Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    “I warned you that I had sisters that like to hog the bathroom,” Seres commented as Rhyderi returned. Once she felt that her hair was neat enough, she stood up. “Either way, I’m going to go to the kitchen to eat something. So, enjoy your privacy… Well… At least guy time.”

    Seres pointed at Xelong, who hadn’t budged from Dimitr’s bed. Shrugging, the girl moved out of the room to get some food.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Guy time? Wait what? What do you think I’m going to do while you’re not in the room?” Rhyderi narrowed his brows suddenly, “I am a simple creature of Light and nobility. You mistake me for my brother, he is the one with low-standards.”

    Still, once she was gone, he quickly shut the door so he could change into the clothes he had packed for the day. Once he had everything together, he set his bag down underneath the bed, combed his hair back into place, and then quickly left the room to go join Seres in the kitchen.


    Seres had grabbed a bagel and was happily eating on it when Rhyderi arrived. She had never bothered to respond to his questions about her “guy time” statement, mostly because he had taken it the wrong way anyway. Instead, she concentrated on making herself full.

    Meanwhile, Jenna was in the kitchen, drinking some water. She lifted her head as she spotted the elf. As she examined Rhyderi, her right eyebrow lifted a notch before she sent her daughter a questioning look. However, Jenna didn’t bother to say any words, and Seres clearly didn’t care that her mother was looking at her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi looked around the kitchen and gave a short respectful nod in Jenna’s direction before he sat at the table. There was fruit in a bowl there and he was perfectly content to eat it. After he had taken an apple, he began to happily eat. He didn’t notice the exchange of expressions between mother and daughter, which was probably best for him.

    “I should be returning to my apartment before we have to be at the General’s office.” He noted aloud as he glanced up at the clock on the wall. “We still have time.”


    Jenna’s eyebrow lifted a bit more as she heard Rhyderi talk about returning to his apartment. However, she still choose not to verbally question either the elf or her daughter. However, she did know that Sephiroth was awake an likely to want food soon. So, she hoped for her daughter’s sake that he wasn’t near enough to notice what had been said.

    Seres muttered, “You don’t need to tell me that sort of stuff..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I know. I mostly said it as a courtesy.” Rhyderi nodded his head at Seres as he moved to his feet. “Thank you for allowing me to stay for the night. It was pleasant to be able to stay somewhere warm.” He headed out of the kitchen to retrieve his bag, and then slipped out of the house altogether.


    Jenna narrowed her eyes once more as she listened to the elf. However, she remained silent on the matter, at least to him. Instead, she contacted Sephiroth, ~Seph, I am not certain, but I believe our daughter was sleeping with the plate-wearing elf.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Oh, did he now… did he really. I can’t say I am entirely surprised. They have been working together, so they have been allowed the time to converse and become close.”* Sephiroth was very angry as he came down the stairs. He headed into the kitchen and gave Seres a sharp snort of disapproval before he headed for the refrigerator.

    *”I will deal with it later today.”* He plucked some leftover pizza from the top shelf and began to munch on it. *”Why go to the hassle so very early on in the day?”*


    ~I still am not certain on the matter myself, Seph,~ Jenna commented as she continued to drink her water. ~However, I do know that the elf was staying the night for warmth, and he was addressing our daughter alone. So, the factors do add up to them having slept together.~

    Seres was still happily eating and didn’t pay attention to her father’s snort. For the most part, she was not happy with him either. He had been dragging her chances of getting a worthy reputation through the mud. She had full intentions of fixing that today though.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth finished off his cold-pizza, knowing full-well that it was neither a good breakfast, nor a good thing to eat at all. After he was done, he washed his hands off in the sink and headed out of the room, seating himself on the lounge so he could catch the morning news reports.

    *”I did not even know he came here to stay last night. It does add up. Asking her may not work, seeing as though she may be compelled to lie to me.”* He began to watch a newsflash regarding Wutai and the takeover of dragon territory to make way for humans.


    As Jenna finished off her water, she stood up to move into the triplet’s bedroom. After a few moments in there, she came to Sephiroth wither her hands full of both boys. Soon enough, she attempted to hand one of the boys over to him.

    “They need to be fed.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “So feed them.” Sephiroth said without even bothering to look up. He glared at the television and shook his head at what he was hearing. “Such a dumb tactical move…” He snarled. “Wutai has decided to kill dragons. That is not going to end very well for them…”

    Leo and Orion were still sleepy. Though, Orion was already beginning to fuss and make noise – he was hungry. Leo was content to cuddle up to his mommy and doze against her, enjoying her company.


    Glaring at her husband, Jenna violently kicked his shin, though she held back so she wouldn’t hurt him.

    “I repeat, I need your help. If you can take care of one, I’ll take care of one of the boys and the girl,” Jenna demanded. “Now, get off your butt and help me.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth jumped slightly and shot Jenna an angry glare. However, he wasn’t interested in picking a fight and merely took the louder male from her, carrying him away so he could find out what he needed. It was at that moment he noticed the smell emanating from the boy’s diaper and he scowled.

    “Oh great… why did I pick this one…” He held the boy at arm’s length and growled in disgust before he walked off to tend to him.


    Jenna returned to the triplet’s bedroom so that she could pick up Cael. Once she had gathered up the sleepy girl, she brought the youths to the table so that she could set them down on high chairs. As soon as her hands were free, Jenna picked up a bit of the paste that had been designated by humans as baby food.

    “This stuff never ceases to amaze me on how they call it food…,” Jenna grumbled as she opened up the jar and began to feed Leo.

    Kat Aclysm

    Leo more than happily ate whatever he was fed and raised his hands up to indicate that he wanted to be fed faster.

    Meanwhile, Sephiroth emerged from the nursery about five minutes later, looking disgusted. Changing diapers was never something he enjoyed doing and today was no different. He carried the young male to the kitchen and set him in the spare high-chair so he could feed him.

    “We still have time…” He muttered to himself.


    Seres got up, done with her own breakfast. Without saying a word, the girl grabbed up the unopened container that Jenna had next to her before she opened it up so that she could feed her sister.

    Meanwhile, Jenna initially nodded to Sephiroth and looked like she was about to say something. However, she became distracted as Seres helped out without saying a word. Shrugging, Jenna simply gave Seres a thankful grin before she returned to feeding Leo.

    “Settle down, little one. You’ll have your food in due time.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth finished feeding Orion a short time later. He took him out of the chair and carried him into the lounge room so he could place him into it for the day. “Somebody needs to mind these children. I have to go to work…” He sighed as he glanced at the door.


    “The maid will be coming soon enough, Seph. She only took yesterday off, but she should be back any minute now,” Jenna stated as she finished feeding Leo.

    After wiping off his mouth, she picked him up so that she could burp him.

    Meanwhile, Seres finished off with her sister. However, rather than burp the girl or help out more, Seres just picked her up before she set her down next to Sephiroth.

    “I have a meeting with you to prepare for,” Seres coldly stated as she turned to leave Sephiroth with the young girl.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth grunted. “Indeed. See you and your partner at 10am, sharp.” He emphasised the ‘partner’ part of his statement with sarcasm, and then turned around, heading out the door so that he could start early.

    Leo burped loudly when his mother patted him. He watched his older sister and father and softly hiccuped, still feeling sleepy.


    Jenna groaned in frustration as she found herself alone with the triplets. However, other than releasing an agitated snarl, the woman didn’t complain.

    Instead, she gathered up the children, one at a time, and placed them back in their cribs. By the time that she and Sephiroth were scheduled to report to the ShinRA building, the housekeeper had arrived and settled in. So, Jenna left without much complaint, accompanying her husband to work.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was rather quick to settle behind his desk. He had a busy day ahead of him and so he began working on the priorities first, dispatching some of them within minutes of arrival. He worked diligently until 10am began to near, and he put his work aside so he could leave his office and intercept Seres and Rhyderi at the door.

    Meanwhile, Rhyderi was completely stressed out. He was expecting to be officially fired, so he had arrived early in an attempt to make himself look better, and so he could plead his case. He arrived in the lobby of the building and sat, twaddling his thumbs together while he waited with bated breath.


    Seres arrived not long after Rhyderi, though she wasn’t nearly as stressed out. Instead, she was pissed off and intended to give her father a good piece of her mind. Thus, the young woman leaned against he wall and simply watched Rhyderi as the elf fidgeted about.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth wandered to the lobby, seeming almost disappointed when he discovered that Seres and Rhyderi were already waiting there for him – part of him had wanted to give them an authoritative quip for being late.

    “Come.” He simply stated in a flat tone as he held the door open. He led the way to his office and set up some equipment at his desk before finally sitting down behind it. “All right. We’re in my office and this conversation is being recorded.” He grunted in irritation. “Please describe the incident in full, and kindly explain to me why you couldn’t properly guard the one position you had been assigned to.”


    Seres grit her teeth at her father’s words. However, she stood tall as she moved to stand in front of him. “Father, sir, we were ambushed and I was knocked out immediately. The automated defenses were not activated either. The one that attacked us was a bluck-furred feline with long white hair who turns into a dragon. Rhyderi couldn’t do anything against her attack either when she ambushed us.”

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