else that I need. Thank you for your time and co-operation throughout this entire process. You have made things easier on many levels.” He printed off the paperwork shortly after it had arrived and wandered out of the office.

    “I am departing for a while,” He informed Jenna, “Do as you wish.”

    He slipped out of the office and headed for the other part of the complex where he could sense Desiree and Rhyderi’s presences.


    Seres was still sparring with Rhyderi when her father located her. As usual, her attacks against her partner were rather aggressively offensive, for she was determined to break his defenses. However, her attack style was slowly tiring her out. She had recently finished a series of punches in hopes of feinting at the end and connecting a punch to Rhyderi’s chest.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made a dull huffing sound as Seres’s attack to his chest was successful. He had left his defenses open there and hadn’t been expecting it… and so stumbled backwards a few steps. Unfortunately for him, Sephiroth had arrived into the area just in time to see his failure.

    Meanwhile, Sephiroth just shook his head at the scene before him and handed Rhyderi a paper envelope containing the same set of instructions that he had given to Seres just a while ago.

    “You are fortunate.” He grunted at them. “Don’t waste this opportunity.”


    Seres released several tired huffs as Rhyderi stumbled away from her. She was more than glad for her father’s interruption, for it meant that she could take a small breather. Upon hearing that she had got her way, the girl triumphantly grinned.

    “See, Rhyderi. You had nothing to worry about.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi took the paper and glanced down as he opened it, nodding slowly to himself when he read through it. “Thank you… I don’t know how well I can do this, but I will most certainly try.” His attention turned to Seres for a brief moment and then he nodded in her direction as well. “Yes, you’re right. I suppose you were already briefed on this though, weren’t you?”


    “Umm… Yea, I was briefed. I’ll be all ready to go,” Seres assured with a wave of her hand.

    Without further ado, she hopped to the side to hug her father. “Thank you, Father. We won’t disappoint you.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth seemed confused when Seres openly hugged him in public. However, it was not objectionable for him at all and he reached down so he could gently move his arms around her and pat her back.

    “Yes. Very good. Your new employer will be nowhere near as lenient as I am, so you had better keep yourself in line.” He stated with a deep scowl set on his brow. “Also, keep yourself safe.”


    “New employer?” Seres questioned as she looked up at Sephiroth. She was very content to keep the hug going though, so she didn’t let go. “I thought this was only for a single mission. What do you mean by new employer, Father?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Well to my understanding, you didn’t want to be here any more, yes?” Sephiroth scowled further. “There is nothing of real interest for you to be doing around here. I know, you’ve told me a hundred times.”

    His tone was genuinely irritated as he continued. “The area can be secured by Second-Class SOLDIERs as well as lower-ranked ones. I put you in an area of security and you hated every moment of it. Thus, I have transferred you to the care of Captain Noemi and her unit. You’re somebody else’s problem now.”


    “I’m… I’m someone else’s problem?” Seres stepped away from her father, quite shocked at the way that he had referred to her. For the moment being, she didn’t say a word, for she didn’t know what to say at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth simply nodded his head. “I got the impression that you didn’t enjoy your position here. You got what you wanted – not being here. You need to read the briefing for further details, but you got what you wanted in the end. You should be pleased.”


    “That’s… That’s not what I wanted, Father! I just wanted to feel important! How can you just say that?! I just wanted to prove that I deserved to have people think of me as your daughter and heir to your legacy!” Seres burst out.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Well, now you have the opportunity. Don’t squander it, and make the most of what you have.” Sephiroth replied, ignoring her current tone of voice completely. Despite the fact he was being yelled at, he remained very calm.

    “Changing places allows you to do everything you wanted.” He grunted finally. “So go do it. You have opportunity before you.”


    Seres clenched her fists, still not enjoying the fact that she was just told that she was someone else’s problem. After one last glare toward her father, she huffed and stormed off, for she couldn’t even find the words to vent her feelings at the moment.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth watched her go. He shook his head at her anger, sighing as he headed back to his office. Once there, he sat at his desk and relaxed, resuming work where he had left off.

    Rhyderi frowned at Seres and promptly moved after her. “Hey. Hey you. Calm down.”


    “Why should I?” Seres choked out. “You heard what he said.”

    Shaking her head, Seres continued to storm out of the complex, not wanting to stop for a moment. She didn’t care that Rhyderi was following her. She just wanted to not be there.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed and quickly moved after Seres, walking at a brisk pace as he followed. “You know he means the best for you, yes? So his wording was less than eloquent in how he talked to you and perhaps disrespectful, but he was looking to advance your position in your career.”

    “Maybe you can re-negotiate another position change,” He suggested. “Maybe you can go back to him when these hostile feelings and bitter words have settled and discuss the subject again. You’re already angry at him. He was probably angry with you, I do not know. But please, I suggest you try to resolve it. You will feel so much better.”


    At first, Seres did nothing more than stand there and pout as Rhyderi attempted to convince her to settle down. Eventually, she released a long drawn-out sigh.

    “Fine… but he knows that I just wanted to take on more important missions. We’re fighting a war… There’s no way that there’s absolutely no missions available. Hrmph, let’s just read what this briefing paperwork says,” Seres conceded as she pulled out her packet.

    Noemi had sent a rather detailed, despite the fact that she had ablibbed the mission from the start, summary of the quest she had given the pair. For the most part, their task was to escort General Sephiroth and his marines to the Americas in order to gather intelligence. Once the mission was done, Seres and Rhyderi were to report back to Sephiroth. For, Noemi never intended to take up either Rhyderi nor Seres as part of her staff.

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