Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51643
    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi simply nodded his head again and slipped out of the room. He was gone for nearly fifteen minutes in total, and when he came back into the bedroom, he looked much happier with himself, as well as tidier. He had taken the time to shower and get ready for bed, and now he was wearing a pair of plain red fleece pyjamas. He set his bag back down on the floor and sat on the bed.

    “Thank you for that.” He spoke quietly. “Thankfully I did not encounter any trouble.”


    During the time in which Rhdyeri was away, Seres took the opportunity to change her clothing as well. Thus, she had quickly tossed off her uniform in favor of sleepwear, which consisted of nothing more than a black camisole with black panties.

    As Rhyderi re-entered the room, Seres was laying in her bed and reading a book. “Uh-huh. You’re welcome.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made an uncomfortable sigh as he leaned back on the bed, relaxing out on it properly. He put his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling.

    “Not even a sarcastic comment on my sleepwear?” He closed his eyes and grinned slightly. “You’re getting soft.”


    “Believe it or not, Rhyderi,” Seres softly spoke as she turned the page in her book, “I don’t hate you. Not to mention, there’s nothing of interest, whether negative nor positive, about your choice of sleepwear.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Hah, I see.” He reached up and clapped his hands, confused when the light did not go off. He clapped his hands a second time and sat up, staring up at the light as if it was broken. He shook his head as an expression of realisation came over his face and he moved to his feet, walking across the room to turn the light-switch off.

    “I apologize for that one.” Rhyderi moved back to the bed.


    When the lights turned off, the glow in Seres eyes became her only source of reading light. So, she glared at Rhyderi.

    “You do realize that I was reading a book, hrmph,” Seres snarled at him as she shut her book. “No matter, go to sleep, you old elf.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m not old..” Rhyderi sighed as he climbed into bed. He pulled the covers over himself and turned his back on the girl, closing his eyes as he tried to drift off to sleep. However, he was not in his own bed and it was uncomfortable. He wriggled around a little, causing the bed to creak and make noises.

    He settled again. At least, until a sheet-wrinkle bothered him. The red-blonde Elf wriggled once again, grunting slightly as he tried to find the best position he could for sleeping in.


    Fortunately for Seres, she was in her own bed, so she did not have any discomfort issues. Instead, she simply curled up in her covers so that she could fall asleep. Within a few moments of closing her eyes, the girl was fast asleep.

    However, someone else in the household was attracted to all the creaking. As Rhyderi shuffled about, a light weight suddenly pounced onto the bed. Soon enough, the elf had a dragon sitting on him and staring down at him. ~You’re new.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi turned his head when he heard the sounds. He loudly yelped as he saw the dragon and moved his hands up to protect his face. “Geez, it’s a whelp! What are you doing? Don’t scare me like that!”

    He forced himself to relax and sat up a bit, eyes fixated on the dragon.


    ~This is my home. I live with my parents,~ Xelong simply explained. ~It’s proper for me to be here, at home.~

    The dragon stepped off of Rhyderi to sit down next to his form instead of on top of it. ~You, are not supposed to be here. You’re new. You’re also making lots and lots of noise.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sat up properly and gently pushed the dragon off himself. “I am supposed to be here,” He began to explain, “Seres invited me to be here because the electricity to my apartment has been shut off.”

    He sighed. “Is that good enough of an explanation for you?”


    Xelong seemed to huff a bit as he was pushed, for he had already been moving off Rhyderi when the elf nudged him. So, he sat his rump down on the bed, still sitting right next to the elf.

    ~I am just curious. Thought it was a mouse making lots and lots of shifting noises. But your’e no mouse,~ the dragon stated as he yawned. ~Sleep time, not make lots of noise time.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi scowled slightly. “Well I’m sorry I sound like your prey. But I’m not…” He sighed. “What is a red dragon doing hunting mice anyway? I’ve never even seen another dragon around until recently, let alone ones as big enough to be your parents.”

    He lay back down once again. “I’ll try making less noise.”


    ~I live here and mice are nice snacks. They annoy everyone, so it works,~ Xelong proclaimed. ~And I’m red and silver, not red… My parents live here. They are Jenna and Sephiroth. That my parents.~

    Yawning, the dragon decided to curl up in the spot where he was sitting on, right next to Rhyderi.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi’s eyes widened. “Your parents are humans… that doesn’t even make sense…” He rolled onto his side and pulled the covers over his head. He was determined to try and get a good night sleep, not caring about the circumstances.


    ~Yes, explained to me once. Long time ago, trickster came and played games for a while, turned them into dragons. Thus, I was born,~ Xelong explained. ~Late now though, and time for sleep. Not time for stories.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi slowly nodded his head in acceptance. After some more wiggling around, he was finally settled down enough to get some sleep. Over the course of the night, he twitched and moved occaisonally, but his sleep was undisturbed and peaceful.

    By morning, he was curled up and completely buried under the covers, still very much heavily asleep.


    Seres groaned as morning came, which also greeted her with a stream of light peaking through the blinds and hitting her in the face. After a few moments of this, the girl stumbled out of bed and moved to the bathroom so that she could get ready for the day.

    Being that she was still half-asleep, she took no notice toward the elf and dragon that were sleeping in the other bed.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi wiggled slightly in discomfort, then rolled onto his side. He groaned as he could sense the morning light shining in through the window and he did not like it. He kept the covers over him, curling up again so he could continue to sleep.


    Xelong, being the sleep-lover that he was, didn’t even peep as the sun hit him. In fact, he regularly slept in the sun to soak up the rays, so having sunlight on him didn’t affect him at all.

    After about twenty minutes in the bathroom, Seres returned to her room, garbed only in a single towel that was wrapped about her bosom. The towel covered her torso, but gave a good view of her legs and arms. Without thinking about Rhyderi, the girl flipped on the light so that she could pick out her clothing for the day.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi flicked an ear as he heard noises nearby. He raised his head, blinking as he saw Seres in only a towel. With a gentle yelp, he buried his head back under the covers again.

    “I wasn’t looking! Ah… I wasn’t even… slightly… looking… no…” He coughed. “And, I did, not saying that I did… but even if I was… I wouldn’t have seen anything. Nope. I may or may not have accidentally put my head out.” He flinched finally, his mood shifting to frustration. “Next time, WARN ME!!”


    Seres released a startled yelp as Rhyderi suddenly started to ramble on about not looking. Once he finished off,s he scowled in frustration.

    “I forgot you were there. Sheesh, sorry. Anyway, it’s not like I’m completely nude. Hrmph, stop being such a wuss,” Seres countered as she quickly gathered up clothing to put on.

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m not being a wuss,” Rhyderi stated, his tone sharp, “I’m being modest, considerate, and shy.” He waited a few moments until he figured Seres was decent, then sat up and attempted to flatten his red-blonde mess of hair down with his hands.

    “You should be thanking me. I respect your privacy… it’s more than some others will do.” He snorted.


    “Respecting my privacy is one thing,” Seres stated as she slipped her shirt on. “Blathering on like an idiot who has seen the full monty when he only saw nothing more than what he would see if I wore a dress is stupid.”

    Shaking her head, Seres moved to her bed so that she could neaten up her hair.

    Kat Aclysm

    “The… the what…?” Rhyderi just stared blankly, a confused expression on his face all over again.

    He finally slid off the bed and picked up his bag. “Excuse me for one moment.” He slipped out of the room and headed to the bathroom. However, much to his misfortune, the door was locked on this occasion. He stood outside the door for a brief moment before he came back into the bedroom.

    “Damn…” He muttered as he sat back down on the bed.

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