Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51693
    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi just put his head down while Seres did the talking. He had no reason to interject, especially while she was accurately telling the story. He raised his head after she had finished talking, then began to add to her explanation.

    “The feline was on the other side of the portal in Silvermoon City, General, Sir. She met with our Regent Lord and was trying to form an alliance between her empire and my people. She appealed to them on the grounds that they both hate humans, but… she turned into a Black Dragon and then they wanted nothing to do with her.” He breathed a heavy sigh off the top of his lungs. “So I suppose we can be thankful for that.”

    “General, sir, if I may be able to ask a question…” Rhyderi nervously clutched his hands together, “What is going to happen to us? Are we fired?”

    “Well,” Sephiroth growled as he took in the information. “I can be the first to inform the both of you that you will no longer be assigned to that post.”


    “Father, may I remind you before you go on about your protecting your reputation thing and giving special privileges to me… You are already ruining my chances of proving myself with those sorts of posts! You were leading troops by the time you were my age. Most of the men think I am a failure because you have held me back with your nonsense!” Seres snarled out. “And they think you are a failure of a father since my reputation reflections yours!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Fine…” Sephiroth placed both hands on the desk, gritting his teeth as he snarled directly at his daughter. “What would you have me order you to do, Seres? What, in your opinion, could I give you that would make you feel worthy and capable of proving yourself?”

    He settled back in the chair once again.


    Seres was unperturbed by her father’s snarling. “You know exactly what calibur of assignments you took when you were my age, Father. You know exactly what reputation I need to live up to and what sort of expectations everyone else in the army has for me.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth shook his head. “If it were so easy, Seres…” He turned his attention downwards toward his papers and sighed. “You want something worthy of your skill and rank. But in all honesty, there is nothing I can give you to match it at this time. You would have to wait until something comes up for you to do.”

    Rhyderi lowered his head. “So… I’m not fired, right…?”


    Seres narrowed her eyes at Rhyderi as he asked about being fired. Shaking her head, she stepped on his foot to indicate taht he was being annoying. However, she wasn’t too rough.

    “Hrmph” was the only answer that the girl could muster to give her father at the moment. She knew that she had pointed out mission listed in her PHS for other SOLDIERS before, but she decided to hold her tongue.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi flinched, going quite stiff and rigid when Seres stomped on his foot. It was more than enough to shut him up again and he clasped his hands together once more, twaddling his thumbs, still feeling very nervous.

    “So, go on.” Sephiroth motioned ahead of himself. “You don’t want to be at the post, and you’re no longer there. Tell me what you where you want me to put you. I’m giving you an opportunity, go ahead and take it.”


    At first, Seres only stared at Sephiroth. However, she quickly shook her head before she pulled out her PHS so that she can try to find what missions were available for second class SOLDIERS in the system.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth snorted as he watched Seres go through her PHS. “I’m honestly surprised at you. You complained to me about standing guard at a post and what do you go looking for? Missions as dull as the first one. You don’t even know what you want, do you?”

    He sadly shook his head. “Fine. Wait outside. I can arrange something.” He picked up the phone and began to dial Noemi’s contact number on the Halcyon.


    Seres’s ears flushed red a bit due to her embarrassment of being caught unprepared. Honestly, she hadn’t expected her complaints to work, so she hadn’t been prepared. However, she didn’t try to cover it up this time.

    When she and Rhyderi were asked to wait outside, Seres simply nodded before she gripped onto her partner’s arm so that she could escort him outside.

    Meanwhile, the call had a few second delay due to the bridging of technologies between Mideel and the Halcyon. Once the line began to ring, it only took about two rings for Noemi to pick up.

    “This is Captain Noemi speaking.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Greetings.” Sephiroth grunted. “I am going to cut the formalities and get right to the point – I have a bored Second-Class SOLDIER whom I believe you wanted before. Well. She’s ready. Explain what you intended to do with her, and I just may send her your way.”


    “Ah, yes, I believe that you are referring to your daughter,” Noemi confirmed. “We do still have the mission to scout the nest in the North American continent scheduled.”

    As Noemi spoke, she smirked to her own mate, for she was making up most of what she was saying on the fly. However, she didn’t allow the ad-lib show in her voice. She restrained her voice to a professional level of confidence. “This second class should be more than a worthy candidate for an escort for General Sephiroth and his best marines. They will be ready to depart by the end of the week.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Very good. Have your secretaries or automated systems fill out the dispatch papers and send them directly to me. Then everything will be recorded and legitimate.” He idly toyed with the phone cord. “I will also need an estimated time and date of departure, if you can provide them. I need to go inform the Second-Class SOLDIER right away.”


    “They will depart in three days time at 1300 hours Mideel time,” Noemi confidently responded to Sephiroth. “The paperwork will arrive at your electronic mailing service hub in ten seconds. Is there anything more that you require, SOLDIER General Sephiroth?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “No. Everything is in order now. Thank you. I shall dispatch the Second Class SOLDIER into your care when it is time for the mission to begin.” He nodded his head. “Goodbye.” Without saying another word or waiting for a reply, he hung up.

    He killed time around his desk while he awaited Noemi’s email. Once it had arrived, he printed out the details and walked out to where Seres was. With a sharp grunt, he handed her the necessary documentation.

    “You leave at the end of the week 1300 hours Mideel time.” He scowled. “I suggest you prepare until then.”


    Seres stared down as the paperwork was handed to her. As she quickly read through it, she gave her father a confident smirk as she nodded.

    “Thank you, Father. I…,” Seres quickly glanced over at Rhyderi, “We won’t let you down.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth narrowed his eyes as Seres took the paperwork from him. “What do you mean, ‘we’? They only wanted one of you. Thus, I’m sending you. You complained for long enough, you should be happy that you’re finally moving onwards. Now you get to be somebody else’s problem.”


    “I though… that… Rhyderi is my partner, Father. Shouldn’t he go along on missions that I am sent on? Isn’t that how partnerships work?” Seres inquired. “That was my understanding as to what the partnership was.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “He was your partner at the mission I had assigned you to, yes.” Sephiroth began to explain. “However, now that you are going on a different mission, I suppose Noemi will assign you a new partner up there. Or wherever it is you’re being posted to.”

    He slowly shook his head. “You are a SOLDIER, Second-Class. He is not… he is a guard. I will assign him to another guard post when the time is right.”

    Rhyderi breathed a heavy sigh. “So I’m not fired….”


    Seres lowered her head in thought, before she shook her head. “No, father, that was not what the circumstances were when you assigned our partnership. It was not for a single mission. I do request that he be permitted to go along, or I refuse.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth initially glared at Seres. He made an irritated grunting sound and turned away, considering the situation for a while. He was silent for a good few moments before he turned back to face Seres again, growling.

    “I will need to talk to her again. Now get out.”


    Seres reached over to gently grip onto Rhyderi’s arm. She then pulled him so that she could lead him out of the building and to the training grounds. “Come on.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi lowered his head, behaving in a submissive manner as he followed Seres. “Come on where? Where exactly are we going? I want to know what’s going to happen to me…” He finally put up some resistance and tried to stop her after he decided that she was leading him too far away. “Why did you do that? I thought you hated me.”


    “You’re not a very good thinker, Rhyderi,” Seres simply stated, as if she were saying that the sky was blue. “Let’s just do some basic sparring while we wait for my father to make his decision. It’s the best thing that we could do.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed and nodded his head. “Alright. Let me depart to the men’s locker room for a brief moment…” He slipped away, doing exactly as he said he would. When he returned, he was wearing clothing much lighter, less formal, and clearly designed for sparring.

    “He could be gone for hours, you know.” Rhyderi pulled at the sleeves of his shirt, not liking the way they had wrinkled on his back. “What are you going to do about that?”

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